forced to blend..
I dont know how to feel but I feel really reaally awful.. The other day, husband and I had a huge fight, because he wants to visit his kids and spend overnight in a hotel.our ds2 has sleeping problems, hes a light sleeper and screams when put in bed, wakes up in the slightest we have a 6mos old dd so I said if wd can go the following day and just spend all day there.i also requested him that I dont want to stop by bm house and I wont hear if sd20 request my babies to go to her mom's house. Its one awkward situation for me and im sure for bm too. Husband got mad and accused me of hating his I said I wont hear of that from sd20 because she tries to pull a crap like that where she went to visit us and will go to husband sister who doesnt like me and was gonna pull a crap so sil and I will meet up which husband disapproved.
Back to issue, husband accused me of hating his kids and id be happier that were moving away, which is unfair, because I dont hate his took me quite a while to get the hang of steplife and a lot of awkward painful moments. I said its not true, I dont hate his kids.then he said but I dont see them as my own nor love them like my own. I said I may not love them like my own but I take care of them when they are here and respect them.he said those kids belong to me too and im a parent to them, I said no, they have a mom and dad and they dont need extra parent.then we went back to the rough start all he blamed on me, and I said, if you had given me enough time to assess what situation im gonna enter, it would have made difference, we married in haste, he gave me ultimatum, and I, unfortunately gave in to pressure, what is bad is I havw not even met his kids, his sister or bm.he stormed out and now spilled this to sd20, and now sd12 and bm knows the whole mess. And on top of it, blames why we didnt visit on ME!
That night after the fight I talked to sd20 and we got it clear, ahe aska if we will still come but the following morning, husband was in bad mood and refuses to talk to anybody.
I am angry now because I feel like a failure, a bad person because I cant love sk the way I do my bk, and for him blaming all on me... He wouldnt and still refuse to talk to me.
I meant I havent met sk sil
I meant I havent met sk sil and bm before we got married.. I know... I know... Im stupid.
And yeah, he give excuses not to teach me how to drive and go back to school. He has drinking problem too.
You don't drive?? He won't
You don't drive?? He won't let you go back to school?? Honey, this is a no brainer, you need out.
He keep giving excuses for
He keep giving excuses for the last 3 years, and when he teach me, he was impatient and would put me immediately on the road though I am not ready yet, hed yell at me but then again converse so I couldnt concentrate. I was able to get cna by saving and borrowing money from a friend and getting ride from a classmate.
You have to make a big choice
You have to make a big choice about self respect here. I am was in a very controlled relationship with my first marriage and I can tell you that the control only gets stronger as time passes. You will probably loose all of your self before you decide you have had enough and leave. Just be smart when you do decide that you are worth being treated as someone's priority and not just an obligation that they are stuck with. Have a plan, be strong, and stick to it.
I intend to learn how to
I intend to learn how to drive. God always send angels from heaven to lend a hand when were in need of one... Lol.. Im not religious freak but I do have my own personal faith.
Actually hes freaking out now, he sees me growing stronger, wiser and braver everyday and I suspect hes scared one day I will be able to drive and he will lose his power over me.
Sk20 and I dont see eye to
Sk20 and I dont see eye to eye so I avoid as much contact as I can, I dont hate her but I am not comfortable around her too.husband refused to see this.she used to make me feel uncomfortable deliberately and ignore me even in my own home.but now that ive become braver and speaking up, she seemed to back off a bit, but still try every now and then to get in my skin.
The thing is when sd20 is here for a visit, husband finds something to do to stay outside for all day. Thats another thing that bothers me, why cant he stay in the house?i cant go anywhere too cause I cant drive, im stuck inside with her.
I tried talking to him, and clarify and explain the cause of my panic attack and anxiety over sk and whole stepfamily thing but he avoided me, went to the bathroom, turn on the faucet.
This marriage is doomed.i feel so bad for my two babies.
You are NOT the failure here.
You are NOT the failure here. What I think you did was lose a little of yourself to these people who were undeserving at the time, hey...I believe that if we are all honest we'll own to that happening at first. After a while, though, I found ME again and things changed.
