Alarm clock rant/vent
Dear DH,
Do you know when the snooze button stops being a snooze button? When you hit it every nine minutes for an hour. If you need to get up at 4:45 and just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE you damn snooze button so much, how about you set it for 4:25? But no, we just can't have doll face getting sleep. I'm not sure when, but at some point this must have become a house rule or which I was not informed. That's ok, though, the next time your alarm clock goes off at 3:45 and I know for a fact that you don't have to be up for another hour at least, you're getting up. Or I'm turning it off. I honestly don't even care anymore if you get in trouble at work over it. I can't even recall how many times I've explained to you now that it's difficult if not impossible for me to go back to sleep after your alarm goes off in the morning. So yeah, fuck you and fuck your damn snooze button.
And for follow up, anyone
And for follow up, anyone have any experience with a toddler waking up in the middle of the night seemingly starving to death. This has been going on for almost two months now. She wakes up between 11 and midnight for food water and then can't get back to sleep until about 3 am. I've seen her scarf two bananas and an entire sippy of water. I've tried everything I can think of, to include delaying dinner to right before bed and cooking her favorites so she gets plenty to eat; it just keeps her asleep until about 1 to 2 in the morning.
My 3 sons grow like weeds and
My 3 sons grow like weeds and eat amazing amounts of food but they sleep through the night. Benadryl anyone???
Could she be getting ready
Could she be getting ready for a growth spurt? When she gets up for a snack, do all lights get turned on or just enough to see? Does she have to leave her room to eat? Any or all of that may be too much stimulus for her to settle back down easily/quickly.
You might consider a nightlight in her room, and packing a small lunch bag/cooler with a snack for her (which she could then get herself?). I know a lot of people aren't keen on kids eating in their room, but this might be an exception to the rule.
As for the snooze button... Is there somewhere else you could sleep for a few nights (or that he could)? And make it clear that it is because of his lack of consideration towards your needs. And, you're too tired so he's not getting any until he figures it out.
My oldest daughter did that
My oldest daughter did that too off and on until she was about 3 yrs old. I was told to let her cry it out and all sorts of advise, in the end it was easier for me to just let her eat and then settle down again. I was extremely sleep deprived and so was my xh. If your dh works it might be a good idea if he could find a quiet room to sleep for awhile til your toddler gets past this stage. I did finally find that yogurt before bed, or anything with protein your child will eat, was the best but it did take a couple years for her to grow out of that stage. Now she is almost 20 and LOOOVES her sleep! lol
You have a huge growth spurt
You have a huge growth spurt coming. BS did this and it eventually stopped. He was ravenous. I did teach him to get things himself and not wake me up. We had a shelf that he could help himself to anything on it. Granola bars etc. Now he still does it as a teenager, but all I moan about now is the grocery bill.
Oh man. I do this to my DH. I
Oh man. I do this to my DH. I feel so bad. I've done this since high school ( I'm 40). It takes me at least 35 minutes of snooze button activity to levitate my body out of bed. If my DH complained I would stop it. On behalf of all of us snooze button addicted sleepers, I am so sorry.
Thank you, ladies. The growth
Thank you, ladies. The growth spurt thing crossed my mind. We already keep a sippy of water near the bed, but adding a snack or two sounds like a pretty good idea at least for the short term.
As for DH and his alarm clock, the only alternative place to sleep is actually in the baby's room with her. I suppose I'm not categorically against it, but I'm afraid that she'd get used to it. But I'm definitely serious that he's getting up or I'm turning it off. It's gotten beyond ridiculous lately.
Try increasing the toddler's
Try increasing the toddler's protein intake. Protein is metabolized to stabilize blood sugar more than carbs, and she may stay asleep longer.
As usual, you ladies rock. A
As usual, you ladies rock. A cup of yogurt right before bed and she slept like a log. I'm crossing my fingers for tonight.![Smile](
I wonder about Diabetes. If
I wonder about Diabetes. If the kid pees huge amounts really oftern, I would be concerned about that. Otherwise, Have you tried a snack about 30 min before bed? Something heavy like oatmeal made with milk?
My SO's alarm goes off at
My SO's alarm goes off at 5:00 AM, and he hits the snooze button for about 30 mins. He gets to work at 6:30. Well, I can't start work that early. But I knew this about him before I moved in. So I just get up a little after he does, sort of, and go to the gym and work out. The only time I got mad was when he fell back asleep and didn't hit the snooze button again. I shoved him hard that time.
I can't complain too much because I have this little obnoxious dog who insists she must be let outside in the middle of the night. And she isn't always quiet about it. I accommodate this dog because she blackmails me. She knows I know she will simply pee or poo in the house (usually in SS' bedroom or bathroom lol) if I don't let her out. She doesn't feel the need to hold it. Sometimes it wakes SO, sometimes it doesn't.
I just decided before I moved in that I will get up about the same time SO does. I don't know any other way around it. Got other battles to fight. But I totally understand people who get up later and have to put up with an hour long of snoozing. Not cool if the two of you don't agree on it.
Gah! And I hate my husband's
Gah! And I hate my husband's dog, too. Not really, she's a sweety, but she's a puppy and ill trained. And I hate cleaning up her messes.
DH does the same thing! SO
DH does the same thing! SO ANNOYING!!!