Birthday Party...What would you do?
First of all my SO pays his CP, he pays extras when the kids need something like for sports or activities, and he participates anyway he can. I'm already pissed off that BM just put braces on the FSD without my SO knowing. In their divorce papers it said all medical prodecures would be discussed and a decision would be made 50/50. The SD wanted them (they are for cosmetic) reasons and I have no problem him helping to pay for them. I do have a problem that she did it behind his back and now is giving him his "payment coupons" when all the kid had to do is wait one month and he would have made his half of the payment in full. There was no discussion between BM and SO.
So BM sends a text to SO on Sunday saying that SD's bday is on such and such date at such and such place. Well she scheduled it on a day that he had to work (mind you he works 24 hour shifts so he only works 2 days a week.) She has his monthy's not like it changes. So he asked if she could schedule it the day before or another day so he could attend if not he would have to see if he could do a shift swap (which isn't a guarentee.) She flat out said NO. So, a few moments later he gets another text asking if he could help with the Birthday Party. The Birthday Party that he had no say in what-so-ever. He had no say in the date, location, the guest list, party favors, gift bags...NOTTA. It was told to him when and where and she even admitted she knew it was on a day he had to work.
So my question is would you contribute? Or is that what CP is for? I don't know, I have my own biokids but I don't ask my ex for anything extra for things like Bday parties...we split the cost on activities and uniforms. My ex and I have a good relationship but he does his thing and I do mine for things such as Bdays.
Oppps sorry for the double
Oppps sorry for the double post. Crap...I gotta figure out if I can delete one of the threads.
I wouldn't contribute. The
I wouldn't contribute. The way it works with us (for SS and BS), we throw our own seperate parties from the other parents. Well, SS's BM is a freaking loser who isn't even allowed to see SS). But my son has a party at my house with friends and my side of the family and his dad has a party for him with his side of the family. I would absolutely NOT contribute to that! Throw her your own party when it's convinient to you! wasn't like we wasn't like we weren't doing anything with her. I've always done something special for each on of my SKIDS for their birthday. I thought it was pretty ridiculous she asked.
I can tell you right now what
I can tell you right now what my dh would say. That would be NO, he really gets pissy about stuff like that. He will tell bm that he is in no way willing to help her if she can't be nice enough to move the date so he can be there. It works both ways!
ETA: It is no different then if bm signed the kids up for somehting and expects dh to pay half as she did before. He told her he would if she called him and asked ahead of time if he thought it was a good idea and they discussed it together. She never asked again.
Hell no we wouldn't pay a
Hell no we wouldn't pay a dime. If she's not following the paperwork, she will have to take him to court for the braces money and no judge would make him pay 1/2 when the agreement wasn't followed.
EX knew his schedule and
EX knew his schedule and purposely planned the event knowing he would not be coming. So I would do the same for anyone who did not invite me but asked for donations to entertain a bunch of other people. "Laugh at them" because surely this is a joke.
I completely agree with you
I completely agree with you guys! I think it's ridiculous and SO "says" he agrees but he has no freakin backbone with it comes to the "golden uterus." If he does...hell will break loose. }:)
Well I guess he told me. I
Well I guess he told me. I was just informed by SO that "he probably won't contribute" but he is going to go ahead and rearrange his schedule for her so he can go. Which means "I'm going to sneak the golden uterus some money because I won't be there" because when it comes to her he is ball less. It's not like we were doing anything for his daughter. We already had something for her planned. I don't get it. He will only be surrounded by the BMs friends and her family and they all hate SO (and vice versa.) So what's the point? He even had the nerve to ask if he could bring one of my biokids...Ummm...I don't think so.
I wouldn't contribute for the
I wouldn't contribute for the sheer fact that he wont be attending. It's not a party from him if he cant even be there with her. Since she went out of her way to exclude him by picking a day he could not attend....then by doing so she forfeited any claim she would have to any financial assistance in regards to pulling the party off.