Sooooo I wrote a blog about two weeks ago saying my SO cheated and I found the text messages. I have now left him and moved out. I quit my job and moved six hours away. I went out to a bar last night with my girlfriend and I really just wanted to run back to him and forget it. I know what I am doing is whats best but I miss my old life. I miss going home to the boys and being with him. I am just going day by day. You ladies have been really nice and supportive so if you ladies can send me supportive thoughts I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Marissamae! I'm so glad you
Marissamae! I'm so glad you posted.
You will miss it for a while. Think of it as withdrawal, like with smoking or caffiene (or any drug
You will be ok. I'm so happy you are away.
Thanks I sent the boys a card
Thanks I sent the boys a card in the mail.....I just dont want them to think I left them like their mother did. I dont know what he told them.
That really bites. I'm so
That really bites. I'm so sorry. At least you contacted them.
I'm so sorry. But glad that
I'm so sorry. But glad that you got to go out and have a nice time!
The healing hurts, and I'm sure those boys miss you. But you have to do YOU now. Children know more than you think, and I'm sure they don't think you just left them.
You are very strong! It
You are very strong! It takes a lot of courage to do what you did...you are awesome!! Be patient and just take things one day at a time. They WILL get better! Way to go!! (And don't go to the bar if it makes you want to get back with him)
Good for you! The beginning
Good for you! The beginning is always the toughest, but once that "hold" is broken you will feel so free!! So happy for you...keep on marching forward. Good things await you!
Thanks guys I am trying so
Thanks guys I am trying so hard but I feel I am on the brink of a mental breakdown.......I miss him every min of everyday so I really hope that passes and soon. I know this may be sad but I am going to keep coming here because I got such great advice before and now so......if its okay with everyone I am going to read and lurk lol Thanks ladies
You're going to go through
You're going to go through stages of grieving. I hope you hit the anger stage soon, cuz that will mobilize you. Give yourself time and be patient with yourself. Do nice things for yourself. Treat yourself well. One day you'll notice that you're starting to feel happy again and realize that is how he SHOULD have treated you. Instead he ripped out your heart and stomped on it. Remember what he did...do not "idolize" him now because you miss him. This WILL pass. You just need time! {{{Big hugs}}}
Thanks you are exactly right!
Thanks you are exactly right! I do idolize him because all I do is focus on the good times even though what he did was awful and so disrespectful! I am just focusing on myself
Good for your for having the
Good for your for having the strength to actually leave! I was seriously just thinking about you tonight...I'm envious that I don't have the strength to do what you did! I wish you nothing but the best of luck on your new journey
confusedsm03 Thank you I
confusedsm03 Thank you I needed that today lets me keep moving forward because it is getting lonely.
I got a job a couple weeks
I got a job a couple weeks ago and ...........still miss him wtf is wrong with me. He sent me two cards asking for me back and sends me text messages and man its killing me. i dont really like living here.. i am terribly homesick. I am not enjoying my freedom like i thought i would. I go out all the time and have met some cool people but all i keep thinking about are the boys and what i am missing out at home.