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Another counseling appointment....

LadyG's picture

Goddess help me, another counseling appointment in regards to SS and his enabling mother. We're supposed to do the Five Languages of Love type thing but the issue of his family needs to be addressed again. SS called DH from prison and wanted to talk and I answered the phone saying, "No. You may not talk to your father. You don't care about him anyway. When you start getting your act together and stop being a selfish (insert raging curse words), then you can talk to him. When you do start getting help and start making something of yourself, then he might come and visit."

Then I hung up.

I know I probably should NOT have said anything however I feel as if I were protecting my DH from any more pain that child has caused. My DH doesn't know that I did this nor am I going to tell him. I figure that MIL will tell him how much of a ***** I am which I don't care. She can rant and rave all she wants...just wait until the book comes about Enabling I ordered from Amazon for her to read.

If DH calls me on it, I'll just say, "The counselor has told you what is going on with your son. I know you love him but love is not enough to cure his sociopathic behavior. We need to concentrate on us; he's an adult and made his own decisions in life. Let him go..."

I know I probably stirred the cauldron a little too much however, enough is enough. People aren't stupid but pretend they are. That stupidity has caused too much damage and I'm not going to let SS destroy my DH any longer...

LadyG's picture

Oh I know I know... Sad

However, it's odd. DH has been avoiding his phone calls (that's why I'm writing this) and I asked him how he felt about SS calling him. He says he didn't care and really didn't want to talk to him. I know I should NOT have said anything to SS and let DH do the talking and I'm going to get "the lecture" to stay out of things...


From my point of view, I'm protecting my husband from any more hurt that kid has done to him. My DH doesn't say that much but what his son did not only broke his heart but has made him angry enough that he's fed up with having to "bail out" his child everytime he "whines" about being in prison. SS had every opportunity to do what was right...but he didn't. I am now waiting for the phone call from MIL stating what I said to SS.

Sadly, I don't care what she thinks because she's done damage by enabling the behavior. I know I probably caused a s*** storm however, I'm tired of sitting back and watching ignorance and "playing stupid" ruin everyones' lives.

Shieldmaiden's picture

Lady G - No, I agree with you for standing up to that kid. Some of these skids need a dose of truth and reality, and who better to give it to them than us?  We know their bioparents won't lift a finger to steer them in the right direction. I am about ready to change the locks if my 18 y/o skid decides to move in with us. NOT HAPPENING. She needs to get a job that lasts for more than 2 weeks first, and start paying rent. Thankfully, right now she lives primarily with crazy biomom. 

No, I say STAND YOUR GROUND. You don't deserve to have deal with this level of stupidity from your stepkid.