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Can't take much more

Evilwicked's picture

Ok, so my H and I have been married 10 yrs. He has 4 from 27-35 and I have 3, 17-22. All but one of his would love for me to fall off the face of the earth. I have tried for years to be there for them. Have supported them emotionally and monetarily, but no matter what, it's all my fault. BM took everything when they separated, and he hasn't been able to work after supporting her for 20 yrs because he got sick. All the money, the house etc came from me. The oldest, my SD came and lived w us for 3 months, was pissed when told she had to leave. Went off on me about my "stupid" rules and too bad if I don't like the way she acted since it was her dads house, therefor it was her home to and no way could I kick her out. Hard as it was, my husband told her to leave. No we just fake it. Of the three SS, one gets along great. The other two try to ignore me. They blame everything my H says on me and generally act like I'm stupid. Of course they are more than willing to eat everything in my house, take home the gifts I buy and borrow money from dad and me. They were raised very differently than I was, or my kids. They are not clean and have no manners. Whether it's please and thank you, or not taking 3 pieces of meat when they show up unannounced, expect to eat when I only cooked for 3 and now we are sharing with 7. Up to now, I could almost tolerate it. But now their sig others are getting involved. I am not allowed to be around GS as I guess I might corrupt him. I am accused of having " high and mighty ways" because I like my house clean and don't let the little ones wander around while eating. Now they are trying to get my oldest son to participate. He has been gone the last 4 yrs and hasn't seen the worst of it. The younger two wouldn't spend time with them unless forced. I want to scream they make me so crazy. I've recently been diagnosed with two different stress disorders and am trying very hard to disconnect but it is hard. Thank you to all who have posted. Makes it better knowing I'm not the only one.

AVR1962's picture

You sound very much at the point I was not long ago. For years I endured the very type of stress you have related in your post. It really does take a toll on your mental state. I got to the point that I felt shaky inside, I was angry and defensive, I felt like I was the one under constant attack, emotionally I felt cornered and I was fighting for my life to be heard.

Then I got physically ill, still going thru lots of tests as several things have happened. It was too much to handle, I simply could not do it anymore. I felt I was sinking fast so I started counseling. This has finally saved me from the years of torment.

All this blame the steps hand out are due to the issues they have with their own bio parents. You have become the safe target and if you are in the same situation as I was, both BM and BD have allowed this behavior from them and have not given you the proper support. As long as you remain their scapegoat you will continue to be blamed for everything. I actually told my youngest SS, "hell no" with one of his last mind game playing requests. Of course that made him mad, he went on this huge tyraid and said all kinds of hateful hurtful things. Luckily it was via email (he didn't have the balls otherwise), and I never read the emails. That was it for it. I told myself I would not longer have anything to do with husband's children, the very boys I raised, and I have not.

Counselor said that I had become so used to chaos and had absorbed so much dysfunction into my life that I did not know how to live my life for me, and that is what she has me working on and has been for almost 7 months now.

These kids will destroy you, not only emotionally but physically too as the stress will play into your health. You have to draw hard boundaries, you have to make these known to your husband, and you have to start seeking what is best for yourself.

My bio children have even found fault in me doing what I have but they ahve no way to comprehend what I have endured so I don't talk about the boys with my daughters anymore. My inlaws have jumped to the boys' defense, fine. I had to save myself as I was making a slow trip to the mental house the way I was going.

My counselor has made me realize there was absolutely nothing I could have done, I was in a real tough position, I did what I had to and now I have no obligation. They will never be able to see what good I have done as they do not want to see it. they will never undertand where I have come from because they only want to focus on their own negative acspects and viewpoints. They want to blame because they hurt and that hurt comes from mom and dad's divorce, the problems in the relationship between my husband and his ex and their anger towards each other.

I am the type that likes to see people get along and I have a great deal of compassion for people and especially children. I took all this on feeling capable of bringing 2 families together and resolving differences but that did not happen. BM and husband could not get over their issues with one another and there was a great deal of hurt there from the boys on account of all that happened between the two of them. BM had abandoned the boys when they were small and oldest espcially yearned dearly for his mother but when she did come back in their lives it was with avengence. Here were 2 boys not wanting to hurt mommy or should would abandoned them again and basically I took the hits, I became the target for these boys' hurts, I was the convenient scapegoat. But NO MORE!

godess-clueless's picture

For us older ones on this site it generally seems to be the same story. If you put your foot down and say "no" to a request that is creating a hardship or too many problems for your own household then you are at fault. If your husband says "no" you are at fault.

It is a no- win situation. It took me a few years to catch on to the fact that I am best to stay out of the step drama. Nothing you do is going to be appreciated. Anything "you" do for them will be credited to their father. In my own case the dinners, family reunions, childcare, money loaned out, and paying off much of their father's debt so he could have a better life was just credited as dad's own doing.

The reality was that dad never had much of a relationship with them. He had put himself into debt throwing money at them in exchange for a pat on the back. Child care for him is smiling for the camera as he drives the grandkids around in the wagon hooked up to the back of the tractor. Get togethers such as reunions, dinners, picnics consist of smiling for the picture as he flips the hamburger over.

I did expect we would be this happy extended family. My wrong. That will not happen when there are grown children who feel they must pick mom over dads wife. Does not matter if you are married for many years. You are looked at as only temporary.

Best move I ever made was to just STOP. Stop the dinners. Stop the child care. Stop taking in the grandchildren when the mother's screwed up and children's service gets involved. Stop using my finances to help out. When everything came to a screaching halt then contact was minimal to nothing.

