How would you ask for exH's wife to not be contacting you?
ExH has passed the reins to his wife, and she now is primarily the one contacting me. She is the only one with a cell phone as well. I have asked ex repeatedly to not do that as I don't want to deal with her in regards to our daughter. It's not like ex and I don't get along, because we do, very well. We can be around each other without tiffs and fighting. We are at a comfortable place where we can have a conversation, or talk about when DD was a baby and things that happened, or just things in general.(When his wife is around, I make it a point not do this in front of her as it would make her uncomfortable. She has never understood the fact that exH and I don't hate each other.) I want to let exH know that while I don't hate his wife, I also don't want her to be the one in contact with me, nor do I want her to be the one that meets me for drop-offs/pick-ups. I want to do this in a way that he knows I'm serious but not in a way that is confrontational or mean. I want him to understand that he is the one that I signed up to parent with, not her, and I don't feel that I should have to deal with her because he made the choice to marry her. I never have DH deal with exH, or pick up my daughter from him, although they get along like fast friends as well. Any help is appreciated!
FYI...used to be "Madicakes"
FYI...used to be "Madicakes" but changed username due to it being a well known "nickname" I use.
The wife can not force BM to
The wife can not force BM to speak to her.
If a smple "never contact me again" doesn't work, taking legal action against her might.
It's in her control to the
It's in her control to the extent that she can refuse to communicate with anyone who is not her child's parent. Her ex will figure out real quick that the flow of information will come to a standstill if OP stands her ground.
It's ridiculous that anyone can dictate to the other parent that they need to use a middle person to communicate .. especially when there's no apparent conflict between the parents.
I would send an email saying
I would send an email saying something like,
"Hi EXH,
I want to tell you that I appreciate how much your wife cares about our kids. I am happy that they have another adult in their lives who loves them.
I'm emailing to ask that you and I can communicate like adults about our children. While I understand that, as your wife, your wife will have some input into decisions regarding the kids, much like my DH does, I feel our kids would benefit from you and I being able to discuss issues regarding them in a civil, business-like manner. I suggest that, in order to do that, we stick to texts and email."
You may have to concede on the pick-up/drop-off issue. As long as she is not a threat to your kids, there's not much you can do about that.
This is good, try and keep it
This is good, try and keep it civil as it can become a nightmare. As I said on here SM would message me constantly and horrid things (she would also use ex's phone to do this). He and I agreed to only have us communicate, then she started again - my response was not good (I was fed up) and calling my ex and saying "Tell that fat bitch of yours to leave me the hell alone. It is bad enough I have to deal with you, I most certainly do not have to deal with signed up for that torture!". While he took it well, I did apologize to him later...even though it is true!
You don't have to deal with
You don't have to deal with his new wife she's not the other bio. I'd be blunt and inform them BOTH you will only communicate with exh, and only in regards to kids, that they are the concern legally of the bio parents and honestly she should not have to feel like she has to take on this responsibility (which she may feels she does for a variety of reasons). Every time she contacts you repeat it again and add if you continue to contact me I will consider it harassment and take further action for you to cease and desist. HOWEVER, this can sorely limit you and exh's ability to parent and communicate in regards to your kids. He doesn't have a cell so how does he communicate? How often are you communicating, or expect to communicate? As for pick ups drop offs unless it's in a CO that only you and exh can do the switch your sol.
And is doing this best for your dd or just stirring the pot to keep the status quo?
EvilWicked, see I had no
EvilWicked, see I had no problem communicating with my ex's 2nd wife. She's a good person, good mother & she has always been kind & considerate towards me. But frankly, I can't understand your ex putting her in that position with you. Anybody that's ever understood women, knows that two "wives" in charge together can eventually turn risky. Wow is he that comfortable with the both of you that he shrugged off this responsibility?
It's kinda weird. Because just a couple of miscommunications between the two of you, and it can turn into friction where there was none to begin with. Maybe I'm reading too much into this but we're not in old mainland China here with wife #1 & wife #2 (I don't want to hear it people, I'm part asian too so I can say this).
I would just come out & tell
I would just come out & tell ex that you'd be uncomfortable with it because any Ex wife would be uncomfortable with the risk of it turning a bit messy with a new wife especially without him spearheading it. He needs to be the manager of this. Not the SM. Hell, I'd kill DH if he made me contact BM for anything.
Block her. Problem over.
Block her. Problem over.
LOL misStep. She's not like
LOL misStep. She's not like us. They actually get along
In my real life outside, I hear myself getting tougher with advice I've picked up here. I almost called ss "Skid" & "Spawn" to the therapist!
So then notify him/them that
So then notify him/them that you are going email only. Then, does it really matter who is typing?
May I ask WHY you don't want
May I ask WHY you don't want to communicate with your ex-husband's wife? When my kids were growing up, it really didn't matter to me whether I spoke to my ex or his wife; as long as I got the information and response I needed I was good.
Just refuse to communicate
Just refuse to communicate with her. Don't respond to her texts or email. Block her number if you have to.
