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Is it normal teen girl behavior to text her dad for shoes if you are “using your own money” or is this a plot to get $

byebyebirdie's picture

My teen SD will text my DH pic of expensive shoes that she wants to buy with her own money but daddy will need to use his credit card since she says you can only buy online and she will pay him back (btw seen same shoes in the mall you can buy there) mind you this kid barely has enough money in bank acct to pay him back…. This is second time this has happened… BTW her mom has credit card to and she lives with her mom and SD always talks about how close they are and how great she is blah blah blah so you would think she would ask her mother right?
My feelings are if you are using your own money pull it out of bank go to store. no need to even ask daddy who really could care less about fashion… I never asked my dad for any clothing item so then I asked a few of my friends and no one ever went to their father for clothes or shoes everyone said they always asked their mother … my DH is no fashion expect he referred the shoe question to me asking me if I thought to expensive which I thought hell yes 100 $ for shoes for a teen girl with a growing foot who wants a new pair every month is way too much money. I refuse to support the shoe habit of a teen girl with no job where fashion changes as fast as underwear.
I told DH if she wants them let her go to store and buy them and do not put on a credit card….. I know exactly how that will play out… “we can go to bank next week daddy and never go, or here is 25 bucks I will give you rest later….” I know how teens think and fish around for stuff.
My kids always ask me for stuff never do they ask their father and I know when I am being played…. why is it I had to explain to my DH that she is playing him? I told him she is not acting any different than any other teenage girl and she will do what it takes to get the item she wants….
Does anyone else’s skids do this or maybe I am totally wrong and girls talk fashion now with their dad? all I know is my teen boys only ask me for stuff and none of my teenage nieces ask their dad for shoes, clothes they all go to their mom too and I never went to my dad either for stuff always went to mom…..
The crazy part of all is I found the same shoes for under 30 bucks so I picked them up and will give to her for back to school since they are combat boots anyway and its summer.
If she must have now she can buy off me I will not just give them to her.
if she would of just came to me knowing how much I love to shop and she knows that I and a good shopper and I get the deals and if she just said “hey SM I love these shoes could you keep your eye open for them “I probably would of got them for her and gave them to her right away.. but no the kid refuses to ask me anything no matter how hard I have tried with her and the worst part is I love clothes and shoes and shopper and she knows it you think if anything that would make her want to connect…. I guess that is the part the bugs me the most and I told my DH that.
Sorry for the rant but man the text pic from her asking for more stuff just really annoyed me and I just wanna know if I handled it right…… ?

SMof2Girls's picture

Kids will ask whichever parent is more likely to give it to them. If Mom says no, she will ask Dad. Especially if Dad has a history of giving in.

If DH wants to break the cycle, he'll need to require her to give him all the cash up front BEFORE he makes the charge on his card.

byebyebirdie's picture

that is what i told him too. when my kids what me to use the card to get something they hand me the money at the time of the order.

hereiam's picture

You know damn well she is not going to pay him back.

My SD has always hinted at things she wants, hoping her dad would buy it for her. She is 21 and still hasn't learned that my husband hates that and just ignores it. She would have a better chance if she just asked for it outright.

I'm sure not going to enlighten her.

byebyebirdie's picture

thanks guys i knew it was just a way for SD to extort money out of us but man oh man my DH just was not willing to see it that way since "she was going to pay him back" and DH was the one asked her to text him the pic cause he wanted to know what shoes are worth 100 bucks he see it now thank god but i just really had to explain this to DH in so much detail on how teen girls are about clothes and shoes and they will do what it takes to get the cherished item i was starting to doubt myself :? and i thought maybe i am being a bitch? i just know how kids are and i told DH if she had the $ no need to even bring it up to him for him to ask to see the pic Duh .... and even BM would of got online for her if she handed her 100 bucks at time of order... DH now realized he was being played ( i think anyway )

Shaman29's picture

It's a typical ploy to get someone else to pay for something she wants. And doubtful she's going to pay him back.

Tuff Noogies's picture

if it's online and she needs a credit card, then she can buy a pre-pay one at walmart or grocery store. we did this for OSS when he was on a long class trip so he wasnt carrying around cash, and have used it ever since whenever he works for $ or sells something and wants to buy something else online.

it does cost a small fee, but is better for peace of mind!

ETA- OSS is 15, so it can and does work like a charm for a teenager