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Am I overreacting???? Help please!

Tey860's picture

I have posted a few other times, so feel free to reference them for previous behaviors of SD13. One major issue I have with her is she is sexually active. Today I found a note from her Best Friend (a girl), and apparently they have been in a relationship for the past month. So now SD13 is bisexual, having sex with boys and her best friend...outstanding! I asked him if he plans on banning sleepovers with her Best friend AKA her girlfriend. He is treating me like I am I the only one who sees a problem with this??? I have no problem with people that are gay/bisexual, BUT I have a huge problem with a 13 year old that lives in my house being sexually active and having sleepovers with her girlfriend. Has anyone ever heard of STDs??? UGH I am so worried that my BD10 is going to see this kind of behavior and think its ok to be 13 and in sexual relationships with anyone and everyone. I have high hopes for my child, I dont want her following her sister's footsteps. Her father thinks I am just being an evil stepmonster. HELP!!! Need advice badly.

momagainfor4's picture

I don't think you are over reacting at all. I think he's sticking his head in the sand and NOT reacting which is even worse than if you were over reacting!!!!

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around what's going on with this kid. 13 means she should be thinking about boys and getting to that interested stage. The fact that she's 13 and sexually active with both sexes makes me wonder if this child wouldn't benefit from some counseling very, very soon. I'm afraid she's going to get pregnant or worse. She's causing harm to her best friend. Is her best friend mature enough to be engaging in these activities?? I'm thinking a call to her mom might be in order. And maybe even the school. It's normal for kids to be interested in sex at this age but geeze, I am not sure what is up with this kid??
Is she more developed than her classmates? Something is up. She def needs some help. I always heard the saying that if she's not sitting in her daddy's lap she'll be sitting in someone else's all her life. She's got some issues.

Tey860's picture

I think he's sticking his head in the sand and NOT reacting which is even worse than if you were over reacting!!!!

^^^^^^^Exactly!!! So now we are in a huge battle over this. I asked him if he feels his daughter is too far gone? Is that why he chooses to minimize her behavior? He ignored me. I KNOW she needs to be in therapy, I have told him this more than once.
Unfortunately her mother is no help at all, when you talk to her she is only looking to twist what you say and use it against you. SD13 came from a very harsh home, her mother's only way of discipline was beatings with a belt. I understand the girl has issues, but "sticking your head in the sand" is not going to help anyone! I am just at a loss.

Tey860's picture

He doesnt think they are doing anything sexual. He thinks they are just interested in eachother. He MINIMIZES everything this child does. The note clearly said they have been in a relationship for a month....with plenty of sleepovers. Come on now, lets put 2+2 together. Thankfully none of these sleepovers occur in our home, but still, I strongly feel the sleepovers should come to an end.

thinkthrice's picture

I'm sure this is what SD in my case (just turned 15) has been doing for the last three years or so. She is "mannish" and huge for her age to begin with. She posted photos of herself frenching a female mannikin and compromising photos with all her BFFs. Some poses are just unbelievable! And of course the BM is all cool with this as she is the skids' BFF to the max. There are CONSTANT and I mean CONSTANT sleepovers almost every night of the week. So much so that I use the word "custodial" parent in it's broadest sense when referring to the BM. Oh and all three have absolutely CRATERESQUE grades in school.

askYOURdad's picture

My DH would blow a gasket if there was a note like that. What planet does your DH live on that he thinks this behavior is normal/ok/minimized?

I agree with mommagain about a phone call to the other girls mom. If your DH won't do anything I'm willing to be the other mom will stop the sleepovers/not allow them at your house either.

Tey860's picture

You know I thought she meant I should call SD bio mom and tell her. AHA! LOL that is a great idea. Well here is the funny thing, apparently her girlfriend's father kicked SD13 out the other day and was really angry. SD13 claims it was because he was having a bad day, I'm thinking he may havw walked in on something!

asnoraford's picture

I don't think you are over-reacting. However, as an educator, I can tell you that it is normal (although unsettling) for 13 year-old's these day to be curious about their sexuality. However, as with all issues, they need the proper guidance from the adults and mentors they have in their life.

