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step father and his financial responsibilities. opinions please

missy mella's picture

I am in desperate need of advice. I am divorced with a 7 year old, father is very much in the picture and financially provides adequately. I have full custody.

I am on the verge of remarrying. Current partner is much wealthier than ex husband. 2 years ago my current partner financed and supported (actually pushed me into) taking ex to court over various assets. It was a dreadfully stressful time and during a break up with CP last year, I dropped the court case, preferring a stress free life and choosing to live with the monthly child support ex provides.... (I work too)

There is more to the story in terms of the dynamics between CP and myself but the problem seems to be is that he has stated (apart from various pre nups of which I understand) My child will neither inherit him or be supported financially by him. And as we want our own child (he doesn't have his own yet) he has stated that if mine is going to state and 'ours' to private school, it his not his responsibility. He will be of a moral support to my child, love her and provide home etc. but anything beyond that is between me and 'her present and involved father'. He has been quite clear that if there was no father in the picture there would be no issue, she would be treated as his own. He says it is a matter of principle and that my ex has assets, insists on having a say on all aspects of her life, i chose to drop the case that could have secured a sum that would have put her through private school etc..... He is insisting that each father be financially responsible for his own child. My problem is that I cannot accept both of my children being raised together under the same roof will effectively be unequal.

My CP has always been fantastic with my child, they had a wonderful relationship and he is the only man she has ever known me with as her father and I split when she was only 2. His words do not match his actions with her and it is very very disappointing.

I am very upset and the wedding has been called off. CP actually put all this in an email, also stating that to ensure my child (and effectively her father) doesn't benefit from his wealth, in the unlikely event of his death and no child has been born, all his assets will go to his nieces (who live abroad and he barely sees) I am not a profiteering woman in any way (and he knows this) I fell in love with a man who happens to be wealthy. However, i cannot reconcile all of this, my emotions are all over the place. His approach has been so cold and business like and I am angry he places his nieces above me and my child.

Am I being unfair and unreasonable?

Thank you in advance and sorry if I have rambled somewhat.

savana8975's picture

Honestly, you are lucky that your future husband has been so honest with you versus surprising you when you're married of all these fun facts. I understand your frustration, but your future husband did not choose to have a child that you had.. He chose to be your partner, but rightfully so he should in no way support a step child. That is your step child's father's responsibility to provide a certain lifestyle for your child. Due to it being stressful, you dropped the case, if you wanted to push the fact that your child go to a private school you should have went through with the case.. Although stressful, it would have benefited your child.
The whole assets going to nieces is weird to me. No assets should be going to your child from him, and I'm assuming future husband is scared to make you beneficiary because he assumes it would go to your child. Once the both of you have children, I would hope he would make your joint children a beneficiary, with a neutral party, such as a lawyer, to ensure that assets are going to the right people. By making your joint children beneficiaries, you will benefit as well. But no, he should not support YOUR child. That is your ex's responsibility, and yours.. NOT your future husbands! Sorry this is harsh.. Good luck though!!!!!!!!

Helena.Handbasket's picture


herewegoagain's picture

Sorry, but I agree with him 100%. Your child has a father. If he's not as wealthy, that was your choice to make a child with that man vs. your possible future husband. His money should benefit his child and as he states, his nieces if he has no child. I really have to agree.

Believe me I understand that it will be hard to see kids with different "lifestyles" to a certain extent when they are both yours. Well, then, maybe you should work and make up the difference to one of your children...that's up to you...but it should not be up to him to make up the difference. I know in our case, my husband pays CS and ALL kids that his ex wife have have the "same lifestyle" thanks to HIS money, as her mother and stepfather make peanuts. Meanwhile, our son lives a much more modest lifestyle because of it...not fair at all since BOTH kids are actually my DH's and I make much more than crazy witch. Really. But it is what it is. I think again, if you find it unfair to have to kids with two different lifestyles, then you need to make up the difference yourself.

LilyBelle's picture

It's good that he is talking to you about all of this before you get married.

He does not owe anything to your kids, but he should be arranging for you to be financially secure upon his demise. If you are living in a home that is beyond your ability to pay for without him, it could leave you in a very bad position if he dies and leaves you nothing.

My SO is not married, but chances are, if we get married, we will be living in a home that is more than I could afford on my own. And,chances are, he will die before I do... so if I am at all dependent on his income, it will leave me in a very bad position if he has his daughter as the only beneficiary. Before I marry him, we will discuss his will and his beneficiaries. He has a right to make only his daughter beneficiary, but if that's what he chooses, I will get a life insurance policy on him with me as the sole beneficiary.