Email him and tell him that matters involving your children should be handled between the child's parents and you will no longer communicate with intermidiaries, including his ex-wife. You can soften the blow by stating that you appreciate her relationship with the children and are grateful they have a positive person in their lives; however, this does not make communication regarding custody or scheduling matters her responsibility. Also tell him that you will not longer respond to communication of this nature received directly from her.
And stop responding to her altogether.
If she/he doesn't get the hint, send the exact same communication via certified mail. He will eventually get the point. The issues and insecurities in their relationship that is causing this shift is not your problem.
You know, I have to say I
You know, I have to say I don't like this at all. If you get along with her, she is the one with a cell phone, and she is married to your ex/has your kids with her part time, and isn't confrontational, just get over it. There are some important issues like medical, educational, behavioral issues that you need to work out with your ex, but if its just working out times to pick up the skids, a reminder to pack an extra pair of pants for skid #1, or notifying each other about a homework assignment - WHO CARES!
As far as limiting who can drop off/pick up the skids, that is ridiculous. Your ex may not be able to pick up/drop off sometimes and it is normal for spouses to help each other out once in a while. If you don't want to see her at drop off or pick up, just stay in your car or the house. After you divorce your ex, you don't get to keep dictating every detail of his life. And if the SM isn't a threat, then the courts aren't going to order that she not pick up or drop off the skids.
What this sounds like to me, is that you want time to talk/request things from your ex, without his new spouses involvement. Thats your problem to work out. You got divorced, he is remarried and being this petty is only going to cause problems and righfully so.
Who cares? Apparently the OP
Who cares? Apparently the OP cares. I don't see the point in turning over the reins of communicating about your own child to your spouse if there has been no history of conflict or difficulties with the other bioparent.
If the mother does not want to communicate with the stepmom, she shouldn't be forced to just because the father decides that's who she now has to talk to.
It may be petty, but it's also her right. She's not dictating every detail of his life, she's just trying to communicate with him directly .. like 2 parents should. And I'm pretty sure parents were parenting long before cell phones were invented.
You are right - she doesn't
You are right - she doesn't have to talk to the SM, but if there is no confrontation, then maybe pick your battles?
As far as the pick up/drop off issues, that IS dictating to her ex if it isn't in the CO. The CO can state that only "so and so" may pick up or drop off. If it doesn't, then anyone who can legally drive and is authorized by the ex, can pick them up. If a person tries to pick up the kids who clearly poses a threat, then she can deny the visit and bring it up in court to have that person limited from pick up/drop off. The courts are not going to restrict the SM if she isn't a threat just because BM doesn't like it. Pick ups and drop offs are supposed to be just that, and not a social hour so it shouldn't matter who is driving unless they aren't licensed.
And if the exH's issue stems
And if the exH's issue stems from the stepmom's discomfort with the friendly conversation with the BM, then that communication can be eliminated and clearer boundaries set up.
I'm not suggesting this BM force a friendship with her exH behind the SM's back .. but if the excess communication without the SM's presence is an issue, that can be addressed without eliminating direct communication between the parents.
Yes, I agree with this. *IF*
Yes, I agree with this.
*IF* this is what is causing the insecure SM to take the reigns and put herself in this position then it's easy,
Go with the polite email to the ExH - as others have suggested, along the you appreciate her involvement etc in the kids lives, however the issues that need to be discussed between the households NEEDS to be between the childrens parents and not third parties.
And then just back off totally with the friendly stuff IYKWIM? It's great that you and he have a good working relationship but that's all it needs to be, and if it makes his wife uncomfortable enough to be doing something this silly then you need to work on finding your boundary with your ex as well.
Agree RedSonja BUT why chance
Agree RedSonja BUT why chance mucking up a good BM/SM relationship with this. I think everyone here knows that there's already the stress that something is always amiss in these transactions. One skid doesn't want to go, another makes a comment about the SM to BM & vice versa or someone shows up late or gets the schedule jumbled & someone gets annoyed--why add the extra responsibility of "an open communication" between these 2 women?
I can see it now, "Well I can pick them up but I may have to work late in the office" and the other may not verbalize but would think "Jeez, is that more important than seeing your kids". Get what I mean?
And you're right, they can save their energies for other things.
Sorry - I see something like
Sorry - I see something like this said "We are at a comfortable place where we can have a conversation, or talk about when DD was a baby and things that happened, or just things in general.(When his wife is around, I make it a point not do this in front of her as it would make her uncomfortable. She has never understood the fact that exH and I don't hate each other.)" and I'd be uncomfortable too.
This description is not a BM having a buisness like relationship with her ex. It is likely that SM knows about these conversations with DH and doesn't like it. She is married to the ex now and that is her right. His relationship with his wife and her feelings are more important than the BM's desires. So correct - the BM doesn't have to respond to the SM after a message to the ex, but this whole drop off/pick up thing sounds like a desparate attempt to keep in touch with the ex, IMO.
