Buy me a car...entitled much?
So our cs obligation is finally over, what a relief! Never minded paying but hard when bm was a raging alcoholic with nothing in her pantry (recovering now) when she's on welfare, but working under table, etc etc etc. this on top of constant pas. Unfortunately kids see us as money tree. In the past, with oldest step, we had hopes she would break away (didn't happen) and in the past we did attempt to buy love/affection/ contact. That included a car. She got car, made up with momma, and immediately let us know what a p.o.s. it was, refused to pay insurance, etc etc. so we finally got ourselves off title, wiped our hands, and chalked it up to a learning experience. Funny she still has that p.o.s! Anyway....youngest has been strangely friendly to her dad as the last child support payment neared. Like he got a happy Father's Day text! Wow! First ever! I hate that I'm so cynical but this whole stepparent thing has hardened me. So recently she contacts him because she's decided to change where she's going to college to a place we are very familiar with. Wants "help" with some forms. Husband wants to know why the change so late in the game and she says she's always wanted to go there, but its expensive (mom on welfare and good grades=grants) and moms car broke down so now she is taking daughters car and she has to go look for a car. How much she appreciates dad and ME! hasnt spoken more than a hundred words to me in years and now my name is in the mix. I'm not biting. still unengaged! Husband told her to look into sorry to hear about cars, it's tough all over, etc. my take: car is a luxury, not necessity. It's a walking campus. If its your dream to attend a specific school/get a car, than make it happen. Sacrifice and do it! Nobody is gonna hand it to you. Anyway, she responds and says I was hoping you'd get me a car like you did for sis. Proud my husband responded with money is tight, we are now on one income, can't help you. I say even if we were millionaires, we aren't obligated to get you a car! Had you been kind, considerate, engaged, and gracious, it may have been a different story. But after years of bad behavior by bm and kids, I honestly don't feel bad. She will take care of and gain pride if she purchases her own. And as a friend of ours (who knows bm well) told us, whether we get a car for her or not, they are going to consider scumbags. Better to be considered a scumbag with some money in our pocket! It's just so sad bm has raised them to be entitled. She hates the fact the child support is over. I guess she'll have to start working for a living!
That's a nice feeling, isn't
That's a nice feeling, isn't it? Knowing that you never have to cut another check to that cow again. My dh finished his spawn support obligation 4 years ago and it has been wonderful!
I'm so glad for you!
Feels great! When I met
Feels great! When I met husband he was making $400 a month after he paid support and was driving a rusted out 1985 civic. Told him to take that "extra money" and buy himself a car HE wants. He's always gotten practical cars that fit our family. Now he's going to get a car he wants! And he deserves it. The man works hard and has been treated badly for the past 16 years by them!
Good for him! He should get
Good for him! He should get one of the new Dodge Chargers.....those are bad ass! A red one.
Does it come in a
Does it come in a convertible?!?
Good for you!!! And
Good for you!!! And congrats. Odd how you suddenly stopped being a non-entity with her. Maybe she should take a class in tact and strategy. Her motives are just too obvious. You don't owe her a thing.
And here's the thing -- once
And here's the thing -- once you get her a car - should you fall for it -- she will go back to treating you just like she did before she got the car. My SD18 did that. I made the mistake of giving her a car, and all she did was complain about it and say what a crappy car it was. Um, you're welcome ungrateful brat!
I had also given my daughter a car -- they were equal in price, so it wasn't like we favored one over the other, but SD18 tells her brother SS20 that we bought my daughter a car, but doesn't bring up the fact that we bought SD18 a car also! And then SS20 is upset because we gave both girls a car. Wow.
Yes yes yes yes. Seen and
Yes yes yes yes. Seen and heard it all before. You and your DH sound like a team. Well done to you both for managing to get to that point together. We are working on it in my home and I sincerely hope we get there.
ps interested in what happens next just so we know how it will unfold. We have been hit up for a few things recently and said no.
Mmmmm! So exactly why would
Mmmmm! So exactly why would she want a p.o.s car like you got for sis anyway.
they have no shame, pride or self respect , do they?
Well done to your husband.
Well done to your husband! I
Well done to your husband! I just wish my husband would do the same...still supports his ADULT, MARRIED daughter who is in her 40's now {with 2 kids}! Just as an example: She drives 14 hours every year with the kids{minus husband} to stay with us for a month....this year, my husband has paid for her husband to fly down to our place on the last leg of her that he can drive HER AND THE KIDS back home! {Can't get much better than that!}
UPDATE: in laws just called
UPDATE: in laws just called and they have hit them up for money for college. The same in laws that bm terrorized for years, and who took her to court and sued for grandparents visitation, and won. My fil is a calm, steady, man...I suspect he's going to be very diplomatic, but still cutting through the bullshit if ya know what I mean. I know she's gonna qualify for a plethora of grants. If not, then she can get loans like the rest of us little people. I have 25000 in student loan debt so I have zero sympathy there. It stinks but I'm not adding to my debt so you can go to school with no worries. I also served in the military ang got gi want it bad enough you make sacrifices. Anyway, he probably won't say no but there will be gates and expectations that those women will not want to bear. They just want cash in hand with no questions asked. Friggin unbelievable!