Your DH has a drinking problem you said, it's HIS problem that he goes into denial and blames you for whatever he can. Where your problem lies is that you accept the blame, by resigning yourself to the situation at home and feel bad...STOP IT!! I am sorry if that sounds harsh but I tell it like it is.
Can you do stuff just for you? I know taking care of two infants is hard work, I raised three kids on my own before I met DH here.
The reality of the situation, in my opinion, is that your DH is refusing to speak because he knows he behaved like a total ass. I would ignore him, and his sulking, just the same way as I would ignore a petulant child. At least SD 20 knows the reality of the situation, remember they have all had more previous experience of your DH than you have and they are not blaming you in any way! Please vent though, it's more aggravating to have to keep it all to yourself...believe me! I have found this site to be an enormous help with all the different perspectives here.
One day Your DH will wake up and decide to quit drinking, nothing or no one can make him do it.
I did lose myself when I
I did lose myself when I married him,it was so overwhelming and im so clueless that I became miserable.its nust now that I start finding myself again. And I do feel stronger and braver and happier too.but he refuses to listen to me and face the truth and all issues and emotions that makes life hard.i want to face and deal with my emotion, with my fears and all issues that makes life unhappy.i want to be free of all negativity, doubt, confusion, unhappiness, for my sanity, for my kids happiness and peace in the house.
I am happy for you that you
I am happy for you that you are gaining strength, it took me a while too. The thing is that no matter what you say or do to 'direct him' will change him, or the SKids, and they will just resent you.
The best plan I found was to 'let them get on with it' and do my own thing and put myself as a priority...without being mean or totally self centered. So far your DH is seeing changes right? If he sees you changing for the more positive it will have an effect on him. He will not want to lose you, nor you him, guaranteed, because no one else will tolerate his bullshit so he will be faced with the options of being alone or mending his's a very subtle change but it's one worth taking note of. Each day you act positively and are well groomed and dressed nicely he'll notice and want to be part of your world. He's the only one that can make changes within himself, likewise you can continue to improve your own self. No matter how young or old we are there are always learning curves in life, right?
Thanks. It is really self
Thanks. It is really self liberating to be able to face the emotions and shame and guilt and doubts, fears I had. I still have few to vonquer but I feel like a light had shine upon me.and I feel light as a feather, a burden was taken off my back..and I do try to improve myself, I dance to exercise and relieve daily stress and it helps a lot.i do plan to go to driving school when I saved enough money.
Ok... He took out a big bag,
Ok... He took out a big bag, a travelling bag out and I think hes gonna leave.
Then let him leave...he'll
Then let him leave...he'll get drunk...lament to someone...they'll humor him because he's drunk. I bet he comes back when he sobers up and he will feel guilty as hell because that's how drunks are. Just say something along the lines of 'Oh, you're back! I am just on my way out so I'll see you later.' Or just go about your business of the day and disregard him, without being mean or judgemental until at least a day later, it takes time for the effects of the alcohol to leave their system. It's not a good thing to try and rationalize with someone who is under the influence, they believe their own fiction, for one thing, and you will not be able to shift their thinking no matter how much logic you apply to yours.
Oooppss.. Nope.. Hes not
Oooppss.. Nope.. Hes not leaving.. Oh well.. Those are just baby clothes that we dont need.
But it had the desired effect
But it had the desired effect you you though...right?? What a manipulating ass...carry on without taking ANY notice of what he does for the rest of today. He's banking on your mind being ill at ease, each thing he does will provoke a reaction within your reacting on here...DO NOT let him see you being any differently than what is 'usual' for you.
It didnt affect me the way he
It didnt affect me the way he wanted... I was actually relieved that hes leaving and thinking of filing custody over these two.. Oh well ...