That's a little
That's a little unfair:
**this whole drop off/pick up thing sounds like a desparate attempt to keep in touch with the ex, IMO**
She actually is polite with the SM. What more needs to be asked of her? So she feels a little uncomfy having to keep in contact with SM. Why does it have to be a "desperate attempt to keep in touch with ex"?? I don't get it? Lot's of things make me uncomfy, doesn't mean there's a motive behind it.
Thank you for your thoughts.
Thank you for your thoughts. You're right, that was a little unfair. I have found that a lot of people find it odd that exH and I have a good relationship, or even that SM and I get along, or my SD's BM and I get along. It's a shame that there has to always be an ulterior motive. I don't want my ex. If I did, he wouldn't be my ex. There were plenty of opportunities along the way to change that ex back to H. Seeing him actually reminds me of why I divorced him and how happy I am to have my DH. I do feel uncomfortable with it sometimes. Basically I want to difuse a situation that has a history of blowing up occasionally, no matter how friendly we are with each other. I find out she badmouthed me in front of DD, she tells exH they should take DD away from me because her fingernails need clipped, etc...then I go off on her. I just would rather not have quite so much contact with her. I understand it will be necessary on occasion, but it certainly doesn't need to be all the time.
I totally get it. I get along
I totally get it. I get along well with my ex & his wife too. But as the old saying goes..."Familiarity breeds contempt". Its best not to push it. And having a weekly direct contact with her would just be feeding into that adage.
I don't like doing the drop
I don't like doing the drop off and pick ups with BM and am glad for now I don't have to do that. I have had to do the that in the past. I also do not talk to her on the phone. That being said as a SM.
As a BM I would not want to deal with the SM.
As a DH that is in the middle and either has a jealous, or controlling new wife and she wants to call all the shots.
OR Does he really need the help due to work.
Tell EX that you will not talk, drop off or pick up from SM or girlfriend. That if he can't do it then he needs to find a neutral party if he isn't avaible.
Sometimes it just doesn't make sense to have to get someone other than the step parents, male or female to help out in the drop off and pick up. I do understand the talking on the phone that should not happen.
Theres really no good answer.
"Tell EX that you will not
"Tell EX that you will not talk, drop off or pick up from SM or girlfriend"
This is how we currently are with BM. If BM or DH are not specifically available for a drop off or pick up at a specific time, they reschedule. End of story.
She's also a high conflict drama queen .. so neutral parties don't really exist to her.
BM cannot force her ex to do
BM cannot force her ex to do anything. I agree.
But he cannot force her to speak to his wife either.
I think she'd know who she
I think she'd know who she was speaking to via email. She'd know if it was her ex or his wife. Women know this stuff. I'd know if I was communicating with my ex's new gf or wife if I'd remained in contact with said ex.
Yes, you can usually tell. I
Yes, you can usually tell. I can tell within 1 or 2 texts if it is ex or his gf. One dead giveaway is he is SLOW to reply. The second dead giveaway is she will respond immediately to something as if it is an accusation. I now only text if it is absolutely mundane (and I do not want to talk to ex, so prefer texting) if it is anything that could remotely be twisted I just call.
This would be ideal. exH
This would be ideal. exH only has email at work, so I would be able to contact him there, and vice versa for the non-emergency things. As far as drop-offs, I would need to work on that since we do that on Sunday evenings at a halfway point.
It would be completely
It would be completely different if it were an occasional happening. However, it is ALL THE TIME! She is the only one who ever drops our daughter off. She is the only one who ever calls me, etc. While I appreciate the fact that she is a good SM to my daughter, I really just don't like her. It amazes me how I see so many people on here telling the SMs to not have any contact with the BM if it causes issues, but since I'm posting this from the BM point of view I am being ridiculous for not wanting contact only with his wife. I don't have any contact with my SD's mom regarding SD....DH does. If I am needed to do a pick-up/drop off, I stay in my car and just wait for SD. I would understand if she asked DH that I not be the one contacting her, etc. I understand there are times that he may not be available for the drop off....but it is every single time...while he is home watching her kids. I'm sorry, but as an adult I feel that I should have every right to say who I will and will not discuss my child with. If he wants her to be involved in their home, that's fine, like I said, she is a good SM to DD, but just because he chose to marry her doesn't mean that I need to be forced to have regular contact with her. I will no longer answer her phone calls or texts and I will nicely ask exH to stop forcing his wife on me.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean that
I'm sorry, I didn't mean that towards you. I did appreciate your suggestions. I'm sure we will figure something out. I'm trying really hard not to be the typical BM and say "she's got him by the balls and is making it like this", no matter how much I think that is the case
LMFAO Sheldon!
LMFAO Sheldon!
OMG, thank you for making me
OMG, thank you for making me choke on my! That was too funny.
If you are able, can pick
If you are able, can pick up/drop off be via school? We do it this way as much as possible now, and it makes it so much easier. And I have found that if we do not to pick up/drop off to each other the reduction in contact ordinarily is like the more you see each other the worse it gets.
This just screams to me that
This just screams to me that you cannot let go of your ex. Why is it so important that you get to "have a conversation, or talk about when DD was a baby and things that happened"?