You desperately need to have another conversation about this with your husband. What do you "need" to have happen here? Do you need her to stop having sleep overs with her in the home you share? If so why? Share the note with him? Ask him what his suggestions are? Why does he feel so strongly against addressing the issue with his daughter? What life and future does he want for her? If he is unwilling to budge on addressing the issue with her, then a possible solution is to have her spend the night at her friends house if there is going to be no parental action. That way, your younger child at least won't be exposed to that behavior. At the very least, I would say that she needs some serious guidance about sex, STD's, and why she feels she needs to connect with people (male or female) in this way. It may stem from a deeper issue of self-esteem etc. And she needs to understand what is appropriate in front of younger and very impressionable children. Regardless of a difficult past, all children need to know where the boundaries lay. Without them, they will continue to explore until someone (or life) stops them.

Hope the comments help.

ENuff's picture

Maybe you should put a big in the other mothers ear ~ and see how that develops.

Sexually active at 13 ~ is concerning. Kids obviously are starting way faster than my generation. Sure I had a bf but ... Heavy petting was what was going on. Not sex !

Sure kids are going to be curious and that might be a reason he is not objecting but 13 !!! I thought kids: young adults get curious in college bound years. He could be ignoring because he has the attitude " Not my kid" ~ he is also worried about how he got this information ~ on his mind he might think. You invaded her privacy. Which is a crock of $hit. Afraid to confront is a ridiculous way to live ~ sweeping it under the rug.

A couple of years ago my SD was caught having second in her bf's car on school property by a teacher/coach. ( at the time she was grounded n forbidden to see him) she had a school project ~ where the kids had to interview a teacher. My bd was in the same class so I knew it to be true. They called me for a ride home ~ I waited at school for the both of them ~ my bd n I were in the car waiting for her. She came out ~ n we went home. Next day SD stayed home from school ~ she was sick. Next day went to school ~ school must have pulled kids in for questioning. Next day she was spoken to about said incident by school. Next day ~ the school called the mother who ~ then came over to my house to inform me. WTF !!! I had to call my bf n inform him. Had him pull off the road from his delivery to tell him. The rage in his voice ~ OMG. He was furious ~ calmed him down. BM called me later than night n asked me not to let SD know that I knew. R U eff'ing kidding me. All of this was swept under the carpet n to never be spoken of again. You people have got to be crazy < that's how you want to handle this. Poor little SD is mortified that everyone knows. No you just gave her every reason to believe her actions were reasonable. Not on my watch. Spoke to her ~ saying is that really how you want to be remembered ?? Shouldn't you have a little more respect for yourself. Your bf just completely disrespected you.

Parents just are eff'ed up !!! How in the world is that ignored.

Tey860's picture

Her father explains it like this, "I feel I can't stop what she does, she will just hide it so I have to find a way to support her." I said, you support your 13 y.o. child being sexually active???? He said NO but I can't stop it. UNREAL.

Tey860's picture

My sentiments exactly! I really don't think I can live like this. I am losing my respect for him. How can you let your 13 year old run wild??? What happens when she comes home pregnant or with an STD? What then?

overworkedmom's picture

Uhhh, yeah, you can stop it. You have to be an actual parent and hold you child accountable for every move she makes. You have to change work schedules, stop sleep overs, ground the child. But at 13- hell no would this be allowed under my roof!

Tey860's picture

Yes! Instead of addressing the fact that she is sexually active, he is focusing on supporting her decision to be gay and not making her feel bad about it...hmmm if she likes boys too that makes her bisexual not gay. I just cant believe he is being so non-chalant about this.