I hate to say it, but
I hate to say it, but everyone here who is telling you he is trying to control and manipulate you is right. Think about it. He knew you couldn't drive when he married you, right? That was a bonus for him because you would have to depend on him for EVERYTHING. You said he gave you an ultimatum about marrying him, right? He's bullying you! He throws temper tantrums when you try to get him to teach you how to drive, right? What better way to rattle your nerves and make you not want to drive ever again. CONTROL AND MANIPULATION!!! He's talking about you to children to make you look like a hateful b----. Ever wonder why he's doing that? CONTROL! He's so insecure with himself that the only way he can keep someone is to try to find someone who he thinks is weak and will never stand up for themselves. Answer? Get a friend to teach you how to drive. Buy flowers that need to be planted when his daughter comes over and he leaves you there to entertain her. If he's so hateful that he would leave you there to entertain her, then YOU find something to do outside also. Let her get the message that her dad's not interested enough to stay in the house, and neither are you. YOU ARE NOT THE PROBLEM HERE! YOU HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG! HE'S A MANIPULATOR AND WOMAN HATER! He hasn't spoken to you in three days? He's playing games with you and being emotionally abusive to you. Abuse doesn't just mean you walk away with bruises, it means your spirit, heart, and mind walk away with bruises too. These bruises are much harder to get rid of UNTIL you get rid of the abuser. I am so sorry that this is happening to you, but you are God's creation and you are strong enough to stand up for yourself and do what you have to do to protect yourself and your children. God DOES hear your pain and knows what you are suffering through. Ask him for help. He won't let you down! = )
I realized that and
I realized that and unfortunately, I dont have any friends here willing to teach me how to drive, I was isolated and with the birth of our second child, he found more excuses not to teach me.bus stop is far and nobody will look aftet my two kids if I decide to attend driving for now im stuck til I find one willing to help me get out. He has major insecurities and hes being a bully, thats right.and if he doesnt get his way will mop and sulk and blame it all on me.but the thing is, I got my spirit back and, no, I will not let him break it again.for myself and my kids.
You're not stuck. Find a
You're not stuck.
Find a woman's shelter in your area. They will be able to get your kids into free or low cost day care. They will also help you get an apartment.
You don't have to wait for your husband or a friend to teach you to drive. You work. Call a driving school and schedule lessons during your lunch break.
Where ever you live, it's
Where ever you live, it's important for you to have a friend that lives close to you. Not saying that he will, but if he gets physical with you, you need to have a plan ready. If you have any neighbors, go introduce yourself to them and let them know where you live. I'm glad you haven't let him keep you down. The insecurities he has cannot be fixed by you. If I had to guess, I'd say he probably never got his dad's affirmation that he was proud of him. Guessing again, he probably has a strained relationship with his dad. Hang in there!
My family lives in the phils.
My family lives in the phils. And all I have here are my 2 kids. But im optimistic ill find angels aka friends who will teach me how to drive.
But you are right, his dad abandoned them when he was little, both parents married and divorced multiple times so he had strings of stepparents and stepsiblings.his dad was abusive and alcoholic.
thank u for the concern..yes
Finally he ate dinner with
Finally he ate dinner with us... Got hungry I guess. He was acting fine but still sleeping on the couch.. Good.. If he stays on the couch, sd12 can share couch, futon bed with him. Its a little crowded on a full size bed with him and his 12yo daughter who is with us eowe.. Creepy too.. As she wears skimpy shorts and tank top, without bra and daddy is in the middle.
Do you know your immediate
Do you know your immediate neighbors? I'd get to sitting outside, it's summer time and the kids can be supervised playing out,or you could be gardening with their 'help' and get to know who is passing by and getting aquainted with them. Put the kids in their stroller and go to the local park, see how many people are there...anything that is going to amuse and entertain the kids so they are not picking up on how stressful this whole mess is. Meeting new people can be daunting if you've been isolated, raising small kids is not the easiest iether. I used to pack a picnic and walk to the park with mine when they were small. Once you meet folks you might even find a babysitting circle? It's a small world in reality and there are people out there who might just benefit from what you are learning to deal with right now too.
The more he sees you being liberated the more respect he will have for you too! That could be a turning point in your relationship with him.
I lost my own self trying to 'fit in' here but that was my biggest mistake. Once you 'lose' yourself some respect from others goes along with it and manipulative people hone in on that. SD pushed buttons I did not even know I had! I switched them all off and the change in her was dramatic, no more bullshit because I did not respond the way she wanted me to. Changing your responses is not easy though, I got caught off guard a couple of times but my sense of self came back toot sweet.