You are divorced. He is not your partner any more he's moved on. I'm not hearing you say that the new wife is horrible. I am hearing you desperate for attention from your ex partner. Maybe he doesn't want you in his life.
Yes you have a child together, but once you split up the happy us and the kids scenario is gone. If you wanted to parent WITH him you should have remained married to him.
No you do not have to deal with her. That is your perogative. But your ex does not have to let you in his life and keep a relationship with you. If it is truly that you don't want her not the fact that you so desperately want him then you should be content with a third party email service provider like has been mentioned here before.
As far as the pickups drop offs is it that you do not want to ever see the new wife? Would you be happy with another person? Or is it that you really, really want to have this interaction with your ex? We read here all the time about the BMs that will do anything to get the attention of the ex. He has moved on and you are toast. Learn to live with it. For your sake.
Oh dear lord no, I don't want
Oh dear lord no, I don't want any parts of my ex. I made sure when I left him that was what I regrets. I do want to have a friendly relationship with him and not be bitter exes. This is not saying it's all sunshine and roses because we have had our share of blow-ups. I wouldn't mind if it was someone else. Like I said above, she and I get along for the most part, but it's always tense, and every couple of months we have a blow-up. I want to avoid that because it doesn't do anyone any good, least of all the kids. I feel like she is forcing herself on me, or he is forcing her one me, honestly, and I really just don't like it. I don't want to be mean, or hateful to her, but I don't like to feel stress every time I get my daughter back home. I guess part of me wants him to step up to the plate and be a father too, but I can't make him do that either. It's kind of hard to explain here just how the relationship is, and I guess I wasn't clear about the conversations with ex. We don't go out of our way to talk to each other, or call each other to chit-chat or whatever. However, if we're together all day at a softball tournament we talk. A lot of times my husband is there with us. He isn't bothered at all that exH and I have conversations. It is very important to both of us that our daughter sees us not as people who hate each other and can't do anything right in the eyes of the other. We feel that it's important for her to know that just because you didn't want to be married to someone anymore, or stopped loving them, doesn't mean that you have to hate them. I left exH because he simply didn't put any effort in the relationship, drank too much, and got hateful to me when he did drink. Looking back, I probably shouldn't have had a child with him. But, it is what it is and all we can do is make the most of it. Sometimes I think he is so desperate to have everyone get along that he has her do a lot of the stuff, thinking that it will make us friends. Who knows. All I can do is talk to him about it again, and just limit communication even more than I already have. I really don't agree with children having cell phones at DD's age but I can certainly understand why some parents do it! That would be ideal, then I wouldn't have to talk to either of them at all, and it wouldn't appear unfriendly.
Exactly oldone!
Exactly oldone!
I agree too! sounds like the
I agree too! sounds like the stepmom may have stepped in because the OP kept crossing boundaries and trying to reminisce with the ex about when skid was a baby, etc. You can ask to stop being contacted by her, but YOU also have to stop trying to be buddy buddy with him. it goes both ways, you want to be comfortable so does the stepmom.
People! She gets along with
People! She gets along with the SM!
Am I the only one reading this? Most of us even HATE talking to our BMs. She's fine with her ex's new wife. She just doesn't want to keep such open communication with her.
Holy, kid or no kids, there's lots of people I get along with, including my dear friends, that I don't want to talk to on a weekly basis. It's a FORCED conversation if she doesn't want to "ARRANGE" with the other woman. Why does it have to be a motive to stay "connected" with ex???
I get along with my ex's wife but I wouldn't want to talk to her on a weekly basis either.
Beaccountable, I agree with
Beaccountable, I agree with you and oldone on this. How often have we supported other sm on this board because their so or DH has casual friendly conversations and sm wants boundries? Op you yourself said that you know these discussions would make sm uncomfortable so you don't do them around her. It's fine and dandy to be friendly, but really what is the purpose of waxing poetic over your good times with your ex? You must be getting something out of it.
I haven't responded to this
I haven't responded to this because frankly, I don't understand it. Why would your ex husband make his new wife solely responsible for dealing with you and the kids?
You could email him saying something along the lines of:
Dear ex,
While I appreciate your effort to include your new wife into our children's daily lives, I would rather deal with you when it comes to drop offs/pick ups and communications about the kids. I don't have any ill feelings towards your wife, but she's not their parent. It's completely OUR responsibility to work together as parents to make things as pleasant and practical as we can.
From this day on, please do not have her call, text or email me. I do not wish for her to be responsible for dropping off or picking up the kids unless you absolutely cannot make it due to an emergency or work-related issue.
If this is not acceptable to you, please inform me and we can talk about what kinds of compromises we would both be willing to make to resolve these issues.
I'm a BM and SM. I, as a BM, don't have these issues per se, as my ex LOVES to be in control and wouldn't turn anything over to his gf except for stuff I am not directly involved in. As a SM, I would refuse to be the only one dealing with BM regarding stepdevil14.
Good luck with this! I hope you're able to work something out!
Thank you so much, that is
Thank you so much, that is perfect and exactly what I was wanting to communicate!
No worries EvilWicked - LOVE
No worries EvilWicked - LOVE the name by the way.
