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I told him something would happen and it finally did

Auberry2's picture

OK, so, I have posted about my SS5's behavior in public before. How he runs off, follows strangers around, is loud and obnoxious and has no regard for proper behavior in public. This is because his dad is a guilty dad and his BM can't be bothered to even attempt to be a mom. I have been preaching to my FDH that this behavior is dangerous, especially since it includes running off in parking lots on top of the other already unsafe things. I have been telling him he needs to put the hammer down on this behavior or face serious consequences that could permanantly injure or even kill his son. FDH of course has chosen to ignore me. Today though something finally happened.

My DS, SS and I went to the craft store to pick up items needed for a project DS is doing for school. As we were leaving the craft store we walked out the door and DS and I stopped on the sidewalk to look both ways, as we paused I reached out both hands to DS and to SS. Because of SS's age and behavior I require hand holding in parking lots. Insttead of taking my hand though, SS bolt past me into the parking lot, right into the path of a small SUV. Thank GOd, the driver was paying attention and got the car stopped. It scared the fool out of me, it all happened so fast I didn't have time to grab him, or holler or anything. I feel horrible because I feel I should have already had a good grip on him before we walked out of the store, but at the same time, he has never done anything like this when it was just me and him, he usually reserves this craziness for when his dad is with us. I just don't understand putting a child's momentary happiness above the child's safety and well being, not to mention their ability to be functioning adults. I am so upset right now. Especially knowing that if something had happened to him it would have been my fault.

Auberry2's picture

After today I don't feel comfortable taking him without DH. If something happens I don't want me to be the adult in charge.

luchay's picture

Yep - I agree - tell FDH what happened and that unless he can teach the child how to behave properly in public for his own safety that you just cannot take him out with you anymore without FDH there.

TheBrightSide's picture


luchay's picture

Yep - I agree - tell FDH what happened and that unless he can teach the child how to behave properly in public for his own safety that you just cannot take him out with you anymore without FDH there.

Stepmom156's picture

We went to a big event and the RED CROSS had a tent set up for missing kids. After the 3rd time of sd then aged 9 running off from us in a crowd of half a million, I grabbed her by the hand and too her to the red cross tent and had them talk to her about missing children, kidnappings and how it could happen to her if she kept running off in the crowd. Smile She never did it again.

doll faced sm's picture

What about one of thos kid leashes? The kind where the body harness looks like some kind of fun animal (monkey, dog, bear, etc) and connects him bodily to you. I'm not sure how old your SS is, but when he becomes old enough to be self-concious about it, he'll stop.

Most Evil's picture

Well first I think SS needs a spanking, personally!!!

Then yes, REFUSE to be in SS's presence without DH - it is his son, he needs to control him, for his own safety, dur-!!!!!

Auberry2's picture

Oh, he got one after his dad got home, and I had a conversation with FDH and told him that I wouldn't be taking him anywhere with me because I wanted him there to be responsible for SS.

Auberry2's picture

You know, the harness idea is a good one. I actually had one of these for DS when he was a toddler, that way I had a way to hold onto him if I couldn't use a stroller, or if we were somewhere he would have to get out of the stroller. I used it until he was about 4 and at that point he had the basic walk beside mommy, hold her hand, rules down so I started leaving it in my purse. If he acted up, I brought it out. I didn't think about it with SS5, but even though he is 5, since he can't be trusted a harness could be the solution.

My sister is one of those who believe kid harnesses are evil. She used to tell me that if she ever caught me putting my son's harness with on one of my neices she wouldn't let me see them again. She acts like your killing a child if you put on one them.

Jmom's picture

I don't take SD12 anywhere without her DH because of cases like this and yes she is 12! She's very aloof and one minute she'll be with the group and the next minute she'll disappear. I don't want to be held responsible for another woman's child.