ENuff's picture

That's a cop out.
DH really needs to show up n engage in his daughters life ~ instead of justifying her action. The horse shit ~ when people say to me ~ what were you doing at that age. What I did ~ didn't make it right. I learned from my mistakes.
My parents cared enough about my well being to confront me. Confronting me ~ made me the person I am today. I respect people ~ respect myself ~ have morals and manners.

WTF wake up and smell the Folgers ! Don't be a douchebag n hide from it. These are issues that you have in your home ~ deal with them as a parent.

Btw you are not the Dbag in question ~ it just pisses me off when people dismiss what is going on in their own homes. The turning of heads ~ drives me nuts.

jumanji's picture

I don't necessarily disagree with that line of thinking, BUT it is then imperative to teach them some important things. Like self-respect, one's own values, consequences of early sexual activity, etc. Not just shrugging. If one actually PARENTS (from an early age), the child will/should learn to think critically and deserve that parental support.

Jmom's picture

You have your own BD10 to worry about! This would not be happening in my house. We go through the rounds every year with BM trying to get DH to let SD13 stay home alone with my BS13 for Thanksgiving (1 week) and Christmas holidays (2 weeks). I tell DH no way he had better take off some days with her and I'm not babysitting her. Number 1 kids are very curious at that age(even though my son can't stand her I'm not taking that chance). Number 2 she sits all google eyed when my son is around . . .makes me sick. She takes pics of him when he's not looking and sends them to her friends (caught this one snooping on her phone when I noticied her snapping a pic). I'm sure at her school he's her boyfriend . . .just sick. THIS WOULD NOT BE GOING ON IN MY HOUSE!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I don't think you are over-reacting at all!!! 13 is way too young to be sexually active regardless of whether or not she has homosexual or bisexual feelings. I have nothing against those who are LGBT. My biggest concern with this whole situation is your BD10!!!! I would be concerned with the kind of people that SD13 is bringing into the house. Don't leave BD10 home alone with SD13 no matter what! I know this may be of some inconvenience at times, but if she has grandparents to go to or some friend you can trust 150%, that is where I would take BD10 on any school holidays and such. With this kind of lifestyle, I would be worried about them making out in front of BD10, or worse, some of these "friends" of SD13 touching BD10 in inappropriate ways. I know it is not something anyone of us wants to think about it, but sexual abuse by "peers" just a little older is a very real problem.

Your DH needs to get his head out of the sand! This girl needs help! What kind of stuff has this child gone through that is triggering this behavior? Typically this kind of sexually promiscuous behavior is related to some sort of abuse at some point in one's life. The girl needs counseling...this needs to be nipped in the bud, or she is likely to end up drinking, doing drugs, or "on the pole" as well. I know it is taking things to the extreme, but statics point to this. DH will be an early grandpa, or be dealing with a drunk 15 year old having her rushed to the ER for alcohol poisoning, or worse. This is NOT something DH should be ignoring!

Tey860's picture

Whenever I point these things out he acts like I am being outrageous. Unfortunately this girl is going to end up having something very serious happen before her father wakes up. It's a shame.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Then, I pray for you!!! I really do! When I think about the crap kids are into these days, it makes the crap we did look so mild! Yeah, there were still teens having sex, but homosexuality or bisexuality was still something so taboo that most teens were afraid to even admit they had any of these feelings! They would date the opposite sex and just bury their feelings, or not date anyone at all. Very few would act upon them, but if they did, it was very, very underground! There was also AIDS to worry about...that was the new big scary, and the fact that it was being traced to homosexual activity scared everyone straight, so to speak.

But today...with smartphones, and had it easy! If I was at home with her, she knew I wasn't up to anything. I didn't have my own line in my room, so she could pick up downstairs and listen to my calls whenever she wanted. She didn't have to worry about me talking to guys online, sexting, or anything like that. I will admit that I was sexually active at 16, but even then, we really had to try to sneak off to do the mom expected me home at this time, and she had neighbors watch the house so she would know if my boyfriend was over when he wasn't supposed to be. You can't even really do that these days, because no one wants to be one wants to talk to anyone else. Pretty sad!

askYOURdad's picture

^^^^^^^^^^ABSOULTELY! Excellent point. Agree 100%... just because something is scary or difficult to think about doesn't mean it doesn't happen!