I'm used to conflict resolution from a former job I held so I am kinda decent at putting together emails and letters that convey the message the sender wants to get across without sounding bitter or hurtful.
Good luck!
Yes Red, I don't get it
Yes Red, I don't get it either with her Ex.
See men can be so dumb.
Most certainly!
Most certainly!
I like this.
I like this.
Agree with imaSmom &
Agree with imaSmom & Stepdown.
There are cordial relationships & there are not.
I was fortunate to have one as is the poster here. But the current one is a nightmare so I am "blessed" with both sides of the spectrum. Seems poster is a sane BM so not sure what the hooplah is all about. RedWing is right, what the hell is the ExH thinking?? But yes, her & exH brought the kid in, so yes you get to discuss about the kid period. Poster is doing everything right to maintain peace. She just doesn't want to lose ground or establish a high risk factor here that affects future communication.
I think that's pretty sane as a mother, or a BM or a SM. But that's it, no wanting to "let go of ex"...that's something our crazy BM's do.
Exactly. Just messin' is all
Exactly. Just messin' is all for territory. Hell as a BM too, I would have loved BM to take care of her own kid. But she just can't. So there went my chances of getting rid of the kid for a day or a week
Just wouldn't want to talk to her in fear she'll start asking me for the cash in my pocket then get pissed off.
I don't get it either. I
I don't get it either.
I don't think that as the BM wanting to communicate re the child with the childs other PARENT means you want him back! Ridiculous.
It screams of insecure SM to me as well.
HOWEVER - as I said earlier, whilst the reminiscing and friendly relationship between you and your ex is all nice and happy and meaningless it is OVERSTEPPING the boundary and that is why SM is insecure.
Think about Katielee's issues with the BM at the baseball games? We can all see that BM is still after Katielee's husband - yes? So Katielee's insecurity is somewhat justified (sorry Katielee - using your example as it just rings into this situation so much) and she is now also the SM having to take over the comms with BM because her husband is trying (in a dumbass way) to fix her problem with his comms with the ex?)
The answer is YOU and the EX need to be the parents only, and YOU and HE need to find the boundaries of a business relationship moving forward so that the SM doesn't have any reason to feel insecure.
I really would like to know
I really would like to know where in my post I gave any indication that I would withhold exH's rights to see DD if he didn't converse with me. I would never do that to my daughter, and I wouldn't do that to him, his wife or my daughter's step-brothers, whom she loves dearly. I guess next time I will sit on my chair and watch my daughter's games instead of talking with the exH. How dare I attempt to be friendly with the person that I had a child with, but didn't stay married to. Instead I will ignore him and his wife and show my daughter that is how ex-partner relationships should be, and that, under no circumstances should you be friendly towards your ex's partner. While I am at it I will stop teaching my daughter that she should respect her dad's wife and treat her nicely. Oh, and I also won't have conversations with her anymore about how it is okay to love and/or like her step-mom, and share fun things that they do together, with me. I will act the bitter BM because, after all, the only reason I would have to talk to exH is because I am desperate and want the drunk asshole back. I also will never, ever, ever even bring up the fact that I found our daughter's adoption videos and that I will make a copy for him because, after all, that happened in the past so there's no need to discuss it right now. Please. It's not my problem if his wife is insecure, no way, no how. Way back when they first got married and DD was starting school she accused me of wanting him back because I dared to call him a little more than what was our norm because we had to get before/after school child care, etc, worked out. I talked with her and told her in no uncertain terms that I most definitely had absolutely no desire to ever be involved with him again. ExH and I were friends before we dated and got married and we will continue to be frienly towards each other, although I wouldn't consider him a friend. If he doesn't want to talk to me, then he won't talk to me and I won't make him. It's not the end of the world by any means.
DING DING DING!!!! You were
DING DING DING!!!! You were calling more than necessary and making her uncomfortable!!!! You said it yourself, you like to reminisce with him! It's inappropriate. MAybe men and women can be friends, maybe exes can be friends... BUT only if the man's wife is comfortable with it!!! She's clearly not. So you can speak to her, you respect the boundary that they've set in their relationship or you can speak through an attorney.
Sounds like you've got some responsibility in this! You crossed a line, the stepmom tried to talk about it with you, you burshed it off and continued on. they figured out a new way to deal with you. let it go, he's not your friend anymore. successful co-parenting may mean that you have to respect the stepmom too!
"We are at a comfortable
"We are at a comfortable place where we can have a conversation, or talk about when DD was a baby and things that happened, or just things in general."
I would recommend cutting back on reminiscing with your ex about the kid, or just talking about things in general, whether you're doing this in front of the new wife or not. I think the new wife may sense this or know about it and that may be one thing that causes her to be insecure. If you keep your communication with the ex strictly business like and strictly about kids and only email, no phone conversations except for emergencies, that should help things.
The new wife sounds controlling but I also would have a hard time being married to someone who still maintained a friendship with the ex.
And no, you should not have to talk only to the new wife. That's just weird.