I don't know if I will marry him if he doesn't trust me enough to take care of me in the event of his death, and if he would be fine with leaving me struggling in order to have his daughter get all of whatever inheritance exists. I think part of what a person is committing to in marriage is trust, provision and protection in addition to love, loyalty, and respect.

aggravated1's picture

It wasn't his place to TRY and get her more money. What is she, some 1950's housewife who needs the big, strong man to take care of her problems? What the F ever.

She has a job. I wonder if he would be willing to give up living in a house that he can afford, to live in a house that SHE can afford, so he can see what it's like from her end. I bet he wouldn't.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture


Crazy_in_Ohio's picture

Money is an ugly topic - especially when you come with baggage from the past. I know in my case I won't pay for my SO's kids the same way I pay for mine. They have two parents and those two parents should be figuring that out. I would be irate if he told me that I needed to spend as much on his kids as I spend on mine.

I think the fact that if you two don't have kids and he wants to leave everything to his neices and nephews without taking care of you is a bit assinine. I told my SO that once our kids were grown, he'd be my first beneficiary with provisions for my son, then his children and my neices and nephews. In that order.

The punishing aspect of what he says is ass. That's just crap. I agree with Blue Bell on how that was worded.

Just out of curioustiy - if your husband to be from a foreign country? The way you make the things he says sounds very much like some of the men I work with from other countries. It's a very differnt culture and kids by other men are absolutely an affront to them.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I agree with everyone else--your current partner has no obligation to financially support for your child, unless he adopts him as his own. Your child has a father that provides for him financially, meaning there are two parents involved. Whether or not they are wealthy is a moot point. I also applaud your partner for laying out his expectations of this relationship, and quite frankly, he has shown that he is very mature and has thought this through. Now it is up to you whether you're willing to accept this or not. His standard and expectations are very healthy, actually, and will make for a great marriage/relationship.

I am on the flip side of this--I am far more wealthy than my FDH (future dear husband), with a lot more assets. Our children (if we have them) will inherit everything of mine, SS will not. He will inherit whatever FDH decides to give him and whatever his mother decides to give him. If I end up having a really good relationship with him and we BECOME family, perhaps I will leave him some, but it is solely at my discretion. FDH agrees one hundred percent, as he would not want any of my income generating assets to go to SS which will, incidentally, go to BM if he takes care of his mother in her old age or even now.

Even if we didn't have children, my assets will go to my sister and any children she may have. I am not responsible for his tuition no matter what school he goes to either, nor his extracurriculars, or any of his other needs. Once again, he HAS two financially supporting parents, as everyone is allotted in life. My children also have two parents, me and FDH, and because I am wealthy, they will get more in life.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Oops, I just wanted to clarify that in the event that we don't have kids, all of my tangible assets will go to my nieces and nephews, but that FDH will get all of my cash and that's it. That would be something he'd be able to spend in his lifetime or give away if he chooses to do so.

I would talk to your CP to clarify if he intends to leave you with NO cash, whatsoever. But remember, I'm only leaving FDH cash because he contributes to my household financially, if he didn't (either because he didn't work or was unemployed) then I would have to reconsider doing so.

Disneyfan's picture

Your daughter has a father to take care of her. Even if her dad were MIA, your CP still wouldn't have to support her.

I do very little $$$ wise to help DF with his kids. His kids will not get anything from me when I die. If DF and I are married, a small amount will go to him. However, the lion's share will go to DS and my 4 nieces and nephews.

He did the right thing by telling you this prior to the wedding. It's up to you to decide if you can accept that or not.

smdh's picture

I have to agree with the others. You chose to have a child with one man based on a lower wealth factor and if you choose to have a child with another man with a higher wealth factor, well then you are choosing to have two children with different lifestyles. Its a life lesson. My dh makes more money than I do, but I make way more money than his ex. His daughter does not benefit from my income, which mean in our home, my son gets more because he has a mother who works. SD gets plenty of my dh's money both here and at her mother's house, but my money is for my child.

My dh and I just had this conversation a few weeks ago regarding monthly amounts for 529 contributions. OUR child gets more. Why? He benefits from both our incomes. SD benefits from only his income.

I think its wrong of him not to provide some benefits to you in the event he dies, but that is (again) a choice. He gets to make it. You can either accept it or don't marry him. I have to be honest, I have assets that are mine. They were mine before dh and I married (he earns more, but I was a saver and his ex was a spender so I came into the marriage with more assets), they will be left to my son, not to dh, and not to SD. As for our "split" assets, I'd like them to be split 60/40 with 60 going to our child. DH makes more (which is why it isn't 75 / 25, but I contribute and I think 50/50 is unfair for that reason.

Noone is financially responsible for your child except you. She will already benefit from your dh's wealth. She will inevitably live in a nicer house, go on nicer vacations, experience nicer things just by association. He's just makinga clear line.

aggravated1's picture

The problem with this is, as I understand it OP, that in the event you do not have a child, he is not leaving ANY survivor funds to you so that your child will not benefit from them? Is that correct?

