Shower/bath time
How does everyone else here enforce bath or shower time? I hate having to sometimes drag my SD7 into the bathroom in the morning to make her take a shower! At 7, she should be able to do it on her own right?? Then I have to keep checking on her during and after to make sure she used soap and shampoo because if I didnt, she would just stand there under the water and just get wet without cleaning. I am not a morning person at all and it makes it 3 times worse if I have to argue and fight with her to take a stinking shower! I think I have the most lazy SD in the world! Can anyone offer advice or suggestions?
Have your DH enforce the
Have your DH enforce the shower the night before.
have her take them at night.
have her take them at night. Set "Bed" time an hour earlier so she can shower and get everything ready. If she doesnt do it by her self yet then she has to be forced to at a more convenient time.
or if your mean you could allow her to be the "smelly" kid in class. After all there is nothing like peer pressure.
Make her father do it for a
Make her father do it for a month.
water hose out side sud her
water hose out side sud her up and rinse her off be done with it she will get the picture lol.....J/P }:)
stand over her and make sure she does it or do it yourself hopefully she will get embarrased to have someone wash her and if she doesnt do it right when she does it by herself take her back in and make her do it all over again.
LOL we both would turn into
LOL we both would turn into blocks of ice if I hosed her off outside! Right now, its only 15 degrees! BRRR Your right though, she would get embarrassed if I had to do it myself, which I have threatened to do a few times before. I do have to say that DH is very apologetic to me saying how sorry he is that he isnt able to take care of it himself. He knows by the tone of my voice or the look on my face when I am stressed and often, he will come home with roses for me! Its hard to be mad at him when he brings you roses! LOL
I would love to get DH to do
I would love to get DH to do it but he leaves for work at about 5 in the morning and she still cant make it through the night dry (yes at 7 she STILL wets the bed). Having her take a shower the night before wouldnt help much. DH does usually take care of it on the weekends if he isnt working or pulled a double the day before. He does help with alot of the housework etc and steps up to the plate when I have issues with her for the most part so all in all, he does his part. He just leaves way too early in the morning to take care of her.
I have the same issue with
I have the same issue with SS7... if DH doesn't set on the toilet beside the shower then he will just stand there looking at the knobs and hollering "Daaaaaaah.. I don't know how"... so Dh has tried and tried and tried to teach him how to turn the knobs to get a confortable water temp. but it has yet to work and this has been going on for a year now. He will just stand there and not wash if DH doesn't make him use soap and shampoo... THEN he will turn the water off... (OMG he can do that) and just stand there until DH yells at him to pick the damn towel up and dry off... DH has to tell him to brush his teeth and has to supervise the clothes being put on or the little shit will put things on sideway/backwards/upside down... I am like seriously! I was taking a bath by myself when I was like 5!
Yep, she knows how to turn
Yep, she knows how to turn on/off the water, knows how to wash up etc and everything but, she just wont. All I hear in the mornings is "I dont hafta take a shower, I dont need one...I will take one later"! (which never happens). I too have to have her clothes ready for her the night before and stand at her door to make sure she gets dressed because she will dawdle and dawdle. Thankfully, she is good about brushing her teeth on her own so thats a plus.
We have three 7 year old
We have three 7 year old boys, a 9 year old boy, and a 10 year old girl (and older kids, but they have their shower routine without parental involvement).
DH used to give his boys showers, and I'd give my boys and his girl showers (not together of course). The 9 and 10 year olds were getting too old, and I started having them do their own showers. I only have to remind them at night (too hectic in the mornings).
As for our 7 year olds, DH works all day and I'm pretty much the SAHM (I usually work from home unless I need to go to the office). I tell them it's time for a shower, get their water ready, and let them do it. DH or I do a head/arms smell check, to make sure they used soap and shampoo.
Is she peeing the bed every
Is she peeing the bed every night? I would say have her shower at night, and if she peed the bed then she only has to rinse off/soap up to get the pee off, and not bother with her hair. Does she wear a pull up at all? Or are you washing sheets every day? If its really a time issue in the am, have her clean up with a baby wipe in the morning when she peed herself and save the full showers for at night.
I have a very piggy SD (8.5) as well, and we also have to do a sniff test on her to make sure shes using soap. I stopped physically bathing her about 2 years ago, and we still have to check her and send her back in when she's trying to be lazy.
Best time is right after
Best time is right after school or at night. 7 yr olds don't need daily baths or showers in winter anyway. Why put a dirty kid in bed all night, then bathe them in the am? If they DO need a bath, it needs to happen before they get in bed. Best right after school to wash away the germs she is sure to be bringing home from classmates.
Yes, it would be a tremendous
Yes, it would be a tremendous help if I could get her to take one at night before bed but its just not an option. If I just gave her the oportunity to "clean up" with a wipe, I cant even trust her to do that properly.
For the life of me I couldn't
For the life of me I couldn't find mention of her wetting the bed, and even searched after others were posting about it being an issue. Do you have a showerhead that detaches from the holder w/ a hose attached? Have her get in the shower, hose her bottom/legs off with the showerhead and if she is difficult, use cold water. Takes less than 5 mins.
I dont have one but they
I dont have one but they arent that expensive, I could always get one. It would be nice as I would like to have it for myself too! lol