I think you're right....I
I think you're right....I just found out that he still has work email even though he has changed jobs, so I am going to email him a nice note asking again that she not be so involved in the communications with me, and I will do my part and not engage in friendly conversations with him.
I just was thinking, and I’m
I just was thinking, and I’m sitting here defending myself against things that I know not to be accurate. I realize that people on here don’t know me and don’t know the kind of person I am, and I can understand where those ideas would be coming from. I am not after my exH nor do I want to mark my territory. But again, you have no way of knowing that.
What would you think of me if I told you of the numerous times exH has found it necessary to talk to me, and my husband, about problems he has with his wife, or step-children, etc. Do you want to know what my response is?? “ExH, I really don’t want to know those things and I’d venture to say that Wife would be extremely upset if she knew you were talking to me about that. She loves you very much and you love her, just try to learn from the mistakes we made in our marriage and don’t make the same ones with her”. Other times he’s complained about her I’ve actually taken up for her and tried to get him to see things from the woman’s and step-mom’s point of view. Maybe that was being too involved, yes, but I really don’t like seeing him be an ass to her.
So, even though I might not want to have communication with her regarding the care of my daughter, that does not mean that I’m an Evil Witch (regardless of my screen name…lol) who is out to steal her husband and ruin her life. There have been many, many times I have said to many, many people, when they bring her up to me, that she is a much better suited partner to him than I ever was, and I’m happy about that. How many BM’s can say that about themselves?
I'm with you EvilWicked and
I'm with you EvilWicked and as a BM, I can say the same.
I approach exH's live in gf as a friend, on friendly terms and would coordinate DD15's flights with her if exH wasn't available. That only happened once because exH is such a control freak, he'd rather do all that himself anyways.
But she crossed the line when she got a bit "TOO FRIENDLY" with me and started putting my daughter down. Saying things like "Oh in T-ville (my daughter's name starts with a T so she was saying that she was so self absorbed), everything is her way or the highway and she doesn't get that *I* am the boss lady around here, not her".
One summer when T was here with us in Denver (she lives with dad and gf in MI), T posted something on her FB wall that contained the F word. So, dad's gf comments that she needs to remove the post right away or there will be Hell to pay when she returns home. I had to actually put gf in her place and say "I am the parent here, I will take care of this, she's on MY time, butt out".
Ever since then, gf won't look at me or talk to me and deleted me from FB. Fine, that's your prerogative but you can't overstep boundaries. I have always thanked her and been kind to her and told her she definitely was a better suited mate to exH than I ever was because they're both homebodies and I like to be out and about.
Anyhow, sorry you felt like you were attacked by certain people here but you're right. Only YOU know what the true situation is. We're all anonymous internet posters reacting to stories we don't live. We can't possibly know the ins and outs of everyone here.
I think if you respond very nicely but more formally, business-like and straight forward, you may get the results you want. Be sure to include that you're willing to compromise on certain things but not concede to those you feel are unacceptable. Be reasonable but firm. That's how major corporations handle disputes successfully anyway.
Good luck!
Very few BMs that's for
Very few BMs that's for sure.
Had I been a bitch to my exH's 2nd wife, it would have made it hell for their marriage, my BD & her step siblings who she is attached to.
I wished my current BM was normal. It would make my life feel less like a mad max movie.
This is the email I sent to
This is the email I sent to exH....pretty much copied from RedWings's suggestion.
While I appreciate your effort to include **** into ****’s life, and I do appreciate her being a positive part of ***'s life, I would rather deal with you when it comes to drop offs/pick ups and communications about her. I don't have any ill feelings towards ***, but she's not ****’s parent. It's OUR responsibility to work together as parents to make things as pleasant and practical as we can.
Please do not have *** call, text or email me. I do not wish for her to be responsible for dropping off or picking up ***. If there is an emergency and you cannot be the one to get her or drop her off at the pre-established time I will be happy to work with you to change the time of the exchange. Hopefully with our schedule being constant you will be able to plan non-emergency issues around our already set schedule.
If this is not acceptable to you, please inform me and we can talk about what we can do to make this work.
Glad I could help
Glad I could help
LOL did I mention Red is also
LOL did I mention Red is also ST's compliance director as well as the welcoming committee?
I vote we collectively send Red a case of wine on Mother's Day!
I agree!
I agree!
LMAO Shook! You're funny. Oh
LMAO Shook! You're funny.
Oh and I like sweet wines, moscato is my favorite. I can PM anyone who cares to send me wine and provide my address. J/K
Love you all!
I'll give my story. My
I'll give my story. My oldest son has a stepmom who I really like. She and his father live about 3 hours flight from me. When my son is going to see them I ring her and let her know the flight times and ask her to remind my son to take his meds (he is epileptic and forgetting the meds can be a disaster - his dad, although a lawyer, is a little flighty and doesn't remember everything). I now after reading everything realise I may have been pissing her off by contacting only her. I did this though, because I thought her to be the most responsible adult in the home he was visiting. Plus, I really don't like his father much and wanted as little contact as possible. Gosh, do you think I was causing her grief, I really hope not.
