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good topic" who should come first

igiveup2's picture

I'm sure there are those of you that have heard the words" Your kids should be the most important in your life." I got so sick of hearing my husband and my sister in law use these words so often. It actually made me scratch my head, so puzzling. One day I asked them" Why can't everyone be equally important?' His sister told me " Well you have 2 boys and they should come first." I said " first like how?" I really did'nt comprehend the train of thought. My husband said" well if me and your son were hanging from a cliff you should save him and if you or SD were hanging I should save her" In my mind i'm trying to figure out this disfunctional thinking. So I then said to them" Do you ever think we will be hanging from a cliff?" They said no thats just an example. I said" I think what your getting at is their needs and wants should come first no matter what." So I said once again" why can't everyone be important?" Then I said" Do you mean even though you're married you tell your partner your children are more important?" I think I irritated them. To me this was extremely disfunctional thinking. My husband is just as important to me as my children. So now we have been in counciling for well me 4 years and he a year. He came to me one day and said who are the two most important people in a relationship? I said you and I. Without us acting as a team the children do not know how to function nor do they learn right from wrong. Thought this would be a good topic

igiveup2's picture

Thanks bunny, that is what our councilors have been telling us. I think he is getting the hang of it. I see improvement so there's hope. He is a good person, does'nt drink or do drugs, never raises his voice so different from my very abusive x husband of 28 years. He has a few issues to deal with i know. His mom died when he was one year old. Bounced from stepmom tp stepmom. But i do see improvement which shows me he cares enough to try. Now that our children are all out of the house our lives are settling down. Not as much drama.

herewegoagain's picture

And let's not forget the really sick ones who not only think their kids should come first, but that their pathetic mothers should also come first....sigh...

Wish my DH would go to counseling, but he won't. And he claims to have moved on and changed his thinking, but honestly, I am always just waiting for the other shoe to drop...oh wait, the other shoe did drop, ie. his crappy mother...and he's already back peddling...sigh

igiveup2's picture

when I spoke about who comes first I meant as a family. In a realationship that will last the two most important people are the parents. They hold the family together and they will be the one growing old together. Thats what I meant. Of course as good parents when it comes to shelter, food hygene, personal products etc... we have to provide as parents when they are unable to provide for themselves. I meant this more on the positions held by each member in the household.'s picture

In most remarriages, both man and woman will assume their kids come before their spouses. This is because the kids are permanent (until they are grown), and spouses can change (hence divorce). This is why I would not marry. I don't think that works for everyone, but it works for me because of my age and the fact that I'm done having babies. It is stupid for someone in my position to bring a man into our family, plus all the drama that entails. It is also selfish. Like I can't wait 9 or 10 years for the kids to move out to play around with a man... those years will go by like days and they will be gone before I know it. I will be glad I did not spend them stressed out over some man and his kids. My kids will, too. Anyway, back to the point...people who are serious about their marriage put their SO first. The others are just looking for some help around the house.

Disneyfan's picture


I was 23 when my son was born. I dated but living with someone or getting married was not an option.

I wasn't willing to change how I parented or put my son's needs/wants on the back burner for a man.

People who say men and women who put their kids first, will be lonely once the kids leave home are wrong. I met DF just before my son graduted from high school.

Perfect timing.

igiveup2's picture

I do not understand your comment but a little history for you, His ex wife is deceased. She was an alcolic and was killed in a wreck. I am sympathetic to the children for this they were 9 and 10 when this happened but now they are 25 and 26 and still play the guilt card on him. I was married for 28 years and beaten by my husband, lost one of my sons in 2004. I refuse to take bad treatment from anyone anymore whether physical or mental. I am Christian and do believe in trying. If you would please elaborate on your comment for it is confusing me.

giveitago's picture

I believe that kids are paramount in any relationship but NOT to the exclusion of the spouse. I waited until my kids were grown before I remarried, I divorced their father and was a single parent for 20 years. I focused on raising the kids. I dated, had friends and did adult stuff. I LOVED being single! I LOVE being married too! 8 years together with DH now.
It's the SKids and BM that were the issues, along with DH's stunted testicles which are now almost fully grown...along with his spine. My reactions could have been different on some occasions too.
DH has three bio kids, they were SD and SS 10 (twins) and SS 15. Things had changed dramatically with regard to raising kids by that time. It seemed like I was to accept disrespect, 'it is what it is' and do not take it personally and all that bullcrap. I was to accept BM alienating the kids against DH and I? Now, I really do get that I am responsible for me, I alone, and the impact on me of adverse and negative behaviors from SKids. What seemed to become lost in the 'theraputic' process (court ordered family therapy because SD was a juvenile delinquent) was that kids needed instructions on how to behave in society...somehow that did not seem to come into discussion?
I really do get that you cannot change people, however, I firmly believe that you can influence and guide them.
I stopped being a parent to the SKids a long time ago, not worth the risk to my health! I advocate disengaging but keeping communications open with SKids and not being hostile. I just referred them back to DH every time they wanted something...they yell downstairs to me that I am not their mom and they do not have to do as I say...absolutely correct! I also do not have to do the 'mom' things, like rides and cash and babysit friends on sleepovers etc. iether!
I still do pass comment when something they do negatively impacts me, DH has been so passive as a parent but he does try to implement changes and he is more on side with me now. We joke about the 'little monsters' moving out and us semi retiring to travel. I read somewhere that it takes, on average, seven years for a family to 'blend'. Well...that might be true since we are growing and learning here. The biggest issues are 18 year old twins currently but they will grow and learn too...the hard way!!