Do you have hobbies? Once the kids are settled for the night and you have done all you choose to do around the house then think about what you would like to do for the evenings...I write, sew, knit, crochet, chat with neighbours and friends on facebook. Whatever it is you choose make it something you enjoy doing. Once you make some friends maybe you can go out for the evening with them? DH can take care of the kids, they are his too! Getting more social is important to mothers of young children, I believe it helps the children to become more social and adjust better in school environments too.
I wish I could take a walk or
I wish I could take a walk or go to a park but people drive crazy here.i used to do it before I had my second one, id put my ds in a stroller and take a walk in the I dont.maybe ill go back doing it.see, ive female friends but they are coworkers and they have busy lives so they couldnt teach me, ive male frirnds but those willing to teach me is asking something in return. No, I dont want to cheat and lose my morals, those men are as dangerous as my husband and, will only put me in worse situation. Yeah..i feel trapped. And now, husband is turning all sk against me to punish me or destroy my growing spirit.
I love to go out, and meet people but after I got married, I got stuck inside the house.i told him a lot of times I need to learn how to drive so I can go out.he wants me to be miserable like him.
This weekend well have sd12, I wonder what crap is gonna happen? it stresses me out a lot but my kids keeps my spirit up.
OK, co workers means you are,
OK, co workers means you are, or were, working...right? Male friends do not always want something in return, unless you have actually asked them and they have said so then it's an arrogant assumption that they'll 'want' something in about a cash payment? I am losing a bit of sympathy for you now that you are putting excuses in the way of your own progress. You are not as isolated as you would have us believe.
I suggest you seriously think about who you are, what you want from life and look at things from more than one perspective.
I was working
I was working sahm. Ive two male friends who actually said they will help me and followed that statement, if I had been your husband, I will treat you better, if you want to live in ca or az, I wont mind. One of them said I dont mind being a stepfather to those amazing kids you have. The other one started to teach me before and while teaching put his hand on my thigh.not cool.he would hung around in our home til 10pm as he is neighbor and husband buddy when husband is sent to texas.told him I will go to sleep very soon the minute I put kids to bed but he wont leave so I busy myself and he gets the message. Pwople I meet wont help me though they know of my sitz.. They wiuld sympathize but teach me how to drive..oh no. I even offered to pay but they still wont.ive no car, no family and dependable friends. Otherwise I wont be online.
Call a shelter. OR Call your
Call a shelter.
Call your family. Ask for one way tickets for you and your kids. When you get home, find a job and pay them back for the tickets
You're not stuck.
My family lives in the
My family lives in the philippines.i cannot take my kids out if the country unless husband signs.i check that option to see if I can.he can hold us in the airport and get me jailed for kidnapping. And if I move to another state he can request the court to have me and the kids back because its PAS. I called the driving school around this area but they cant pick me up so I need to find a ride to get there
Call a shelter
Call a shelter
Sometimes people will not
Sometimes people will not help because they know, as well as you do, that the only person who can help you is YOU! There's also the aspect of other people knowing both of you and not wanting to take sides, or fall out with iether of you. Also there have been cases of 'domestic incidents' whereby the offended party turns on the outsiders who offer help! You probably have more friends than you realize, you certainly have more power than you currently realize. Ultimately it has to be your decision to stay or leave. Personally, I stayed because I love my husband and his kids more than they will ever know or deserve at times. I believe that regaining yourself is the only way to go. So what if they do stupid stuff? It's on them, right? Do you go without anything you need? Do you have money at your disposal? There's sometimes a level of control over someone who is not controlling themselves...whether it's by means of advertising on TV or just blindly following someone's advice, or even just a perception? Be true to your own self.
My friends are scared of my
My friends are scared of my husband because hes in military.. Dumb huh... And wont take us in if I ever decide to leave him. I called the shelter but as there is no sign of physical abuse and violence, they wont consider us imminent danger..stupid too. For three years ive been asking and begging people to help me, I ask if they know anyone whos willing to teach me evwn gave out my number at workplace but nobody called. Now, im no longer working.other filipinos I met here will even say well thats your fault u married an american and got yourself pregnant.. Wow..
I have never heard of a
I have never heard of a women's shelter turning away a woman and her children.
I explained my situation and
I explained my situation and they told me we need to work out on counselling.