My SO has 2 BM's. One of them will ring me if she can't get hold of SO. We are not in each others pockets but will communicate friendly enough about their daughter. We have a good relationship. Our daughters go to the same school and about once a month I see her at the school and we have a brief chat. Nothing over the top. But when she rings me re her daughter it doesn't bother me at all. All good. I pass on whatever needs to be passed on. Sometimes I go pick her up, sometimes her dad does. No biggy. Whatever. I hope I am not pissing her off too.
The other mum is an absolute piece of work. I go nowhere near her house and she comes nowhere near mine. I know it would drive her nuts if I was at pick ups and drop offs so I just don't go. I don't need the drama.
Look at my 3 examples. Everything is individual. I could be driving 2 women to steptalk without even knowing. It's really hard to know the right advice for your situation.
I'm sure that you weren't
I'm sure that you weren't causing her grief
Gosh, my son's SM might have
Gosh, my son's SM might have been saying to my Ex, "why am I the only one who has to deal with your baggage?" And until this post I really had not thought of it like that AT ALL. I think I might owe her an apology.
See another sane BM. Dammit,
See another sane BM. Dammit, IF there is a next marriage, I'm interviewing their ex's before I say yes.
My brother has a BM who he
My brother has a BM who he has 2 kids to. She has one also from a previous relationship and the dad is a psycho, always has been. My SO most recent BM is a psycho and always has been. I say to my bro cause we have some similar problems, that if I had my time over again I would have a look at who they had bred with before us because it is a pretty good indicator of the standard of person you are hooking up with. Too late now. But I will pass this tidbit onto my children/relatives. I really wish I had worked this out sooner. But, gotta again say for the record, love my son we had together, he brings me a great deal of joy, even if he is half brother to the two psychos kids.
And Shook, I think it's wise to interview the exes, but sometimes, they just don't show their level of crazy until it is way to bloody late - as was my case - LOL!
Craving it would be a season
Craving it would be a season long interview. I'd be the Simon Cowell of SM's "Yes, you are going to Hollywood!". "Sorry but you sounded a bit Pitchy there when I asked you about child support".
A bit Pitchy or "BITCHY" LOL
A bit Pitchy or "BITCHY" LOL
Very Very Wise. Maybe there
Very Very Wise. Maybe there is some time of business $$$ to be made out of this. I am trying to think of the angle. It will come to me.
Talk to the exH about it, if
Talk to the exH about it, if it becomes a bigger problem, have it put in the CO.
I hope the ex writes back and
I hope the ex writes back and sets boundaries for you. sounds like you can't let it go, you're not his friend anymore. You're his ex, and his child's bio-mother. his female-friend is his wife. you want to have a friend? go talk to your husband, he can be your friends, leave your ex alone. maybe when you do that, instead of violating boundaries, the stepmom will not feel like she has to handle communication with you any longer. did you ever think to ask why they started having the stepmom deal with you to begin with???? hmm could it have something to do with YOU? probably!!!!
totally disrespectful. get over it, you divorced the guy.
I gotta go against the corwd
I gotta go against the corwd here. If she's pleasant and everyone gets along I don't think you should be stirring up trouble where none needs to be. Why not just be thankful you have a peaceful relationship with your ex and his new wife?
That would be best for everyone, and doing otherwise will likely make you look petty and spiteful, as well as CRAZY JEALOUS of new wife.
Just sayin'.
My ex does this, too. I email
My ex does this, too. I email him, he forwards to his wife, she replies. I reply to him, he forwards to his wife, she replies. Lather, rinse, repeat. I can't stop their end of the circle, but I do not have to engage with her. When I have HAD to speak with him on the phone and he puts her on the phone to talk to me? I simple repeat, over and over: "I need to speak with 's father. Please put him on the phone." It has taken upwards of an hour until he finally gets on the phone. (Why they don't hang up? No clue.)
I get along well with my exH
I get along well with my exH & his 2nd wife.
My exH gets along with my DH.
My exH's mother got along well with her exH.
My exH's Stepfather got along well ex's mom & dad.
My exH's sister gets along with her DH's ex BM.
We're one big happy extended family. If there is any insecurity, we voice it out with a few comments & the other picks up on it & we manage to fix issues before they become problems. It's so simple because they're sane. Insecure or not, everybody has to behave like civilized human beings. In this family, I know our kids will grow up sane within this mature environment.
My current DH's ex BM? A nightmare to behold. Insecure & insane & violent.
BM's mother's 3 husbands did NOT get along.
BM's mother's skids, BMs halfs & step sibs, all do NOT get along.
There were more rules, boundaries that led into high conflict & court (ex's taking each other to court & skids taking SM to court, cut out of wills, etc.).
Sorry, this insecure SM has to get over it. Your daughter's mental health & how she will grow up depends on what the parents in each household teach her & how they get along with each other.
LOL my DH has a restraining
LOL my DH has a restraining order against BM.
If my exH was disrespectful to his 2nd wife, enough to confide in me about her, I'd say that's just not cool. But he'd never or never has done that. We all discuss things, even with SM regarding my BD & she discusses her kids with me, my exH adopted them. I continue to trust them both because they're sane & we have one goal in common, to keep this big family & our kids & each others kids intact.