Polly Esther's picture

If he would not allow a boy to sleep over with her in your home, it would also be imprudent (read: stupid) to allow this girlfriend to spend the night. There is a huge difference between "support" and 'turning a blind eye because the thought of my daughter having sex makes me uncomfortable so I'll ignore it'.

Tey860's picture

That is exactly how I feel! He is acting like I'm being ridiculous. We got into a huge fight about it this morning and the bottom line was, this is his child and I need to stop putting my 2 cents in unless I want to take control of the situation. He tells me that I need to tell her all this. I do not think so! This is not my child and I am not getting in the middle of this crap. I don't feel it is my place and I have no desire to waste my breath. That is his responsibility and if he didnt feel he could parent her, he shouldn't have accepted her back into our house.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture just burns me when DH does this to me! I need to tell her? She isn't going to listen to me! I'm the evil step-monster, and she knows I have no authority to ground her or anything! I can try, but dear daddy will make it all better when he gets home. Your DH needs to grow a pair, stand up, and be a parent! Sorry so blunt, but hey....

Tey860's picture

I totally agree. I said, SO I am supposed to live here, observe the BS that is going on, BUT not say a word??? I dont think so. I have to worry about our daughter and what she is observing. I told him until he decides what he is going to do, he needs to tell his daughter not to say anything about having a girlfriend to my daughter. I do not want her involved in this at all.

Tey860's picture

The note clearly said that she loves her and the way she touches her. I would have to assume since she was admittedly sexually active with her last boyfriend, that she is doing the same with her girlfriend. I guess what is bothering me is the fact that in my opinion, now that we know she is dating her best friend and sexually active with her, I feel sleepovers with her are out of the question. He is acting like nothing has to I missing something here? Since he found out she is having sex, he has not taken her to the doctor or anything....if that was me, I would have her butt at planned parenthood getting STD testing and an exam.

Tey860's picture

I can totally understand that also. But to sweep it under the rug is not helping anyone. She goes to her BM house every other weekend, she does not support her being sexually active AT ALL! She is so disappointed in her daughter and there relationship is very rocky. I know for a fact she wouldnt take her to the dr for that.

Tey860's picture

Now here is my problem with that-I feel that by me bringing her is saying I am ok with what she is doing, I AM COMPLETELY AGAINST THIS. I am not ok with it at all. I know that she is doing it regardless of how anyone else feels, but I just don't feel that I should have to take her.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Don't get me wrong...I understand fully that no one "decides" to be gay. But we are talking about a 13 year old girl here who has already had sex with a boy, and because of this history, I'm certain that the OP has reason to be concerned by whatever she read in that note. It would be like if I found a note of my SD's talking about partying and getting high...because she has a history of both alcohol and pot usage, the first thing that will trigger in my head, and probably rightfully should, is that she is using again.

And it is one thing to be curious about one's is quite different to be acting on those curiosities with others at this age. Like so many have said in various posts here on this board, when we were 13, we weren't thinking about having sex! I know that was the farthest thing from my mind at that time! Yes, I started finding myself attracted to boys...wanted a harmless kiss or to hold hands in the hall or get to wear his jacket...but not sex! That was still to much for me mentally and emotionally!

We are in an age where everything is sexualized, and, yes, that is probably pushing teens to be more curious about sex at an earlier age. But we are also seeing to many teens and young adults bounce from person to person to person. It becomes an addiction...if it makes you feel good, do it more and more and more! That is the message these kids are getting today with things such as YOLO and the like.

