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I miss you dad!

Phoenixfury's picture

I don't usually refer to my step dad as a step dad but had always called him dad and referred to him as such. For the most part he was the only dad I knew because my biological father died of cancer a few months before I was born. A year after I was born, my mother married the man I grew up knowing as my dad. My mother always told me about my father and that he was my guardian angel and I had always understood why she remarried. I am the youngest of 3 which means he had 3 step kids to take under his wing. I know this had not been easy for him at all. Growing up with him wasn't easy especially in during my childhood years. He was a bad alcoholic but fortunately not a physically violent one. Thankfully (when I was a teen) my mother was able to get him to stop drinking cold turkey when she threatened to leave him. He was still a pain in the butt but he grew into a man we could truly love and respect as our dad. He also loved and respected us as well. He had told my mother at one time he had wished to adopt me as his son but chose not to respect me and my father. He didn't want me to be angry with him for taking my father's family name away from me without giving me a choice and I love him for that. I never did allow him to adopt me but someday when I do have a child, I want his family name to be part of my child's name.

Sadly this past June he had passed away from cancer throughout his body. He was not well and unable to attend my wedding last May, but thankfully I had our wedding recorded and found a way for him to witness it from his deathbed on YouTube. I was told (yes there are tears in my eyes right now) that he wanted to watch the video over several times and that he was very happy to get a chance to witness our marriage. I am so thankful that my best friend back in my hometown was able to make it possible for him to see our wedding video. My best friend was greatly honored and to do this for our family and did not want anything in return as we had given him so much when he was down in the dumps himself.

So there you have it... It is possible to love a man who isn't your biological father as though he was. I miss him dearly and know he is in a special place in Heaven right now. He'll always have a special place in my heart.

sbm014's picture

I send my condolences, I lost my grandfather who was another form of dad for me, and I can't imagine losing my stepdad. He gives me hope on how to be a step-parent and ddi way more than he should have and still does for not only me but still does. I am so happy to see someone else have such love for a step-parent!

Una's picture

I send my condolences to you as well. I had tears in my eyes reading your post. It is lovely to read that for some it is possible to have a loving and respectful relationship. I'm sure he was very proud of you as you are of him. Now you have two Guardian Angels looking out for you and your family Smile

Orange County Ca's picture

Fortunately you bypassed having your bio-father replaced and as such ducked a bullet so to speak.

Your 'step' Dad was a swell fellow stepping up like that knowing full well he would take on all the responsibilities of being a father while having none of the usual reliefs such as child support etc.

My hat is off to him.

Gabriels Mom's picture

Yes, it is possible to love a man who isn't your biological father as if he was, my dad wasn't my biodad. My biological father died when I was a baby. My mom married my dad when I was 4. I was devastated when he passed away 3 years ago. I still am. I love him so much and miss him every day. It's not dishonoring your biological father's memory at all and it wouldn't have dishonored anyone if he had adopted you. I think your biodad would have been glad to know that another man loved his kid that much.

oldone's picture

My best friend's bio dad left when she was a few months old and only appeared sporadically thru her childhood. Her mother remarried when she was two and the only dad she has ever acknowledged is her stepdad.

Her stepdad treated her and the son he eventually had with her mother exactly the same. When he inherited some money he split it with both of them.

When her bio dad was dying she said she was sorry for anyone to die but he really meant nothing to her. She didn't hate him. It was just pretty much indifference.

Her mother and the step dad ended up divorcing when she was grown but he is still her "dad".