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Sooo glad Christmas is OVER

3798HH's picture

WTF.. this problem started last year when I was OVER generous and bought SS6(at the time) over 20 something presents.. he did not thank me, he has not played with most of them, 2 still sit untouched in the box, brand new. I told DH that this year would be different because SS7 thinks everyone owes him the world. So he got a few new toys and 2 DS games and an outfit including new boots, like 10 presents total from me and DH, mamaw on DH side got him like 5 new toys.. he asks is that it? So first thing this AM at 7 he says he wants to go to Mamaws, we tell him no and DH asks why... his response... I DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO PLAY WITH HERE AND I AM BORED... WTFH!!!! I know you didnt just say that!!!! DH goes off and refuses to take him to mamaws until our planned time later in the day.. so he's pissed all day and just plays with his old Playstation 1.. instead of with new DS games... Now we go to mamaws for Christmas Dinner and there are 7 adults and him.. only 6 chairs at the table and a stool to pull up to the table, we tell him he can sit in the floor and eat since he does it all the time at home we figured no big deal.. WRONG.. he slings.. yes I said slings the plate across the kitchen and goes to the living room in a screaming and crying fit!!!! DH goes to deal with it... does he bust his ass?? NOOOOO he just gives him a talking to... Mamaw to the rescue and wants to console "bless it's heart" while the rest of us discuss how he needs his ass busted.. if I had of acted that way my parents would have beat the dog shit outa me... So end result... theres 2 adults (hus and wife in their 40's) in the floor eating while SS7 gets a chair at the table and the stool goes unused.. I was sooooo pissed I came home, took down the tree and decor and vow that there will not be a tree or presents next year!!!!!!'s picture

WOW. The thing about SP's I have figured that we see things from the outside. So while you initially made the same mistakes the parents do in the beginning...buying him WAY too many saw he did not appreciate them and changed course. Parents forget the bad behavior. SP's don't. So parents keep doing the same stupid things over and over because, aren't their spawns just so stinkin cute? That's why they don't understand how someone else doesn't love their kid as much as they do. Duh. Sorry this has happened. And he is only 7. You have many years of trouble ahead of you, I fear. Maybe dad will wake up one day and bust his ass!

3798HH's picture

He used to give me the whole "he's been through so much" refering to the divorce.. I finally nipped that in the butt and said well hell it's been 3-4years I think by now he is used to it so stop the excuses.. that flipped a switch in Dh's head... so since he wasn't laid off work this year and helped pay for gifts he felt the heartache of the shit not being appreciative.. SS7 was pissed cause we didn't buy as many gifts this year and he kept tellin us how his mom got him a Wii and a new BBgun and a DVD player for the van and a DVD player that projects onto the wall or ceiling.. DH finally told him he didnt care what BM got him, he was with us and he could worry about BMs gifts next week when he was back there... DH told me that next year he would get one gift and an outfit and that was it if he was going to be like that... my reaction... "WOW, welcome to my world"... but I still think the child needs his ass busted for his lil outburst and tantrums he throws all the time.

dodgegal05's picture

I am all for spanking kids when its necessary, but its a crap shoot on whether or not the kid will call BM or CPS to report it. Kids dont understand consequences anymore.

youngmama1b1g's picture

I'd probably remove all the things that SS isn't playing with. Then we'll see how bored you can really be. }:)

bdh1986's picture

My step son got a bike, laptop, cars and trucks, a racetrack, a football, and cards for Christmas. Tis is just what he brought back to our house. This does not include what he left at his moms house. He was here for about an hour and asked me if he could play angry birds on my iPad because he was bored... H*** NO!!!! He said, "thats what an iPad is for... To play games and stuff." and he thinks this because nobody is teaching him to value anything! I just went to bed after that comment. I can't take no more!!

dledden's picture

I agree, kid should've gotten his ass beat right then and there in front of everyone and sent away from the table with no fucking dinner! Ungrateful little bastard!

3798HH's picture

Well I am glad that I am not the only person that believes in a good ass busting!... I have done told DH that I will be removing unused toys this week from his room, DH also is going to cut down on going to mamaws cause we think this may be the root of the problem.. cause she is all "bless it's heart, pittiful baby".. also all toys that have been drug up to mamaws house will be returning here that way he cant say his good toys are there