I wish I had that kind of relationship now with current BM. But she wasn't raised right & is a ward of the state so I can't expect miracles. She had her chance. Chance over. I don't want DH's problems anywhere my BD,her step sibs, my nieces/ nephews etc. I'm ultraprotective of the peace in my BD's life.
But isn't this just about
But isn't this just about contact for drop of & pick ups??
So they talk. Big deal? And they talk about other things. Sounds like she talks to ex as much as I do. If there was any insecurity from my exH's new wife, which there was she told me when we were having breakfast one day when I visited them but she sure got over it quick.
Let's just see how Evil's ex & her SM are going to take this email. It seems perfectly reasonable so let's see if both ladies takes each others cues & let's hope it's a peaceful outcome.
DH and BM cannot talk to each
DH and BM cannot talk to each other because BM tries to bring up the past and DH (who has short patience and temper to begin with) has to bear it and make small talk, but he actually wishes to put his head through a wall and ended up relegating the email responses to me because he's sick and tired of dealing with her small talk. He won't pick up her phone calls or communicate with her in any way, especially after several "false alarm" emergencies to get him to talk to her. I'm not the middle person on that though, MIL is, anything Bm needs to let DH know, she has to tell MIL who will then get a hold of DH to let him know. Otherwise there is literally no communication at all. DH has no problem going dark on her. BM is the one who is more desperate to let him know, therefore she has to play by his rules, either MIL or nothing. She chose MIL. She probably hates it but DH doesn't care.
Pick up and drop a hypothetical situation, if you would have no problem with your ex's mother always doing pick up and drop offs (because your ex can't make those times), I don't see why there would be a problem with SM. If you needed your sibling to do it for you because you don't have the time, wouldn't you want a bit of understanding from your ex instead of him saying your sibling can't do pick up and drop offs?
IMHO, if you are okay with no communication anymore with your ex's household (because that's a risk you'd have to take) regarding your child, then set those limits. Just as they are taking the risk of no communication with you if they keep on using SM as the middle person, at least now all the boundaries are known and set.
Also, has no one thought maybe her ex can't afford a cell phone and the SM won't pay for his (which she shouldn't have to anyway?)
LOL. Like playing Chinese
LOL. Like playing Chinese Whispers in here sometimes!
Who said she was talking badly about the SM??
There was only one instance that's why BM doesn't want to risk negativity happening again. She wants to keep the peace. She has a civil relationship with the SM.
About the reminiscing part, BM only wanted to give them a copy of the video of when the daughter was adopted. Wow are we all that jaded that we can't see these are actually NICE things to do.
My former MIL loved me as did my former SIL & my daughters SM is super nice to me. MIL always said, you shouldn't throw good people away.
I wish they were my current DH's family. I realize now I shouldn't have left exH just for his family alone lol.
I did & it's just a simple
I did & it's just a simple complaint. Seen worse. But whatever.
OP listen to everyone that doesn't have a good relationship with their ex's SM. Ignore her & if she dare ask a question or you dare ask a question, start throwing daggers & spit on each others shadows.
I give up. Apparently no one is allowed to be human on these threads. We all have to hate each others spouses because that's what we're suppose to do here. Man, rough crowd. Good luck OP.
Oh & stop flirting with your ex LOLOL. Gimme a break.
Well alrighty then. Guess
Well alrighty then.
Guess you're right. Always right.
A polite constructive message
A polite constructive message like RedWings suggests seems like much the best way to handle this situation. And maybe you should avoid too many reminiscences with your ex and keep it short and constructive. It's good to get on well with the father of your children but too many lengthy handovers or phone chit chats are bound to antagonise the ex's new wife, who wants to focus on the now of her relationship with her husband rather than frequently feeling like the first wife is intruding.
It seems highly likely that she felt her husband was not maintaining appropriate boundaries with you and that's why she has intervened in communication between you. Maybe new wife is being oversensitive, maybe not, but if she's generally reasonable there's no point antagonising her by taking an aggressive 'butt out I will ONLY communicate with ex-H' approach.
Exactly! Red's email was
Exactly! Red's email was polite & didn't "challenge" SM. Whatever the issues are, regardless if they like each other or not, it seems everybody's behaving like civilized adults. If this continues & no one's in each other faces or overreacts, they'll figure out how each wants to be communicated with & hopefully the insecurities will melt away in time. It did with my ex & his wife (then newly wed), it was over in months. 15 years later, we're genuinely a strong family. Too bad my current step life is soooo different lol.
I agree with you OP in that
I agree with you OP in that you want to deal only with the child's father on matters concerning the child. But you need to deal with the child's father only on matters concerning the child. Not when the child was a baby, not on his current relationship issues, and not on any other unrelated topics.
I think in doing so you are being extremely disrespectful (as is he) of his marriage and more importantly, your own. If you want to reminisce, do so with your own husband. Tell him stories about your daughter as a baby. No need to go down memory lane with a married man, especially since you, yourself are married.