NO ONE is has to stay in a
NO ONE is has to stay in a marraige they do not want to be in. You keep putting obstacles in your own way, seriously, I think you are full of it. You are a phillipino then? Married to an american man?? You have as many rights as an American here if that's the case. Take charge of your own life and do what you need to do. You are married to a man who has alcohol problems, you cannot leave the country or state, he is not leaving so it's up to you BOTH to iether work it out so you stay together or work it out so you separate. I understand the difficulties facing you with two young children, I also understand the feelings of isolation in a new country. Is your husband manipulating you or is he just doing what's best for you right now under the circumstances...those being you are not feeling like yourself lately?? Only you can answer that. Get some counselling! See if you can boil the issue down to the root cause? Why are you not happy with what you have right now?? Is it because you feel insecure that he's going to spend time away from you and the children if he goes to visit them?? You do not want the SKids at your house so what's he to do? Seriously, They are his kids, have a think. Is it because you do not want to spend a broken night with your little one waking up constantly? Does your husband usually see to the baby? I am speculating here, I am aware of that, but the root cause eludes me because every solution seems to cause you more problems so the only way forward is for you to look inside of yourself. A good counsellor will be able to be much more discerning than any of us here, he/she can meet with you, understand you much better as a person and help you to figure stuff out that's best for you and the children. A counsellor can come to the house too, so you do not need to worry about transportation. How do you get your groceries? Does DH drive you places you need to be? I do not drive any longer here, I do not have a US license so I'll have to figure it out as and when the time comes for me also. I can get a ride anywhere I want to be, all I need to do is say where I want to go and it's a done deal. I might have to wait a few minutes until DH is finished what he's doing at the time but I still get to go. I am happy that most of the issues DH and I had are resolved and we are making it. Be happy within yourself and it will project onto him. I have always been content with what I have that is good and I speak up about what I encounter that is not good. It causes fights but sometimes fighting is a way of communicating and getting feelings out into the open so that they can be resolved.
His kids are welcome in our
His kids are welcome in our home anytime and I dont mind husband visiting his kids when he wants to, hes the one who stopped doing it.we still get sd12 eowe so he has not disappeared in their life.what my husband wants is leave late in the afternoon and stay in the hotel overnight with our screaming 2yo and 6mos old baby.and no, im the only one who deals with babies waking up to feed or toddler having nightmare. I suggested the following day we can leave early and just asked that we dont go to bm house or bring my kids to bm house because bm and I arent really comfortable with each other, sd20 lives with her bf in another aparrment. Instead husband throw the 'you dont like my kids thats why!' I do not hate his kids, I take care of them, respect them but no, I wont take crap from them or disrespect in anyway.
He accuses im happier were moving far, well my first thought and words are how about sd12? Is she gonna stay with us?if not, how will you see your daughter? Are you sure you wanna move?
Moving isnt gonna change my life, im still gonna be a sahm who cant drive, husband stressed out when I replied not seeing your kids doesnt make me happy.. Its the f...nnn driving and sxhooling that will make me happy! And he blew his top on that statement. He controls the grocery, what we can and cant buy.and
Military or not he's not
Military or not he's not allowed to use his skills in civvy life, like a boxer cannot use his fists outside of the ring. You really do like to put obstacles in the way of your own progress, no one will be able to advise or help you if you do not stop obstructing yourself at every turn. You married an American, it is your choice, I married an American too, my choice also. I choose NOT to lose myself in all that being married and a step parent entails. I think you are not going to find a solution unless you look inside of yourself. I do not know what to tell you! Maybe you are the one in denial, not your husband?
Im scared to leave because he
Im scared to leave because he said he will file custody over our kids and will keep them.i cant bear to be away from my kids.they are my life.
All I need is to be treated
All I need is to be treated like an adult, be respected and have the opportunity to drive. I am not mean to his kids, I am fair in treating them though sd20 hates me. You want to help me, can you teach me how to drive?
