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Coping with stepkids

SebringLad's picture

I have the solution for stepkid problems...2 strong Gin & Tonics,close together !!!!!

ownedbypedro's picture

I used to belt down a few then play Monopoly with my skid. Dh was on the road for work and I felt like I had to do SOMETHING with it so...

GrayC's picture

LoL! Love this idea and am going to try it when the three step kids arrive this Friday for their weekend visit.

phoenix410's picture

I have told my sister that these damn s/kids were going to make me an alcoholic. I don't know how to cope with them. DH gets upset because when the attitudes and yelling start, I retreat to my room. I have to. I have started developing chest pains and the shakes from stress, and a few months ago I had a few other physiological issues start up as well, directly because of stress.

I don't know what else to do. I told him yesterday that I'm sorry if it meant I was going to be away from him as well, but I had to leave the house and be away from his kids, for everyone's sake. I seriously wanted to hurt someone yesterday. He gets all upset that I feel that way, or that I'm "willing to lose time with him just to get away from them." I don't know what else to do, though.

FLTN77's picture

Wow...I am very happy I found this! I told my sister that I was going to become an alcoholic from my s/kids! I find myself drinking more wine that usual when our week comes around. AND, I also remove myself from the room because the little boy has ADHD and is not on his meds regularly. I started feeling strange fluttering feelings in my a surge of adrenaline or something last week! I hope stress isn't causing me anxiety!! My "husband to be" gets upset with me as well, but I don't know what else to do! SO HAPPY I FOUND THIS SITE! Smile

Tired of being 2nd's picture

yesterday i had to take a xanax when my sd visited .. she is 18 .... i just freak out .. i don't know why ... I am fine when she isn't around and then she comes here and i am a hot mess. I wish i could be fine . But i think she has hurt me so bad , that i don't know how to deal anymore .. with her behaviors and nothing done by her dad .. except she gets rewarded more and more because I don't know why . Guilt on the fathers part .. Butt it pisses me off to know extent. so i get myself into a tizzy ... and have to take drugs ...

stressed-mom's picture

got home from work and had to deal with all the crazy BS for the day. Now darling SD is grounded while I lay on the couch watching TV! I hear her in there talking crap... about to open my wine and drink up. Great idea!