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BM leaves her cell phone on...

HadEnoughx5's picture

For those of you who have seen my posts over the gets even better Wink My hubby called me tonight while on his business trip and said he had received a very interesting voicemail today. Apparently last Friday in the midst of the chaos of my SS11's runaway from our house, BM had called my hubby and he received the voicemail today. Sometimes his voicemails are delayed.

The dumb bitch didn't hang up the phone and my hubby has a 10 min recording of her spueing at the mouth to her SO :jawdrop:

He said he saved the voicemail and I can't wait to hear what this whack job said :?

My hubby says it sounds like she is brainwashing her SO to have him believe she such the poor, poor victim Sad

She probably is puting all this drama in action for SO so she can distract him from focusing on her where abouts during the day. She has a baby with him, doesn't work and dumps the baby off with anyone who will take him. That free's her up so she can screw another sucker Dirol

Stay tuned...for more episodes of "The Slut and the Faithful" Biggrin

unbelieveable's picture

hahaha!!! Dumb biotch. It's probably a voicemail that should be saved and used in court against her ; ) Make sure it is ssaavvveedddd until you need it!

HadEnoughx5's picture

I'm crack'in up over here Biggrin I just can't wait till he gets home.

Do you think he'll be offended if I hug his cell phone first instead of him :?

How about the name As the PAS Turns...on her Blum 3

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture


Hug them together...he'll never know you're really hugging the phone!