Not coping - am I evil??
Hi All,
New on here, so please bear with me. I feel like my head is going to explode...
I am 30, and have no kids. I have been with my SO for 3 years. He has 2 children, 12 and 5, with his ex. They split 3 months after #1 was born, and #2 resulted from a drunken one night stand (apparently) with BM, seven years later, after his long term relationship with another woman broke down. SO and BM were only casually seeing each other when #1 was conceived. It is a very bitter and volatile relationship between SO and BM. SO tried to commit suicide when he found out about child #2, as he could not bear the thought of another innocent life being dragged in to the whole sorry mess. He wanted a termination, she refused. Child #1 was in counselling at age 3 because of all the fights and arguments that he witnessed. All sounds terrible, I know... They were both very young, and very stupid. I am also aware that there are two sides to every story, and that the truth probably differs somewhat from the version of events that I've been told. Doesn't it always?
When I first met SO, I was very wary about getting involved with a man with kids. Never done it before, by choice, don't have much experience around children, and I've never been what you would call a "child" person. I made it very clear to SO before we began our relationship that I wanted NO involvement with his kids, and he accepted that. Boy! Was I naive!! He painted such a pretty picture of the whole situation, that by the time I realised what a hugely detrimental effect those 2 kids have on his life, it was too late and I was totally, utterly, head over heels in love with him.
Fast forward 3 years to now... SO is still living with his parents, at age 32, because of the HUGE amount of CS he pays. Because of the guilt he feels, he pays well over the odds. The kids do not see this money, she is on social, doesn't work, has a brand new car, goes out clubbing every weekend, is living the life of Riley at his expense. If he tries to cut her down, she makes life very unpleasant indeed. He works a ridiculous shift pattern, so only ever gets about 1 weekend off every 6 weeks, yet she constantly berates him for not having the kids enough, even though he has them every decent slot of spare time he gets. It drives me insane!!
So, where do I fit in??
I feel like I am waiting for an absolution, that is never going to come. We fight about him having his kids every weekend he has off. We fight about the money. We fight about the fact that his Mum still has a picture of BM on the living room wall, in the house that he still lives in. BM looks for my FB profile, and texts him cruel jibes about the profile pictures of me and him together. She HATES that he is happy with me. His sister is best friends with BM, and looks at me like I'm something unpleasant that she stepped in.
(Reading back on what I have written, I'm wondering what the hell I am still doing in this mess?!!)
Worst part is that SO is now starting to push for me to get involved with his children. It honestly breaks his heart that I will not, and I feel terrible for it. He really wants us to have a little family unit - he's never had that, he was cut out of both pregnancies, so his experience of fatherhood has been altogether terrible. I do not feel I can go to his parents house, with BMs picture on the wall and play happy families with HER kids.
Problem is - I resent the children so much. I mean REALLY resent them. Just for existing. I am a TERRIBLE person. I know that, but I cannot stop myself thinking of everything that we could be, and we could have, if he had not f***** up his life so badly. I wish he had been honest at the outset about how awful the situation was, so I could have made an informed decision about it.
Does anyone else feel this way?
I feel I have wasted 3 years of my life. But when BM and the kids are out of the picture we are SO happy. And despite everything we are incredibly in love. To make matters worse, I am getting to the point where I would love kids of my own, with him. I want to marry him. I have never wanted children before. Being from a messed up family, I always swore that I would never have kids with just anyone. That it would have to be THE ONE. Seems such a cruel twist of fate that my ONE, is the only one of my boyfriends with a whole load of hassle and baggage trailing after him. I almost want to throw myself on the floor and have an all-out toddler tantrum, screaming "IT'S NOT FAIR!!", at the top of my lungs How can I have a child with a man who cannot even afford to move out of his parents house?? I feel though, that he has paid for his mistakes. He is the best father he can be to those kids. Surely he deserves a shot at happiness with me? I know that he would LOVE to have a child with me, to actually get to be a real father, experience the pregnancy, be more than a cash machine to a woman who never wanted anything more than a sperm donor and someone to pay for her lifestyle.
(Really - what am I still doing here??)
I almost feel like I am waiting to wake up one morning, and *poof!*, they will have magically disappeared. I wish, I wish....
So, here's the crunch - do I relent? Stop fighting the situation, meet and embrace the kids, and try, try my very hardest to make things work?
Or do I walk away from the one man that I have truly ever loved, and try to find someone who will make ME number one, who I can share the joy of a first child, marriage, and a bright future with? That's what all my friends have found. And to be honest, I'm so jealous of them that I can barely see straight.
I'm sorry for the rant. It's been a long time in the making...
All help, gratefully received.
Thanks Cheri.. Just like to
Thanks Cheri..
Just like to point out, that I have done NOTHING to risk a pregnancy for a start. I am on birth control, and I will stay on birth control.
Secondly, "he can't even pull himself together enough to find a job that enables him to parent his children on a regular basis??" He has found a job that PAYS well enough to be able to provide a huge amount. Unfortunately that involves working a terrible shift pattern. There are not many 9-5 jobs out there that pay what he is earning now. Trust me, he has looked.
