CS payments

lucky2bme87's picture

Hello everyone,

My DH sometimes pays 2 or 3 months ahead in CS. But I don't know if the court sees it like that. (We live in NC) If he pays extra, don't they just see it as him willing to overpay? He thinks that if he pays 3 times the amount for one month, he can just forego the next two months and not have to pay anything. Online, it will tell him he has a "credit." Is this true? I don't know really anything about it, but it seems like they'll think he's not paying the other two months. Does anyone else have any advice? Thanks so much in advance! Smile

Jsmom's picture

He needs to stop doing it or it will get confusing. Just stick to the monthly amount. No more no less. If he feels a need to pay more, put it in another account and only use that account to link to the CS Office. We have heard stories on here of Dads overpaying and then not getting credit for the amount. It was seen as a gift. Tell him to stop...

Wish2Bdramafree's picture

I agree with Jsmom... Especially if BM is as horrific as T-dub at budgeting her broke rear end, she'll just end up asking for extra money. I know it seems easier to budget money ahead of tine if you have it at the moment, but it makes it more difficult to track. Stick to the schedules, it will save the headache

stepmama2one's picture

I would just put it in an account and use the account for CS only. My husband tried to pay a couple MONTHS ahead and child support eforcment messed the payment up making it look like my husband was late on payment. By the time it was all cleared up my husband had a witholding on his paycheck. He gets paid biweekly so sometimes instead of taking $500.00 out a month because a couple of months out of the year he gets paid three times those times they were taking out $750.00 a month because with the withholding they were taking money out of his chenck everytime he got paid. I wouldnt pay it all up front. Child support enforcement are sometimes crooked people and I wouldnt want to pay $8000.00 ahead or whatever it would cost to pay in full and have the chance of having my money "mysteriously" come up missing, making you miss a payment and making you look like you are behind.