All this because you want to
All this because you want to drive a car? Where do you live that an instructor cannot come to you? What does your husband do for a living? He can take care of the kids for an hour or so while you take lessons surely? I am struggling to understand what your real issues are. You have been with this man for some years now, he drinks, he's manipulative, and tries to isolate you. There are ways to outthink these types of people, pay attention to what he does, how he does it, and you will see a pattern. These types do work to a 'routine' and someone who breaks that routine can throw them off in a tailspin. He'll go out and get drunk once you seem to be 'on to him' but he does that anyway...right? He needs a gradual learning curve, so do you! Fill your life with the kids and stuff that pleases you. Save up some money because you will need it and get a taxicab if you really need to go somewhere and he refuses to drive you! I think one of the mistakes you might be making is asking for permission from him. You do not need permission to enjoy YOUR life, tell him it will make life easier for when the kids start school if you can drive, it will make groceries easier, visiting his family easier...less of a work load for him...something...anything!
Yes I want ro drive, when he
Yes I want ro drive, when he was sent to utah for two weeks, I was 8 mos preggo with a 2yo was hard, I had to ask our creepy neighbor to get me something from the grocery and he is a creepy man, he touched/caress my upper arm and said ill make you happy for two weeks hes not here. I told my douchebag husband but he didnt do anything.i was scared back then and disgusted.i know I need to learn how to drive, I cried, beg, throw fir, calmly explain but husband wont hear of it and if I mention driving school hed say we have no money whose gonna take care of the kids, who will drive you there? Etc..etc..
If you are a military spouse
If you are a military spouse you can go to school and get help with it, you can learn a trade and study online from home. Your main issue seems to be that you want to learn to drive and that you do not want to see your husband go to his kids overnight, if I recall correctly that was what the fight was about.
You have all manner of options open to you as a military spouse, do you live on a base? The commisary is duty free. I have a military ID that gets me on a base to shop and I get discounts at stores too...bonus!
Mainly, military type guys do have fixed attitudes, they may not know any other way to be! You can take the man out of the military but you cannot take the military out of the man type thing. Your healthcare is taken care of with ChampsVA, if you live on a base then everything you really need is right there. To to a site called and you can see a list of all the benefits and you can look at options available to you.
Driving and going back to
Driving and going back to school.yes but as for husband visiting his kids and spending a night to be with them is fine.but im not comfortable sending my 2yo son whos very impressionable or my 6mos old baby girl.sd20 tried to pull a crap to hurt me by putting my son on spot with her mommy and asking him, who is she?my son said sissy and she said no so I rescued him by saying her name is so you say hi It pissed sd20 off.
she got this idea one her and sd12 were here and sd12 is on the phone with her mom and she yelled son heard it and repeated.sd20 laugb and gave me a meaningful look. Shes sneaky thats wby I dont trust her.
See what I dont understand is
See what I dont understand is I dont overstep, its their dad who stopped visiting them on his own. I dont overstep, dont force sd to call me mommy or mama.i respect bm but sd20 is freaking hateful.she was adopted by husband 4 mos before he left their home. She was and still very jealous of sd12 and when husband found out about his other daughter with another bm, she was furious.her dad abandoned them when she was 3 mos old and refused to continue communication. Now, I came into picture, she has been saying she will have my babies when daddy and I dies. And she had said that a lot of times. Creep me out. She doesnt like me but she knows how much I love my kids and im really affectionate to my babies. I just think she is trying to piss me off and I am not buying it.
Hes reservist.. I looked up
Hes reservist.. I looked up the teb for military, but I cant access.he has the one to log on with his dfas. And he wont do it..keep saying... Im busy give me a break.
So he's not in the regular
So he's not in the regular military,,13190,Reserve,00.html You can get a lot of general information there. I doubt he is withholding anything from you but it's always good to be in the know.
SD says these things because she knows she will provoke a response in you, stop responding! DH needs to get his head out of his ass and deal with issues. The more you mention it the less likely it is to happen really. He'll avoid the issue until such times as he needs you to be driving!
I don't know what to tell you really. Do you have a social security number to get a driving license with? The test is something you can study for at home online. The physical driving is just a basic drive around the test center, doing a couple of turns and parking etc. Study now for the written test so you have more confidence at the time you can take it. I do not hold a US license, I do not drive here. I would be looking forward to the day you can do it, stop mentioning it to him for now. In fact, look like the whole issue is a non issue. Carry on being your usual sweet self, you are sweet...right??
All good things come to those who wait, patiently! The longer you are malcontent about it the longer it will take to materialize...right??