I know...I know she is great, she is generous..she is good..but my god...why do we, as a society give so much power to one person?? why?? It boggles my mind, I just don't understand it.
She is a human being..a very rich human being but none the less no better and no worse than you and what is it that people are so enthralled with?? Someone please enlighten me..please…
:? :? :? :?
I feel the same. I saw a
I feel the same. I saw a commercial last night where they showed clips of the final episodes of M*A*S*H, The Cosby Show, Cheers, Late Night with Johnny Carson, etc & then did this reel of clips from the Oprah Show.
Yes, she's had a long-running show & she's done good things. I'm not sure why...I guess because she's daytime & I work 8-5 so her show really doesn't have significance to me, but for me, the way they portrayed her show as being equal to those just really didn't work right.
I'm not sure why.
I'm not saying she shouldn't be celebrated, but there is such a thing as going over the top, & I believe she's doing it.
I have watched Oprah and yes
I have watched Oprah and yes she has done some great things, but so have many other people. I saw a commercial where one celebrity said to her "You may have not have any children of your own but you have mothered millions"...I mean geez louise...enough....
I would like to celebrate people who do it just because. I have seen and worked with volunteers that give every spare moment of their time helping others without so much as a wisper..They do it without recognition and without complaint.. Now them I celebrate....
Just my opinion.... Z
I think the mousey woman who
I think the mousey woman who sat in our waiting room and knitted hats and scarves in the heat of summer for the homeless shelters for winter is worth a hundred Oprahs.
Yes she did good. But what an interesting observation on society that we place such reverence and hero worhip at her feet. What drives a society to wait for her blessing on anything?
IS she giving it all up to take in children who need adoption? Is she taking on some parentl;ess teens and directing them into a better life?
No, she is starting her own TV network ... and make MORE money.
Well I can see why you would
Well I can see why you would think that...I've noticed this myself on a few of her shows and I thought wow, that is not right.
I just wish people would love and respect themselves as much as they do her...that's all....It makes me wonder where as a society are we headed..hmmm something to ponder....
Speaking of.....SS's BM was
Speaking of.....SS's BM was 30 minutes late picking him up after school today because she was watching the final OPRAH show and lost track of time!! He WAS NOT HAPPY when I picked him up from her house tonight. Then according to the kids she sped home like a maniac and told them to go to their rooms and not come out and bother her while it was on!
My DH has told me stories about how she would do nothing in the afternoons and scheduled everything around OPRAH when they were married. That was 10 years ago, I guess some things never change!
I haven't watched Oprah in a
I haven't watched Oprah in a long time now, I was a regular when I was a stay at home mom, which was over 2 years ago.
I've watched a few shows here and there, and I always observed that whenever she was trying to do a show that was emotionally charged or significant, or a show to bring knowledge about abuse of any kind or to get people to have an "ah ha" moment...she ALWAYS cut the people off she was interviewing and always tried to say something so profound, so epic, to override the person's story and make her seem like the smart one.
Anybody else ever notice that?
That always pissed me off lol
Yes I have noticed that and
Yes I have noticed that and it totally irritated me. I did watch some of her FINAL SHOW yesterday because my friend had it on and it was nothing but a lecture...blah blah blah....omg enough
She is celebrating her own
She is celebrating her own self imo. I also believe she is racist and sexist. I am glad we can stop hearing about it now. The liberal media will be the downfall of our society, along with political correctness.