igiveup2's picture

It is not the skids behavior towards me that bothers me, they are grown and on their own now. Though when i moved in they were still living here and my life was a living hell. I got no help around the house and held a physically hard job in a factory. I won't live nasty so i did what i had to do. Mind me though I started standing up for myself. It is my husbands behavior that I am having issues with. his home was aweful and he asked me to help him remodel it. Every week we would work on it. I spent my money right along with him. I have paid more than my keep here. After spending all the money we did to remodel this house I did not want it going to ruin. His children are extremely lazy and i saw where it came from, their father. I wish I had known then what i know now or I would not have gotten into this situation. I demanded help and if I came in from work to a mess I started making them clean it up. The faults of the children truly lie with the parents. I firmly believe that.My SD took a vengeance toward me he should have intervened. My SS threatened me once again he should have intervened. My son always helped around the house with guy chores, grass cutting, car washing etc. I raised my boys that way. I even taught them to help indoors. My skids wanted a maid. A maid with money. My son is now grown and in the air force, his daughter moved into her own place for she wanted no guidlines set. His son is living with Girlfriend #2 after leaving girlfriend #1 with a child he pays hardly no attention to. They put on a good front when i met them but that soon changed. I have been in counciling and on depression meds for almost 5years now. He started counciling a year ago only because i threatened to leave. Even though his children don't live here anymore they still interfere and cause trouble. I have told him I want marriage counciling or I will leave. I have tried and tried but can't do it alone. I have taken over the finances because there was too much money being spent that he could not seem to explain. I know they were hitting him up. And believe me I am a good person and will help anyone in need. I would feed a total stranger if they were hungry. He was just buying them things such as ipods, x boxes and games etc. When I would tell him i needed to take my son school clothes shopping, for my son is 5 years younger than his youngest, It would be"WEll how much do u plan to spend and what do my kids get?' I no longer allowed myself to be treated like a moron and started saving the bank statements and credit card staements and highlighting things.I gathered these staemants and showed him. I said" I think they already got enough". This is when I noticed his children started showing hatred behavior toward me and my son. In fact my SD and SS looked for reasons to beat on my child. Had this occured for sure I would not be here today sitting and typing to you good people. Now he is really trying because he knows I am to the point of packing and going back home. I am from alabama, I relocated here in 2005 with my job where I met a person whom I thought was my soul mate. I am retired now like he has been since 2002. I do see an improvement since he started counciling but joint marriage counciling is need also. He has agreed to do whatever it takes, says he loves me deeply, we'll see.

unbelieveable's picture

Yeah...spouse first. If you and your spouse, or whatever are not happy - the kids will NOT be happy. Bottom Line.

emotionaly beat up's picture

In a marraige the husband and wife should put each other FIRST. Where there are children involved, the marriage still comes first for many reasons,but most importantly children learn how to have relationships based on what they see at home. If mum and dad put each other first they are both happy people, happy parents, produce happy kids, happy kids grow up to be happy, confident self assured adults who go on to have healthy relationships because that is what they have learned at home.

In relationships where the children come first mum or dad or both focus all the attention on the kids instead of each other, the kids grow up, mum and dad have nothing in common anymore, don't even really know each other anymore and the kids well, they are self absorbed, spoilt men and women who think the world owes them. They are not prepared for the ups and downs of life as mum and dad both made sure they never suffered a loss or failure, so as a consequence they become very angry men and women when the world does not treat them as mum and dad did.

The marriage comes first.

redfire's picture

I just had a major light bulb when i read gthe comments. I think the adults come first, be you divorced , married, together or apart.

Married couples need to feed a relationship and keep the house hold happy and a float. The memebers in the family will all benefit. Happy husband and wife make happy babies( my brother is unhappyie his kids are un happy)

Not married but together same thing with the same understandings.

