Need some advice desperately...
Hi all - I apolgise in advance for this being my first post and it is not a pleasant one!
I am a 33yo woman who is married to a 42 yo man who has 2 children from 2 prior marriages, a 20yo girl who lives with her mother (nil issues there) and a 15yo boy who lives with us full-time for the past 5 years. Husband and I have a 3yo together. 15yo and his bio mother have zero contact - she is basically a rat and cut him off about 3 years ago, we don;t even know where she lives and where he used to get presents at birthday and xmas - nothing for past year.
in short my 15yo stepson is a nightmare. I know the age is bad in general, but he is a compulsive liar who today, we found out has likely been stealing money. I am at my wits end - the lies just continue to spew out of his mouth even when he has been openly shown to be lying. He is seeing a Psychologist but that is only recent, I just need some advice as to what I can do as I am seriously at a point where either he goes or I do. He is not into drugs or crime (yet) but I fear he is on the path to such and there is no way I will subject my daughter to that. Just at a loss at the moment. thanks in advance.
Put a key lock on your
Put a key lock on your bedroom door the same as you have on the front door. Or create a safe room with a lock. A safe room is usually a living/bed room area closet with a normal but often narrower door on it. Equip it with a standard entry style locking handle much like on the front door of your home but with a separate key of course. Unfortunately you'll have to wear that one around your neck as leaving it with your other keys on the kitchen table defeats the whole purpose. Put anything you consider worth stealing in there including your purse. It can continue to be a closet unless filled with silverware. Most closets have exterior hinge pins so you will need special hinge pins which are available at most Ace Hardware stores.
As for your mental state read this:
He's likely using drugs despite your opinion hence the need for money and the turn for the worse in his personality.
As for your daughter well you'll have to decide if and when the situation is desperate enough that either the boy goes or you go. Consider renting a studio apartment for you and your daughter (or bigger if you can afford it) until the boy leaves home in a couple of years. Let your husband know that you'll do this if necessary so he can digest the news and hopefully keep the problem from getting to that point.
Thanks for your advice - you
Thanks for your advice - you raise some good points. We don't think he has stolen money from us, we think he is getting ti outside the home. I have said that if things continue to get worse, we have a rental property my mum lives at, I could go there with our daughter until such time he leaves home.
Thanks for the disengaging article - it is exactly what I need to do and am working on that, which I think will alleviate some of the angst between he and I.
I never stole out of my mom's
I never stole out of my mom's purse...would have never even crossed my mind. I don't think this is common behavior, IMHO.
I agree with the drugs thing,
I agree with the drugs thing, I am a Parole Officer so pretty good at picking that kind of behaviour. I think he is stealing to buy video games, that is where we know a substaintial amount of some money he had went, He doesn't have a job so no means for buying things really.
The mother issue is certainly a big, big problem. He gets near hysterical when she is even mentioned. Hopefullythe psychologist will address that.
Great ideas thansk - I am in
Great ideas thansk - I am in Australia so don't have a Walmart - but we have Costco now!! Hubby has said that as soon as he is 18, if the behaviour doesn't improve, he is out, so we are on the same page there. 3 years doesn't seem so bad then!
If affordable, build an
If affordable, build an apartment w entrance for him/ or you and daughter. Buy a multi family house and rent out the other apartment(s) to cover mortgage, or fill your weekends with events away from home so you don't have to deal w him so much, make friends w parents of 3 year olds so you can trade overnights down the road, send daughter to visits w aunts and grandma so she'll be used to it down the road when the shit hits the fan. Sadly, my son spent many nights away from home as a tween/teen to avoid SS and SD...or spent time in his room. Even now he is not welcome home from college on SD weekends cause there's one guest room and she would have to sleep on futon. It's sort of messed up. If she doesn't want to sleep on futon, I think she should not come.
Good idea but a little hard
Good idea but a little hard for us at moment. We are living rent free at my husbands work premises, but we have a rental that my mum lives at so that is an option if things get real bad.
Your SS is angry. He's been
Your SS is angry. He's been abandoned by his mother. This does NOT get better unless you can get him to truly connect with his feelings. He is taking his anger out on you because he is a kid, immature in understanding his feelings.
Keep him going to the therapist. Lock up your valuables.
I'm no expert - but I am dealing with a SS16 who's mother has cut off all contact as well. My SS has some mental issues though as well, so that's where our stories differ. But he steals, lies, cheats, fights, smokes, drinks and I suspect drugs - almost all are attention seeking behaviors. He takes his anger at his mother out on his father and I.
Keep your 3yo safe, stay constant and consistent. It sounds like you are doing what you can so far. Good luck honey!
Thanks I think you are right
I think you are right on the money. I suspect that 90% of his behaviour stems from this issue. I also suspect he is depressed and have encouraged my husband to have the psychologist assess him as such. My 3yo is certainly my priority and I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe - right now I am working on disengaging