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What is your arrangement?

mama_of_many5's picture

This is pretty personal but I'm meaning it in a vague way but what arrangement do you & your DH/DW have with the ex (who has the kids or shares custody or you have full custody etc).

In the beginning DH & BM had only a verbal agreement in place. It worked when BM was married and getting her way all the time but once she got mad at DH everything changed and now we're in the court system. I'm disappointed DH didn't keep it "by the books" right from the get go to avoid all this hassle now, but at the same time I understand why he tried to keep things amicable for sake of keeping the peace. When BM is happy the waters are calm but the slightest infraction sets her off and now that's she's divorced and alone (again) she's miserable and just wants to hurt DH as much as she can in any way she can.

So before all that, DH would get SD MUCH more often and now it's every other weekend IF that. And his 6 weeks in summer has been dwindled to MAYBE 2-3 weeks IF BM allows it and doesn't sign SD up for anymore time consuming activities (they live 4 hrs away).

Was just curious for a Thursday afternoon question lol

SMof2Girls's picture

BM is primary custodial parent during school years, DH gets them 2 days a week. We're currently trying to specify via change order that those two days will be Friday night and Saturday night, with exchanges happening at 6pm on Sundays. BM likes to restrict DH to only seeing the skids on his days off of work, but now that she's moved over an hour away, that's just not realistic.

They alternate Christmas Break and Thanksgiving Break. DH gets every Spring Break and Father's Day. He also gets all summer, starting one week after school lets out and ending one week before school resumes. BM gets EOWE during the summer .. although she's given up her first 2 weekends so far this summer.

It works out that they have about 43%/57% split of time during the calendar year.

ocs's picture

They split up when SD was about 1yr- 1.5yrs old,and it was a spit and a handshake_ EOWE, 6pm Friday to 6pm Sunday. DH did all back and forth, and they agreed to a 50% copay situation for extras and unforseens. He paid CS as per set forth by government.(DH wanted to be amicable) :sick:

From 2-4yrs it was every weekend, I'm assuming she was a party girl.
4-8yrs EOWE plus some nights a week because she needed school help and BM is too stupid to help... seriously, I'm not being mean here.(BM used him as her personal sitter, and he would jump at the chance to be with her, so...)
at 8yrs old I came along. Now there's a schedule- I needed stability and it became EOWE and every Wednesday, more if she needed school help, but weekends were firm.

Now- there is no CO in place- courts have never been involved.

FF to now- SD is 13. It has become, maybe 2x a month, for about 6hrs a time. This is because DH and I got married... BM hates it, and PAS is STRONG.

He feels now that a CO is pointless. I don't know? I don't want her around anymore, only because we do not get along, but for his sake... I wish he had more power.

Shook's picture

You are so lucky. The only thing worse than a crazy BM? A jobless, middle aged, single, crazy BM that lost control over the situation. Be prepared for nutso cuckoo.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

My husband has(had kids are both adults now) sole legal and physical. We had/have them 24/7/365 and pay 100% of all their costs. We are now putting both of them thru college.

BM was around very little, like a handful of times over the past 16 years.

christinen's picture

SD is 5. DH and BM have 50/50 custody and they do week on, week off. They alternate holidays (example: DH has SD had SD this past Thanksgiving, so BM will have her next year). She has mother's day and he has father's day. Nothing too crazy. When I first started dating DH, they switched SD EVERY OTHER DAY. Now that was just insane. Every single day SD was switching houses. Talk about unstable!

thebrokenrecordmachine's picture

In my situation, sole custody is awarded to SO EX wife. This was over 15 years ago,I questioned why he didnt fight for joint.
Anyways, I recently found out that a few years ago, when they got divorced BM somehow manipulated SO, into paying more child support, when they went to court to finalize.
I was kind of shocked, lol. Actually its not funny, but its that guilty dad syndrome.

EvilWickedSM's picture

exh and I don't have a CO. I have primary custody. We did write up an agreement, that we both sat down and agreed to, and had it notarized. We figured that way at least we had something a little more formal than a handshake. The agreement states he gets her every other weekend, Father's Day, we switch Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving...the other holidays it just depends on who would have her already that day. He is also supposed to get her one evening a week and 2 weeks during the summer. This last part has basically NEVER happened. I can count on one hand how many times in 7 years he's gotten her during the week, and maybe one time he got her for an extended summer stay. He always says he's going to do it but then doesn't follow through. I don't mind that part because I love having her with me, and she doesn't know that he's "supposed" to, so she's not hurt at all by it. He usually gets her on his weekends unless he and his wife plan their yearly 2 week vacation so that it begins and ends on his weekends to have her, or if I have something special going on and ask him permission to keep her some extra time. He usually can't get her extra weekends as he works the weekends that I have her.

Executivestepmother's picture

My husband banged this chick who said she couldn't have kids. He was an idiot and didn't use a condom any of the 10 times they banged over a 2 week time period. Guys are so stupid! BM gets knocked up, this is her 2nd kid with a different guy. My husband moved in until after the baby was born. He stayed until he couldn't take it anymore and moved out.

Today he pays 45% of his salary, and picks up SD6 every other weekend.

During non kid times, SD6 does not exist in my world. We don't talk about her, I don't talk to her, and my husband talks to her on his way home from work and never talks to her while I'm in, "my life." I have a wildly successful career, a doggie, two kitties and a whole life outside of SD. I'm happy separating the two!!!

Tuff Noogies's picture

CO states EOWE, Wed evenings from 6p-8p, alternate holidays,$150/wk for 3, she would cover health ins (cuz she qualifies for free state coverage for them, and it bumped up CS), joint custody with extra curriculars split evenly.

now the reality - DH pays $150/wk. we have them a third->half time. 100% of the time we cover extra curriculars (both cost AND transportation, AND transportation-related costs for all non-local events, plus food before and after each event AND practice cuz she cant be bothered to feed them, hell she doesnt even bother to show up), she wont fill out the paperwork for medical, *I* paid 100% of braces x2 (and one of them was pre-approved 100% covered by the State as medically necessary, but she let the coverage lapse...), she doesnt bother with them on holidays, not even mother's day or their birthdays, she hasnt had all 3 of them for one single weekend for the last 3 1/2 months. she's too stupid to hold down a job, care for a vehicle, or pay any sort of bills, so we pay for pretty much anything skid related that they need and want.