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Do you go on "family" vacations? Do your SKs drive YOUR car?

kerryann67's picture

My DH wants to go on "family" vacations every summer and I have a hard time tolerating my SS12 for a ride to a restaurant, much less a 6 hour drive to California... and then staying with him in the same hotel room. last time he also brought his daughter 19, and BM'S oldest child WHO IS NOT EVEN HIS CHILD. I had never even met the skank until I came home and they were loading up the van for the trip. She was a total b**** the whole time!

That was a nightmare vacation for me.

Now DH wants to plan another trip to Disneyland, and flat out refuses to go without me. Says it's not fun without me. HA I can't imagine that he thinks it's fun WITH me, but okay. He says he will only be taking his son 12, but that kid is nightmare enough for three kids. Can you say ATTITUDE??

What are your thoughts?? Any suggestions?

by the way, the last time we were planning to go to CA for a wedding, BM decided that was the perfect weekend to go there for a vacation and wanted to stay in same hotel. Whew, good thing we changed our plans.

starfish's picture

you couldn't pay me enough to go on a "family" vacation that included skids, so i don't know what to tell ya. but maybe say "sure, i'll go" and then something comes up at the last minute and you can't make it, but it sure would be great bonding time for dh & ss

skylarksms's picture

No we don't go on family vacations. We can't really afford it much and the skids don't want to drive further than they already do for visitation.

No, the skids don't drive my car. Ever. Not even an option on the table.

They DID drive my last car because they were both practicing for their driver's test. BUT - this car is valuable and has a clutch, which neither of them know how to drive.

I won't even let my SON drive my car. I let my father drive it and NN (H) got mad at me!!

starfish's picture

forgot about the car question, skids aren't old enough yet, but when they are i don't fucking think so and dh will be totally on board with me..... i barely let them ride in my car, drive it? OMG the mere thought of that is funny as shit!! i'm also quite certain they know it and neither would have the balls to ask

Eyes Wide Open's picture

DH thinks it would be "fun" to take SD24, her spawn and baby daddy to Disneyworld. Ummmm???? What part of disengagment does he NOT get? Not to mention, BM REWARDED them with a trip there after baby #2 popped out -- no one was working, but that's ok!!!! There aren't enough valium vodka martinis in the free world for me to spend a vacation with her highness---I can't stand her for more than an hour!!!!!

Bear in mind, he has a son, too, who he NEVER mentions vacationing with.

I do not take my grown child on vacations with me, unless it's a family function and we're all expected to be there together. As we all know, family functions are not necessarily vacations!

DH just has this "big happy family" thing. We are NOT it!!!!!

kerryann67's picture

Your DH is as clueless as mine!!! what is wrong with these men??

I swear, someone needs to put them all into a room and give them some education about women, relationships, life and COMMONFUCKINGSENSE!!!

simifan's picture

Vacations - We do one week with & one without. Though truly I do not have a problem with SD going it is more a matter of scheduling.

No SD will not be allowed to drive my car, but in all fairness she is too irresponsible even if she was a bio child I wouldn't let her drive my car at present.

purpledaisies's picture

We do go on vacation and it is really not that bad. My dh makes a good effort on making the skids behave. However it is inevitable that they will start to whine about wanting this and that and going out to eat all the time.

But dh just tells them no and sets a budget to spend on each kid.

I won't lie it is more stressful for me as I am not their mother and I choose to have 2 kids for a reason. Having that many kids together creates for them to feed off each other. But I look at it as they are kids and are doing normal kid things for the most part. If the are doing normal kid things I can handle it.

I forgot to answer the driving part. My dd and ss15 are good drivers and I would let them drive as they have not given any indication that they would not respect my car. My ds on the other hand umm well he is not ready yet, he is slowly learning but I have to tell you I am having a hard time with his progress.

what-was-I-thinking's picture

I dread summer 'family' vacations. We used to go on a vacation without the skid to visit my family. I absolutly REFUSE to take DH PITA kid with us to visit my family. They would totally be appalled at his behavior. Not to mention I dont want to spend that kind of money on a plane ticket for him. We went to Disney 2 years ago & SS was kind enough to ruin that vacation. I dont even want to think about whats going to happen this summer.

steptwins's picture

Refuse to go or discuss it w/DH. Past experiences have fully supported that its waste of my money (I have to pay 1/2 of the major bill/rental or whatever) b.c. while on "vacation", I am NEVER asked: what do u want to do 2day, eat, etc. Its 100% about them having fun. NOT a vacation for me. And since I work, I have to count those days off & they are very limited so no week of torture please. I'd rather be working LOL. I go w/friends and sisters vs. DH - he only wants to golf and watch TV. Again, not the Brady Bunch camping scenario I thought when I got married but I'm making lemonade from lemons...

starfish's picture

i would have lost my mind:

"i couldn't take a single picture of bd without sd literally running from wherever she was every time she saw me get my camera out to be in the picture"

were you able to photoshop her out of any?? more of the ME ME ME, look at ME mentality...

i have not taken any photos of skids in about 5-6 years, hope mil has a photo album going for dh, b/c starfish has no interest.. just, dh, me, dogs, kitties, our friends and family (just not skids) are in my albums

usnam1's picture

its so lovely and great to drive car with family. It's awesome because during drive car get enjoy with family even facilitize to family like that sister or brother or father.

Driving lessons Leeds