If so, that is WRONG WRONG WRONG. You are his partner, he is willing to have a CHILD with you, but doesn't want to leave you a dime and will leave it to he nieces just so your kid doesn't get to reap a few benefits from mom being left money by her deceased husband????????

I would have cancelled the wedding too.

christinen's picture

I agree with aggravated1. I completely understand how your finace would not want to leave his money to the children you had with another man. I would never consider leaving anything to my SD. However, your SPOUSE should not be excluded just because you don't want any of that money spent on the skid. My DH is the beneficiary to my life insurance policy, even though SD is not listed anywhere on it. I would never leave my husband high and dry like that! You have some thinking to do!

Helena.Handbasket's picture

From what I understand of your post, your CP does not want to financially support or allow access to any of his assets to your child you had with you Ex.

This is not unreasonable to me. He isn't responsible for that child and he doesn't owe that child anything. My SO's skids aren't entitled to anything of mine. Why would they be? They have a mom and a dad who should provide for them. Just because I am with their dad, doesn't mean they become my financial responsibility. It sounds like your CP will be supportive emotionally and on a daily basis, but his assets will go to HIS child/children.

This is the same way I have it set up with my SO. Could you explain why you feel it should be different? I am with your CP on this one.

In addition, there is no reason he HAS to leave you money if he dies and you have no child. You have supported yourself thus far without him and many women are left with nothing who have never been divorced and had lots of children with their husband. He obviously comes from family money as well as what he has earned. Family money is always protected. Sorry. My SO makes 3 times what I do, I am not on ANYTHING of his. if he dies I'm on my own. This is how I live anyway. I can do me, I don't need or want anyone's money after they die. If they leave it to me fine, but its not a condition of the relationship.

"My problem is that I cannot accept both of my children being raised together under the same roof will effectively be unequal."

Thats YOUR problem. Not his. You made choices and these are the consequences. Don't expect others to have to be responsible for your choices too.

missy mella's picture

Hi! He does not come from family money, he is self made.

'Thats YOUR problem. Not his. You made choices and these are the consequences. Don't expect others to have to be responsible for your choices too.'

I am a very independent woman, have always worked and support myself and my child in a foreign speaking country. I guess in principle I agree (and here too with you posters) but I have found the way in which he has presented things to me very upsetting. It totally stripped all the joy I was feeling for our wedding and in print his words, quite frankly came across as cold and matter of fact and made me fear that my child would simply become 'the poor relative'.

Perhaps I have overreacted. But what was supposed to be a special time has been stripped bare and we now have this cause and effect fallout!

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I know how you feel, if only because I am that way when we talk about finances, as I am a businessperson as well.

FDH had to learn that when we were talking about proper and serious issues, feelings had to be put aside because I was very analytical and it came off as cold. We talked through it though, and he realized that because it is a touchy subject, it's better to focus on it as a business issue than an emotional issue.

I didn't want to do the whole "Oh honey, I want to provide for you but I feel that xxx." and do it cut and dry so there was no confusion as to what I expected. He didn't like it because of exactly how you feel "It was unromantic and makes you seem cold, that this is more a business deal than a relationship."

But he also realized that he needed to assuage my fears about what is expected of me, and laying it out professionally was the fastest and easiest way to do so. We ended uptalking through about THAT, the issue he had with how I communicated, and why I did it the way I do.

Sometimes, proper business issues need to be addressed without emotions, or it can cloud your goals. That was the conclusion we came to so we got through it without a problem.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

I get it, but marriage isn't all roses and fluff anymore. There are practicalities. He is a business person and he carries that over to his personal life. Obviously, this isn't how you do things. Maybe you should think about how well matched you two really are.

Personally, I respect his honesty and straightforward manner. I myself prefer all those things arranged ahead of time so we both know where we stand.

I guess I'm not a traditional female. A marriage is a contract and there are consequences if the person you marry is financially irresponsible (or emotionally). I prefer not to go that route. There was one man I trusted this much and we didn't marry for 10 years. Unfortunately, he died, but I am not at a place to trust anyone else right now in my life enough to marry.

aggravated1's picture

OP, this all boils down to what you want your marriage to be. Leaving everything to his nieces is bad enough, but ok-specifying that he is doing it just to keep your kid from receiving anything from you is nasty work, indeed.

You can see on this post alone how other people run their marriages. Some people think that this is fair, while some don't. Some people look at marriage as a financial transaction, some don't.

I am from the school that when you marry, you share. Marriage vows says in sickness and in health-they don't say-you can take care of me if I get leukemia, but first sign this prenup so if I kick it you can't buy your kid a candy bar.