He has the kids during the
He has the kids during the week too, whenever he is off. Maybe I wasn't clear on that.
And yes, I agree, one massive f-up.
Nothing in your post paints
Nothing in your post paints this guy as daddy or husband material.
He has been a parent for 12 years. In 12 years he has not figured out how to support his kids, afford a place of his own and have his kids more than one weekend every six weeks. How can you be happy with a man like that? How can he be happy with himself?
Move on. There are plenty of men out there who have their shit together.
Wow. I really never thought
Wow. I really never thought of it that way. I always feel that the situation is as new to him as it is to me. I've never even thought of the 9 years before! Thank you x
But when BM and the kids are
But when BM and the kids are out of the picture we are SO happy
Except they will never be completely out of the picture. You are already resentful and you are not living with him nor involved with the kids. It will get a lot worse.
Not only do I agree with everything already said above, I think you already know what you need to do.
I feel like I am waiting for an absolution, that is never going to come
You are right, it is never going to come.
He painted such a pretty picture of the whole situation
What does that tell you? "Step into my parlor," said the spider to the fly.
Honestly, I could copy and paste your entire post as the reason you should bail.
Leave while you can...... It
Leave while you can......
It will be much more difficult if you end up getting married or having children of your own together.
You are still young enough to find the right person without all of this crap baggage attached and have a happy life.
What is it with guys who have
What is it with guys who have kids painting a great picture of how things are?! SAME thing happened to me! Except I'm five years in now and never ever want kids (especially now). I too think you already know what to do. If there's even so much as a question of you leaving its probably the right thing to do. Happily married people don't think about leaving each other regularly.
It might be painful, but
It might be painful, but having a child with him would probably only create more problems. You are still young and childless, you will find someone who will put you first and love you unconditionally, and share the magic moment of having a first baby together.
I was you a year and a half
I was you a year and a half ago. There were 2 BMs and a teenage boy and a twin girl . BM 2 is diagnosed bipolar. He still sees his kids at his moms and lives in the apartment we used to live together for 2 1/2 years together even though without me he can hardly afford it. Half of his salary goes to rent and the other half for child support and food and gas I guess. He has a stable job but needs to pay off student loans, child support etc. Supposedly he has a girlfriend now and I am sure it is not a healthy relationship since he has not changed a thing about his parenting and income situation. I hope the girlfriend has a job - I guess that will help him financially. He is good at making you feel sorry for him and naive women come to his rescue. Poor single father of 2. Yeah , right!
Please, please, leave! I was 30 when I met him and stayed for 3 1/2 years hoping love, good heart centered effort will rub off on him and he will magically be respectful and decent man. I had to leave and I am so glad I did.
This is a hot mess situation and he does not need to date or drag any woman into his mess until he mans up , clears his mess and gets a clear vision of what he wants in his life.Until he does this no woman that respects herself will come close to him .
You want a family but he already has one and that is enough of a mess for him that he is not able to deal with . As someone that went through this experience and has been out of it -please, donot subject yourself to even one more day of misery and unhappiness. We all deserve to be happy - shine and spread your wings and be happy.
He will find his way and sooner or later will figure it out. If he does not - it is not your responsibility to save , fix or make it better for him.
You take very good care of you , surround yourself with family and friends and love and respect yourself enough to leave.
Save your sanity before you have abandoned yourself and find your life miserable.
Love and peace and I understand so well! Unfortunately I do!
Well, I am still here,
Well, I am still here, reading back through this post, wishing I could somehow magic up the guts to leave.
SO has been really nasty AGAIN this week, talking to me like I'm something he has stepped in..
I wish I still had my old confidence, and self assurance. Once upon a time I'd have never stood for this shit. Guess that's what happens after three years of being treated like you are nothing - you start to believe it.
Why NOT have the guts to
Why NOT have the guts to leave? Now on top of everything you already told us, he is an ass to you as well? Please get yourself in to see a therapist. You need to work on your self esteem.
If it makes you feel any better, my DH told me when we first started dating that his baby mama was psychotic. I breezily blew that off thinking she would get over it. It took 10+ years and her finding a victim to marry and pop out another paycheck before that happened. Until then, she did everything she could to make our lives hell.
I helped my DH crawl out of the hell that he had unwittingly dug himself into. BUT - he was living on his own even though he was bony enough that I could see his ribs because of how much CS he was paying. AND he was/is a GOOD father. Meaning, he made sure to have a job so he could see his kids as much as he was allowed by the courts.
In your situation, I think you are in love with the illusion he is giving you instead of the REAL him. Pay attention to how he treats you. You KNOW this isn't good for you.
It's so true!! I know you
It's so true!! I know you should judge people on their words and not their actions - he talks a good relationship, just still waiting to actually see it!
How are things for you now? Are you glad you stayed? I guess your DH was lovely enough to make it worth it? Xx