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3798HH's picture

I have to suggest this book to EVERY STEPMOM! STEPMONSTER.. it is soooo great and gives you hope! Me and my hubby were on a trip right to the big D after just a few monthes of marriage until I read this book.. I highlighted points of how stepmoms feel and how their husbands and skids treat them and handed it to my hubby... he realized it was exactly what we were going through and he knew things had to change if he wanted to keep his marriage. He had the dream of being a "family" that I know won't happen, and this book explains it and I made him read that part and see that NO WE DON'T LOVE SKIDS LIKE OUR OWN, IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN! Great book girls give it a try!!

TheBrightSide's picture

I bought about 4 Step parenting books. Stepmonster was, far and away, the best one.

HadEnoughx5's picture

I'm currently reading Stepmonster and I'm loving it.

Interesting epiphany for me recently was this...
The first books I read, were to try and understand the skids and their feelings, trying to make things better for them. Then I began reading books on how to get along with BM and forge some sort of relationship with her for the skids sake. Then I began reading and going to a "blended family" parenting class with DH, figuring if we worked together, our blended skid situation would get better.

Well, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to fgure out none of that worked :O Since no one seems to care about the situation, then I needed to stop caring too. I decided to disengage and began reading stepmonster. It's time to validate my feelings and care about myself! Smile

Dannee's picture

Read it...and it sits near my bed..

I tell my kids that they can call me Step Monster..

But they don't because they know that I'm really just
a cool mom with rules..