Marriage is sacrifice, and yes, that also can include money. I would tell him to kiss my ass, and get an apartment or a house that if he died you wouldn't need to ever move or have to be evicted because you can't afford the payments. In fact, if you had a child together, I would still live that way. Tell him you can't be guaranteed that he won't become a deadbeat dad, and you would be more comfortable being able to handle things on your own.

missy mella's picture

aggravated, this is exactly how I feel.... in sickness and in health etc....

There are other nuances but it really upset me that having been together 3+ years and watching how my child adores him, he would state as coldly as he did that his nieces (born to a brother he professes not to stand, who live the other side of the world) will inherit him!

I do not need him to provide for my child but I do will not risk her feeling second class.

There is every chance I have overreacted but it is not her fault and he has been her life for half of it, I didn't expect that she would inherit him but I did expect some consideration of the life he shares with her.

It is a bit complicated as we both live in the country of my ex husband, in Europe, where we both work and we are both from different cultural backgrounds - I had always thought being travelled and educated diffuses cultural differences - Maybe in the end this is the problem.

Orange County Ca's picture

He should make sure you are taken care of regardless of you bearing a child of his making.

I suspect he's thinking "If I leave anything to her then her daughter will eventually inherit". So if we're talking big bucks here and he's thinking that way he could create a trust which would pay all your living expenses but no frills. Suitable housing, utilities, clothing and food but no vacation trips etc.

Just a flat rate amount large enough for you to purchase whats needed. In the style he's living now.

And now that you've mentioned he is of middle eastern descent and he's obviously in full control of his finances I'd be leary of his controlling nature. Is there a previous wife in this? Talk to her. Obviously I don't know this guy but some of them can get pretty nasty when the woman doesn't comply like a Afghanny woman would. Be careful.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

There are plenty of non-middle eastern men who are controlling. I don't think he's controlling here. He's being honest and saying that the child who is not biologically his, is not his responsibility. I see no problem with someone wanting to keep money in their family. I would be livid if my money went to skids.

Most Evil's picture

Well I am sorry but if he is so rich I don't see why he couldn't help your daughter go to the same level school as a child that is biologically his.

He is totally punishing your daughter for having her own dad in her life, and you for allowing it.???? which is just sick.

That would not go over well with me. Also he had better leave his damn money to you and not your child??

I would have serious doubts about marrying this man, he sounds like a paranoid ass-!!!

ItAlmostWorked's picture

Is he wealthy enough to send your bio to private school without it even making a dent in his standard of living?

I agree it is good to be honest and up front but I think he has gone to far. There is a nasty tone to him leaving you or your current bio NOTHING unless you produce a child. Sounds like a control freak.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Wait. So because he has money, he SHOULD give more? What?

Um, I am on his end in this--the OURS child between me and FDH will be going to private (my requirement) school, which I and FDH will pay for. If FDH and BM want SS to go to private school, THEY can pay for it as THEY are the parents. I and my parents will be paying for the majority of it, because it won't make a dent in our income like it would for FDH. Does this mean we should give money for SS to go to private school as well to equal it out?

Seriously, what is this?

Not my child, NOT my problem or financial obligation. IF SS didn't have a mom and I was legally adopting him, then hell yes I would give, but he does and I am not. I'm appalled at some of the entitled reasonings for why the stepfather SHOULD give money for a child that's not his, especially since the father is still involved. If he wanted to, great, if he didn't, it is NOT his responsibility.

mezereon's picture

Wait a minute, you cannot handle a few weeks/months stress to get your perceived obligations for your daughter from your ex husband, but you were/are considering a lifetime of a dual standard with two children and corresponding fathers? Seems like odd logic.....

End it with this guy. If he comes back, you get a pre-nup stating he will treat both children equally when it comes to spending, school, vacations, etc..... Inheritance is ok for differences, I agree with that opinion, but ultimately, you get 50% when he dies anyway.

And how old are you guys?? What is his fascination with death??

I agree with the other comments, its good you found out now before you get married.


kellygrace's picture

I am confused. Does everyone who has commented saying they would not help pay for their SK pay everything completely separate from their spouse? My boyfriend and I have a joint banking account, home together, cars etc. Our finances are not independent of each other. We could not afford the home, cars, etc we have on our own. So how do you guys do it? (I am curious because I do not want to pay any part of my boyfriend's child support obligations, however, either way it impacts me financially).

Stepped in what momma's picture

This is how we do it, not sure if this helps or not:
My pay $93,000
SO pay $64,000
Total $157,000.00
He pays 40% of the household bills- his child support comes from his pay
I pay 60% of the household bills
When we shop for groceries the bill is split in half however when skids are in town we split the bill in to 3rds bc I refuse to pay for their food.