Not together ( at war) If you are at war with theperson you had kids with the kids suffer because they see this crap. Instead of taking a step back and leaving the kids out of it they get dragged into all thge mess. My DH and the BM had this problem until my DH disengaged from her crazy rollercoaster. Since DH disengaged and soley talks to his daughter(sd13) there relationship has gotten better. The relationship between him and SS8 is lacking because he still has to go through BM to talk to him.

So I say if the two parties are respectful of there parental roles than the kids wont suffer as much.

If a copuple feeds theior relationship than the rest of the house hold benefits down to the dog.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

The Marriage (husband & wife or committed couple) always comes first. You will starve out a marriage if you put the kids wants before your spouse. Notice I said wants. I firmly believe wants & needs of the kids are two very very separate things. BM cant seem to grasp that, which causes lots of problems for everyone.

I put my spouse before all else. This marriage is my big priority. I think the marriage suffers when you put the wants of anyone before your spouse.

In my home & marriage its-- God, spouse, myself & kids. But thats how we chose for things to be. Things may work differently for others.

igiveup2's picture

I totally agree with what you said. Especially needs and wants. Even in a traditional family the same rule applys i believe as stepparents we tend to tolerate hoping to learn how we as husband and wife can deal with problems as they arise. We don't want skids to dislike us right from the start so we tolerate and work on a solution. Where as in a traditional family if a child were to act out they would suffer the consequences of what ever punishment decided upon. For my children i found restriction or taking something away worked well. My SD would pitch a fit if her dad ever did that and he would'nt so really I blame him for her behavior. I finally had to start stepping in for my own sanity and peace. I would cut her cell phone off for a day. slam, slam, slam went the doors almost every day as soon as he left. So I finally did as I felt I should, I took the door off the hinge. I told her one day you get it back. But he never backed me and she focused much meaness on me to a point I almost left. Then I thought " hey wait what am I doing?"I am allowing a 19 year old to run my life and here I am 56 years old. I told her one day in front of her dad" I want to say something and I want to say this in front of your dad, I love your dad and I'm not leaving, her eyes got big and a weird look of surprise came over her face. I said one more time" Do you understand what I just said? I'm not leaving."He sat there and kept quiet, for this girl ran every woman off he had ever dated. She went upstairs and slammed the door, I got the dewalt and went up he followed me saying please don't. I pointed to the kitchen and said " Go sit and have some coffee."Off came the door again. It was'nt too long after that she moved in with her sister and in her own place now. God plays a big part in my life. But I handeled it properly the way he would have wanted me too, no screaming, yelling, arguing. I tried to get them involved with church when we married but could not. I did not feel I should force it but I choose to worship.

ownedbypedro's picture

you are so right stepmom, and my marriage did indeed "starve out" because my ex husband put his second son above everything and everyone for our entire marriage of 26 years.

It began when he was 14 and came to live with us. We couldn't even have a conversation anymore without it including the skid. My place on the sofa next to dh was taken over by the skid - who at FOURTEEN was practically in his father's lap all the time.

Those examples are just the tip of the iceberg - dh let the skid be a HUGE part of our relationship. Even after skid "grew up" - his wants were first about the needs of our relationship. If skid needed a babysitter for his kids - our plan were changed so we could watch skid's kids.

If I objected or complained, I was "selfish or had it in for skid." Well SURE I had it in for skid -- who wouldn't?

redfire's picture

I think if couples are on the same page. You would both

A.) go to the hospital as echo exampled.

B.) both starve and let your child eat.

Its the sacrifice that makes the family. My Dh goes with out so that I will have or kids would have. I personally hate it. I would rather go with out so he could have. When BS is born I will feel the same as i will not sacrafice my comfort for his kids, thats thier mothers job.

How about this example. Im 6months preggers and my legs where hurting last night. Dh came in from work and I wanted a rub. I saw that he was hurting from his day and needed a rub. He sucked it up and rubbed me down despite the way he felt and I turned around and rubbed him the same. We feel asleep after. In this case I think he put my needs and the baby needs before his achy needs. I made sure he got his too . We were both happy.

emotionaly beat up's picture

The marriage comes first, and common sense must prevail. A couple can put each other and the marriage first without failing in their responsibilities towards their children. Minor children do have needs, adult children often need support too, but there is a huge difference between meeting the needs of your children giving in to their wants. Two people who have the emotional maturity to recognize the marriage comes first, also know how to set boundaries with their children.

autopilot's picture

I have lived through boths sides of this issue...and I was the cause of it! If men would just put their selfish and guilty feelings aside, they'd see what a wonderful relationship they can have with their wives in a blended family environment. We didn't marry our kids, we married our wives. The kids will leave us eventually and so will our wives (if we don't put the wives first in the marriage).