Tog I agree with you! Told
Tog I agree with you! Told hubs that too but baby steps. Like I said, if we had millions in savings it would still be a big fat NO! And she knows we recently donated a vehicle to charity too. I'd rather help a stranger trying to get back on her feet then them, quite honestly. Because we got a heartfelt thank you for the van and it's appreciated. I'm so evil! }:)
This explains why bm didn't
This explains why bm didn't call us shrieking like a banshee like she typically would. She didn't want to burn bridges just yet.
Father in law responded to sd
Father in law responded to sd about her pleas for money for college. He was polite and straight forward. Said that there are grants and scholarships that will cover most, if not all, of her college costs. That she did well academically and and there is money out there for kids like her who are smart and driven to get an education. That she is a good person and a hard worker. He'd be happy to be a reference for her, but they hadn't planned or expected to put her through school and therefore the money isn't there. Btw, they have 12 grand kids total...haven't covered college for any of them, nor would we ask! So I guess her panhandling (which we believe bm was behind anyway, because she took all the proceeds from student aid after tuition was paid and it was deposited into HER account, none of which oldest sd got) didn't work out for her. }:)
Unbelievable. Well done FIL.
Unbelievable. Well done FIL. Seems they all know the truth about SD and BM.
Another update, sad to say!
Another update, sad to say! So husband gets a text saying "Hey dad, in order to go to my school of choice I am going to need to put down 500 dollars for the dorms and that's before I get any aid or scholarships. I was wondering if you could help me with it, with even half. Please:)" and he responded with "i know that you really want to go to School of choice, but throwing this all together short notice may not be your best choice. I would recommend that you re-look community college this semester, apply for more scholarships, and get all your ducks in a row to go to school of choice in spring 2014. This will give you time to get your stuff in for the November 1st School of choice scholarship deadline, and get some of your general studies courses out of the way. I love you and am very proud of your determination to get your education going."
So we called school of choice, which was also my school of choice, by the way, and, she's on a waiting list for dorms. No money is due at this time. If she's offered a room, which may or may not happen, it's a $400 payment, NOT $500. Just a $100 fudge on her part but its telling. Here's the thing. My husband (and me) have supported the sd's exclusively for 13 of the 17 years of the divorce. Bm can't hold a job, on welfare, going to school, whatever. Bm got her masters this past year. For free. Super! Now it's YOUR TURN to support the kids. GET A JOB! And either way, sd qualifies for every need based grant in the state because mom has been on welfare for years. So you have to front the $400. You'll recoup that PLUS SOME when you get the proceeds of your student aid. Sd has a summer job, too, along with grad money she was given.
On top of that, there is a difference of $300 between community college and school of choice (which she just sprung on us two weeks ago, anyway) if you don't have the means, you do what a zillion other kids do. You transfer when you get it together. No shame in community college! My student loan debt would be so much more manageable had I been wise and knocked out general studies at a community college!
I really and truly wish her every success. I hope this makes her hungry, ya know? Because my dad made six figures (we don't!) and didn't pay for my college. It's his money and his I joined the armed services to help me with my education. I was hungry, you see. I didn't go panhandling, especially when my student aid more than covered my expenses. On top of all this, theres also the issue of oldest sd when she went to school. bm claimed poverty, cried "we need money" and bm's brother and sister in law paid all the tuition to community college. come to find out sd got a ton of student aid, and all the proceeds were sent to bm. Bm and sd's have refused to nurture any kind of relationship with us (unless they need something) The bm and sd's constantly dog him out. Yet he's still supposed to give freely and without question. All of his no saying has probably thrown them for a loop! Bm is so used to being able to take him to court whenever she wanted to (total control) to having no control over us. It kills her that it is entirely our decision. And the sd has been taught that she's entitled and its dad's job to pay.
Glad to hear your DH stood
Glad to hear your DH stood his ground. The $100 'fudge' is not a good sign. If she gets by with this she will go on to bigger lies. I wouldn't give her a cent until she DOES get her ducks in a row.
They have no shame do they.
They have no shame do they. No self respect, no pride. And they're not going to learn that at any school. I hope your husband brings up the extra $100 with her at some point. That really is theft you know.