Glad to see BM uses BF's CS money wisely....
Over the weekend we got hit with a Blizzard in New England and my BF went out and plowed for friends, church, etc. while he was doing this something happened to his truck and now he isn't able to use it.
For those of you who aren't familiar with my story BM gets 920.00 a month for the one kid they had together and BF pretty much lives like a pauper all the while BM gets new cars every 1-2 years, hair, nails etc. he doesn't have a vehicle right now and it will cost money that he doesn't have at this time. So his truck will be out of commission for who knows how long.
So...we text BM that BF's truck broke down and until further notice if SS11 wants to come on his visits (whole other story) she would need to drop off and pick up. BF & BM only live 15 minutes or less from eachother and BF pays damn good money for that kid. So what is BM response? "I'm sorry I can't I can't afford the gas". Then she texts again..."Let me know when you can take him again".
I get that she doesn't necessarily have to help him out and drop off or pick up but if there is a legit reason and it isn't like the distance is that far and it is only EOWE?
I can understand if she didn;t want to drive for the every Wednesday 2 hour visits but EOWE just so he can see his kid??? I know if it were me, I would do it for my kid so he can see his father. But again, that's just me.
What are your thoughts on this ladies???
Just needed to vent because that bitch has it made when it comes to $$$ and assistance that she gets for all of the kids she has being a single mom and all is ridiculous...she really knows how to play the system!!!
That's good news for you;
That's good news for you; skid stays away, you have more time with your man! WIN WIN!!!
I read my BF your reply and
I read my BF your reply and he laughed!!!!
He loves his kid but sometimes skid/bm and their constant bullshit are just NOT worth dealing with!!! I can't say that I blame him for not wanting to either.
I've had a couple of
I've had a couple of experiences with this. Back a few years ago, bm lost her license due to dui's. During that time frame, my dh did ALL the transportation which amounted to about 6 hours every other weekend.
When she got her license back-we went back to each party doing half the transportation. Dh, at one point, actually lived on base hours away. He could not always predict when he'd be able to be home, etc-so he asked bm to do his part of the transport a few times. She agreed, but asked him for gas money. He paid it.
That kind of stuff drives me
That kind of stuff drives me crazy. In fact, I am quite resentful the BM I deal with for the same reason. I try not to be, but I do. My DH pays the BM $2000 a month for 2 kids. She is remarried and and apparently can afford to work part time because of what he pays her. And yet- I get to pay most of our bills and had to go out and get a second job to make ends meet. And yet we go over to pick up the kids and they put in a new in-ground pool, then a hot tub and the list goes on and on. And we actually have the kids half time.
I have always worked for everything I got and I am all for a person paying for their children, but really - when is enough- enough????
i'm sorry - why did you go
i'm sorry - why did you go out and get a second job instead of your dh? your dh should not only be paying (only) court-ordered child support, but pulling his own weight regarding your household bills. from what is sounds like, your dh has a sweet deal.
YOU got a second job????
YOU got a second job????
It would be a VERY COLD DAY
It would be a VERY COLD DAY IN HELL that I would EVER get a job or even a second job to support any man's EX & KIDS!!! BF knows this full well...I could honestly care less if his kid lived under a fucking bridge....he is NOT my concern or problem. I take care of the child God gave me and it is our men and their ex's job to do the same for theirs!!! Period.
Stand your ground and STOP PAYING FOR HIS PAST!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gotta love the DOUBLE
Gotta love the DOUBLE STANDARD!!! :sick:
Hmmmmm......Lets make men pay out the ass til they are practically living under a bridge & jail them if they DON'T pay but if the BM ever had to pay CS then OMG only make her pay a pittence and if she doesn't pay OH FUCKING WELL!!!!
Our "JUSTICE" system is a FUCKING JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!