I am the DH of a wonderful wife who has put up with alot of being pushed aside "for the sake of the kids." We married 5 years ago with my promise to her that she would always be the most important thing to me in my life. Those were easy things to say but very difficult to carry out. We slogged through 3 years of disappointments and frustrations from the marriage that we expected to have together. Nearly everything that I did revolved around my 2 kids' activities and their wishes. I carried such guilt for not being an everyday father to them and, as a result, put them as most important in my life.

The result was that I was manipulated this way and that by the kids because they were smart enough to see their power over my life and used it for their benefit. My wife basically disengaged from me and them because I had placed so little value in her importance to me. If the kids saw that I was spending too little time with them and too much time with my wife, they would do or say something to disrupt the family. Mostly, it was acting out disrespectfully or defiantly which caused me to gravitate to them and away from my wife. I overlooked their behavior because I had become a "paralyzed parent" who thought that the kids would reject and hate me if I disciplined them.

A couple of years ago, I read a book (unfortunately I cannot remember the name of it) that talked about the two parenting styles: parentally-focused and maritally-focused. I read in horror the parentally-focused characteristics and realized for the first time that I was in that category. The psychological effects on kids and marriage(according to the book) were quite damaging from the parentally-focused model. I finally realized what my wife must feel like and understood why we were having such a difficult time in our marriage. Both of us were unhappy and I couldn't understand the root cause of it all. Why she had put up with my behavior I still don't understand. She may have been waiting for the right time to leave as many on this site talk about.

From that time forward, I have worked very hard to focus my life on my wife and not let the kids control what I do. It was difficult at first (especially for the kids) because it was such a pardigm shift. I told the kids that I loved them and that they were important to me but that my wife would come first. They were even more resentful and rebellious at first trying harder than ever to control me. However, over time they realized that I still loved them and spent quality time with them. They are now OK with it and are old enough to understand why it was needed. They both have apologized to me for their behaviors (and I have to them, too, for not being a good parent to them).

My wife was very skeptical that I could hang onto my new convictions to her. That was understandable because she was afraid of getting let down once again. She was guarded and kept her inner feelings to herself. As issues arose and it became clear by my actions that she was foremost in my heart, she began opening up to both me and the kids. She is now very happy and treats me better than I could ever hope or imagine. We now have a very happy and functional blended family with our 5 kids (3 hers and 2 mine). I never dreamed that our marriage could be so good simply by always putting her as my top priority.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Well done Autopilot, for you to recognize your role in causing a rift in your marriage and then go about resolving it is impressive. Unfortunately not too many men in your situation would admit to any wrongdoing. I wish you and your wife a very long and happy life together.

christinen's picture

Spouse should always come first. Obviously, as a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure the NEEDS of your child are met, but as far as the general order of the members of the household, the most important relationship in the family is the marriage. My parents were together and always put each other first when I was growing up and I didn't feel neglected or anything like that. In fact, it was just the opposite. I learned what a healthy relationship is supposed to be like from them. I saw what true love was like. I was not spoiled like my DH has spoiled SD by making her believe she is the center of the freaking universe!

janeyc's picture

Thank God for some sanity, my poor brother is one of the most caring, hard working, supportive and kind people you could ever meet, yet his gf treats him like a pay cheque, while shes in bed in the morning, he gets up the 4 boys, washes thems feeds them, gets them ready for school and then he brings her in a cup of tea and goes to work, when he returns 10hrs later he is issued with a list of demands, no coffee no hug, she won't even iron him a shirt for work, them he cooks her dinner for her, I whole heartedly agree that we are all important and should be respected, listened to and cared for.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Don't worry Janeyc, this won't last forever. Sure it might take 30 years, but your brother will leave her eventually, you can bank on it. I have to say this though janey, she may be treating your brother like a slave, but, HE is allowing it. It is one thing for him to feel the need to make sure the kids are clean, dressed and fed for school, I get it, he does it for the kids, but to take her in a cup of tea on top of that, well he is making more of a fool of himself than she is of him. Sorry, don't mean that to be nasty, but I have seen this before. Everyone blames the female, but really, if the male didn't act like a slave, she couldn't treat him like one. Anyway, he will leave one day.

Rachel Imenu's picture

A side lined wife, especialy one that is also a step mother is an unhappy person and generally becomes ineffective in her roles. Responsibilities without authority. For 25 years my husband consistently put his kids first. I suffered, hurt jealousy and anger were frequent feelings. mY husband suffered, the kids suffered from our arguments. When a spouse puts the kids first, the other spouse is edged out of their rightful role in the marriage and is generally disrespected by both spouse and kids.
A week before he died my husband finally decided it was timeto put me first. And he did in a genrous will that his children can not accept. Family has practically disintegrated and the will is not settled after a year.

Put your spouse first and while doing that make sure your kids show proper respect. Everyone will be happier for it!