10 out of 10 times we argue because of SD :jawdrop:
I have learnt to do things that whined the SD up.. as she always says to her dad im making her feel pushed out, she cant get near to him, im always there kissing and cuddling him... last wk she caused a huge argument we had gone out on a trip as a family unit and she started the whole shebang I wanna spend 'alone time with you dad'... caused a divided in the family I went off did my thing with my kids and he did his with his 'dirty attention seeking hoe of a teen'...
Cut a long story short I have realised she don't like me kissing him because she cant kiss him in that way but she will barge in and take his hand and interlock it like lovers even if on his other side im holding his hand.. now at this point I usually let go (big mistake)
If I hold his hand and kiss him she is going to get mad angry and upset with me therefore telling her dad! instead of me bitching about her she will be bitching about me.. leading her dad into seeing what her actual problem is ie me she don't like me she cant stand that daddy has a new family.... arghhhh the little swine will be over today using all my make up and walking around like a slag...
Do you think this will work or shall I hide in my room for 3days whilst she takes over my house and plays little miss innocent
Do not let her use your
Do not let her use your makeup. You do not want skank all over it.
I used to have this problem
I used to have this problem in the early days when my SDs were 5 and 7. I disengaged and let them and their Dad get on with it - spent a LOT of time in my room. But in retrospect I should have stood my ground, and if one of them was behaving like that nowadays (they are 16 and 18) I would fight her on it - with subtlety, obviously!
I do NOT retire to my room these days - I take possession of the living room on SKID weekends and they go to their damn room.
Yes kes. Me too. Fucked if I
Yes kes. Me too. Fucked if I am going to hide in my house. Let them hide from me- lol!
NO FUCKING WAY!! You get out
NO FUCKING WAY!! You get out there - strut your stuff and be all over your DH!
Hug him every chance you get - ram your tongue down his throat and grab him on the butt. Flirt with him and make him laugh.
She's just gonna have to learn to suck it up - li'l selfish, nasty twit!
hahaha love all your replys
hahaha love all your replys haha we got so dam angry step moms lol xx
Very good advice... I have
Very good advice... I have just been myself and I haven't done anything like in what she is saying, she even once told her father not to have sex with me if and when she is sleeping it grossed me out that she would say that.
So just ignore her? but she is being horrible I think I have come to the end of my tether