Evilwicked's picture

It really is crazy. The BM is an addict and has been in and out of mental health for the last ten years, but it is ok for her to be with gk's, just so long as she doesn't use in front of them. I am a teacher, have never done anything but good for them, and I am not allowed as I may be a bad influence. This is coming from my SS and his wife who went to the hospital 5 times in the two months thierry newborn was in icu. The nurses thought my h and I were the parents, then begged us to bring parents. Within a month of getting out of hospital he was spending weekends with us, and every Thursday there was a call to babysit so they could have some " time". Now 5 yrs later I am a bad influence! I hate it and am so sad. I no longer have grandkids. I knew better than to bond with the latest one. Held her once and that was against my better judgement. Luckily my h is supportive but I am still trying to find the line between disconnect and making some effort. I am the one who has the family gatherings etc. I have told h he will have to invite them, and if they can't be bothered to RSVP, I won't set a place for them. Even now I feel that may be too much. The weird part for me is the garbage from two of the SS is minimal and subtle, but their wives are the ones really turning it up. Has anyone else experienced that?

sandye21's picture

All of the comments echo what I've gone through too for over 20 years - maybe a few minor differences but the same BS from SD36+. Up until this year I out up with the 'blame game' and all of the abusive crap SD and her husband would dish out when they were visiting. You know, the sweetsie sweet stuff in front of Dad, the sadistic nastiness when he was not present. Treating me like I was invisible. Never acknowledging anything I did for her Father including free rent and financial help so she could get through college then calling me ignorant because I could not afford to finish my own college. Always being accused of making them 'uncomfortable' with no specifics - when in reality THEY made ME feel uncomfortable, and I DID have specifics. Always giving to them for birthdays and holidays while they totally ignored my birthdays, etc. Always treated like I was a bitch with no support from DH while the Princess was placed on a pedastal. Finally it all came to a head in December when SD and hubby yelled at the top of their lungs at me while DH ran out the door. That was the end of an era - I can tell you! Suddenly I said, "Enough!" As of today SD is not longer allowed in my house until she can treat me with respect which she will never do. DH continues to communicate with her sporadically at best, then wonder why he does not recieve birthday or Father's Day cards or phone calls. And I STILL get the feeling he does not communicate to her his support for me. But like you, I have finally come to the point where I will not allow abusive people around me. I honestly beleive now that I deserve to be respected in my own home. If SD never comes back into my life it will be too soon for me! It is too bad she never gave me a chance. But then SHE is the one who is and will be missing out!

sandye21's picture

Ya, SD has an over-inflated view of her intelligence and importance but as you said, "Is too dumb to see behind her nose." After not getting any phone calls for over 6 months, no birthday card or Father's Day card HD said I "should not be treated like that in my own home" but last week he called her. I asked if she mentioned that she has forgotten his birthday and Father's Day. He looked at me with that old defensive stare and replied, "That was a long time ago." Instead of crawling back into my hole as I used to I said, "She is still self-absorbed." I no longer pretend I like her or put up with his unfounded, guilt ridden defense of her. If they want the situation to improve THEY will have to do what it takes to change it.

LONGTIME SM's picture

Amen, Amen, Amen to all of the above posts! Likewise, my family has been much happier since these adult spoiled drama queens have not darkened our doorway! I would not put up with this hateful vindictive behavior from anyone else why in the world would they think I would put up with it from them......... There's a reason Daddy can't be bothered to call and it has nothing to do with me!!!

Shannon61's picture

Yes indeedy, I can relate. My SD (27) has been gone a month now and our lives are definitely more peaceful. It should have been that way from the start. But SD had to throw childish, petty antics in the dynamics because I think she was dumb enough to believe DH would chose her over me. She's gone, and I wish her well. But I will never forget the drama she caused during a time when DH and I were going through other challenges.

I have a buddy who feels I should try to get closer to SD, like she caused me grief when she was a child who didn't know any better, as opposed to a manipulative adult. I want to choke my buddy because she just doesn't get it. While I do forgive my SD, I doubt we'll ever be close because of her personality. She recently told DH to tell me hello. And I flashed back to a time when she wouldn't speak to me when we lived together under the same roof. I know all too well who she is and what she's capable of. I'm cordial and pleasant to SD, but that's as far as it's going. I'm not hanging out, calling her, emailing her, etc. She ruined that dynamic in our relationship.

At the end of life's journey, a legacy of love and kindness, will trump everything else. We all need as many positive, loving relationship as possible. Those who thrive off venom and conflict are pathetic and to be pited because in the end they are the real losers.

Evilwicked's picture

And of course the saga continues. Labor day BBQ, just let me know if your coming. So, they say they are, seven of them, and then, no show. Can't decide if I'm happier, because I don't have to see them, or pissed because I made enough food for them. Gee, how inconsiderate can you be. Then, went to look for my paper plates and plastic forks, and can you believe they actually stole them??? I guess when you are used to generic dixie, chinet is worth taking.

LONGTIME SM's picture

Been there done that with the no show too.

For years adult steps told us they would come and what they wanted to eat, then the phone calls began usually after the event started - we will be late over and over, and then the final call (if they even bothered) to say they weren't coming after all.....NEVER, EVER, AGAIN. Rude, ungrateful, SOBs

Shannon61's picture

I'd never waste my precious time cooking for someone who's treated me shabby. Not happening.

I think SD got most of her nasty traits from BM as well. Hope she doesn't end up like BM (divorced from DH, engaged twice since then, and still single looking for love).