And this girl may not be bisexual at all. Here is the deal...girl/girl has always been more acceptable in society that guy/ a girl who has a sex addiction is more likely than a guy with a sex addiction to seek out same sex relations. I mean, how many girls do you hear tell their man that if the guy picked up another guy at a bar, they want to watch? Not something you hear. BUT, you hear a large number of guys say to their girls, "Pick up another girl at a bar, I wanna watch!" So girl/girl in a highly sexualized society is seen as perfectly accepted!

That is why I think this girl needs counseling! Most people who bounce from partner to partner were either abused or are hungry for attention because of a lack of attention they get from their parents. They want intimacy of some kind...emotional intimacy or physical...they will take either. When you have too many men taking a back seat approach to parenting, or simply not being there at all, you have more and more girls who are going to try to fill that hole they have inside them with sex, and they don't care who is someone being intimate with them in some way.

And then you have the rebellious type who are so pissed off at their parents for whatever reason, or who had no guidance growing up, who do things like this for shock value. "Let me get back at them!" or "Let's see how far they will really let me go...where is my boundary!" The latter would be my SD...her parents give her plenty of attention...soak her in it. She is a princess; however, there have never been any boundaries, so she is always doing something different trying to see exactly how long her rope what point will they yank it back.

Tey860's picture

Yes! She is bouncing from partner to partner and it's seems like it is out of desperation more than the desire to be with a female. I think she has made a reputation for herself at her school, and she is taking whatever she can get. It's very sad. Since her father refuses to get his head out of his butt, I have started the process of calling around for counseling for her.

thinkthrice's picture

Classic guilty daddy reaction.

"I can't discipline my kid because I might lose him/her"
"Kids will turn out the way they turn out" (i.e. it is what it is)
"It won't make a difference; her mom will just let her do what she wants anyway"
"The courts won't let me parent my child"
"They're JUST KIDS!"
"They're innocent as the wind driven snow"
"They're too old to change now"
"I don't want to make waves with the BM"

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

If I had a dollar for every time I heard some of those items from your list! I'd be rolling in the dough!

Tey860's picture

Last night SD13 who has a curfew of 7:00 during the week, crept in at 9:00. No phone call, nothing. Now if that was my child, I would have been out hunting her down. Her father went to bed at 8:00 and said to tell her she's in trouble. LOL really???

ENuff's picture

Yeah that's way to lax for me.

What did she learn ???
Hmmm no one ever noticed I was gone ~
My Dad just said I am in trouble ~ I'll smooth him over n everything will be ok. I will just say to him ~ god Dad you ruin my life. I never have freedom. Nothing happened ~ I lost track of time.

Curious ~ what was her punishment ???

Tey860's picture

Well her father seems to think since she has to go to her moms for the weekend, that's punishment enough...really??

ENuff's picture

So he plays good cop n the BM is the bad cop.

Now BM will spin it to your fault ~ cause it happened it your home or your watch.

My BM would completely undo all that we did. Our deal was BM schedule was she worked 10 days straight till like 7ish. Do we would have SD everyday after school n EOWE. If SD was grounded during the week it was good as soon as weekend came around when BM wanted to do something w SD she would call us n ask if it was ok. Don't believe it was a good thing please stop you brain from thinking ~ wow what's wrong with that ~ NOPE. Real motive was to ask my fiancé what he thought about this idea ( mind you ~ BM has already told daughter she could go n bring her lovely druggie bf ~( who just had sex with the daughter right after school in his car in the school parking lot n was caught by teacher/coach ) ~ when my fiancé said No she would insist ~ he would say No. Ask again why Not ? No again ~ then pick a fight with him ~ he actually even told her ~ you want to go fine ~ we will take SD off your hands n solve this problem right now. Again NOT what she wanted to hear ~ again ~ she wanted to get what she wanted. He finally said ~ listen you called for my opinion n I told you my opinion n now you are going to do exactly what you wanted to do. WHY are you asking me ?? My answer is not going to change.

This is the nightmare ~ I deal with. My light bulb just went on right now ~ SD is her reincarnated. She doesn't get what she wants ~ she tries just like her mother to wear him down. Just like BM !!

God help me !!!