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My DH is a moron and I AM SO PISSED!

toywas's picture

To begin with, our Christmas was perfect – starting from midnight mass, cuddling in bed, breakfast, then DH and I opening gifts. On Christmas morning I called my three kids (2 are in the military so they didn’t come home) then I insisted to DH to call all of his 6 kids (notice I didn’t mention golden eggs – it is Christmas!) I nearly fell over when he said “no I’m not calling them, I will wait until they call me!”

“We” did receive one present from the Queen – an awesome gift that “we” can both use. I was shocked but I kept my mouth shut. Again, I nearly fell over when DH said “it’s about time my kids are learning to send “us” gifts!” What could I do – I was the good wife and insisted that DH call her, thank her for the gift, and then we even sang happy belated birthday to her on the phone (DH forgot her birthday since I didn’t post it on the calendar – the rewards of disengaging!)

All in all, my Christmas was perfect simply because this year I had to learn to disengage. Unfortunately, I also had to use the same techniques with one of my sons (sometimes I have to wonder if he’s my son or one of DH’s sons – it’s that bad!). My son that is in the military actually disowned me this year because I could not (health AND financial reasons) go and visit him in another state. I did send many gifts to my grandson and even sent a gift to him and his wife; no return call or email – nothing other than a thank you text before midnight. I refuse to feel guilty because I did not travel – trust me, I have learned all about great manipulations, signs, and techniques from DHs kids.

Starting from yesterday through January 7th, DHs kids will be here in town. I plan on being here some of the time (I am making a stance – this is my house!) but my DH knows my limits with them as well as my work schedule. This past week I realized after all these years of putting up with the bullshit from my own son and all of DHs kids, I no longer wonder what my worth is – I realize that I am important, I am special, and I deserve to be loved and happy just like everyone else. Unfortunately, we don’t pick our family!

Yesterday, SS35, his wife, and 2 kids came for a visit. I planned on going to work but DH asked me to stay. “They’re only going to be here for an hour” he said. My anger from this visit came in five (5) stages. (1) They were supposed to be here at 9 am but didn’t get here until 10:30 am. I could have gotten 3 hours of work in! (2) Instead of walking on the driveway to the house, they walked all on the grass instead and tracked in mounds of dogshit everywhere into our mudroom. Seriously – you have to walk in dogshit??? Did they clean it up? NO! They got upset when I told them to take off their shoes – too bad!

DH gave the GKs their presents and they played. They didn’t give DH a gift, which I found really strange. Then (3) DH fed them OUR dinner for lunch. Keep in mind – the smell of the dogshit aroma is going through the house, and nobody has cleaned it up yet!!! (4) Before they left at 3:00 pm (an hour really DH?!) SS35 reminded DH about everyone coming over to our house next weekend (I am guessing this is the “party”!) When they left, it took DH an hour to clean and bleach our mudroom and wash out the throw rugs.

Finally the topper, (5) my dinner was a bowl of fuckin’ cereal!

I saw DH trying to please his son and his family in every way and he succeeded, and what hurt the most was there was no thought of me at all nor was there a discussion regarding a “party” but apparently, all the DH kids know to be here next Saturday.

And right now I’m thinking that I’m just pissed about dog shit and being excluded from the party planning in my house but my blood pressure is boiling when I find out every one is bringing their damn dogs next week!!!

My DH is a fuckin’ moron! I haven’t said one word of my anger to DH, but he knows that I am mad, and he’s stupid enough not to ask why!

Thanks for letting me vent!

toywas's picture

That is the plan my dear! You and I must be twins because we think alike!

I have no intentions of being here but I'm really worried that "everyone has to bring their fucking dogs?!?!" Seriously!

Amber Miller's picture

I would be furious. Why do these idiots keep bringing their dogs? Haven't they ever heard of a kennel? Do they not have neighbors that can watch the dogs? They know you have new carpet. It's almost like they are trying to antagonize you. You made it clear a few weeks ago when the queen and her entourage arrived that there will be no dogs on the new carpet. What, are these golden eggs that stupid? :? Of course not, it's just a way of showing you how incredibly inconsiderate they are. Now you are going to be put into the position of having to remind them that its your house, not theirs.
What's this business about having a party at your house that you don't know about? :jawdrop: Who is supposed to cook, clean and plan the party? Sounds like DH is going to have his work cut out for him as I would hope that you are going to step back and let him do the work. After all, these are his golden eggs, not yours.
Ok, now for the dog shit problem. :sick: This is just beyond disgusting and I would've flipped my lid. What, are these people blind? Why would anyone walk in dog shit? The eggs need to open their eyes. Also, this is why houses have walk-ways; you walk on the concrete and stay off the grass. I was raised to never walk on someone's grass; not because of dog shit but just because its rude!
Your dinner; oh my god. I don't even know what to say about this. If it were me I would feel completely disregarded by DH. Couldn't DH just order a pizza or something? How about they eat cereal? This is unacceptable along with being late and overstaying their welcome. I'm sure if they treated you with the respect that you deserve that it would be easier to deal with this but because they are so inconsiderate it makes it worse.
Oh, I am so sorry for you. You have every right to be upset. I wish I had some good advice but all I can really offer is to say that I feel your frustration and I empathize with your situation.

toywas's picture

Amber, I am done cooking and cleaning for the rest of the year! My next cleaning is going to be when I take down our tree and all the other shit I have throughout the house.

Kennels - seriously? They're not that smart!

Dogshit problem - I am still livid despite the fact there's no more smell in the shit smell in the house.

Dinner tonight - I'm cooking ham and bean soup purposely everything is on LOW LOW LOW!

I already told DH your dinner tonight is fucking cereal!

Yessir Bob I am still pissed!!!!!!

Amber Miller's picture

Good for you! Taking down all the decorations is a big job and I'm happy for you to hear that you aren't going to be catering the party for the golden eggs. Ham and bean soup sounds wonderful. Enjoy your dinner and have a good night.

toywas's picture

Trust me I would love to say this and in my mind, I have said worst!

I know I need to work next weekend but I am planning on taking my puppy with me (she's in heat stage right now).

It would be great to ban all those asses from my house but as usual, my DH has no balls or ethics (he needs the opportunity to look good in his kids eyes!)

I just don't understand why people have to bring their damn pets?!?! I don't want to clean up after their mess but apparently, DH is doing it out of "love!"

Fuck that!

I'm so glad I can come here to vent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS - Dinner is Trix cereal (and guess who's upset!)

toywas's picture

I don't understand why people can't leave their pets at home when they visit!

I don't want anyone's dog in my house, it doesn't matter WHO YOU ARE!

By being married to DH, I have realized that some people are just so fuckin' stupid!

toywas's picture

I really don't mind if someone brings their pets to my house, by dammit, out of respect FUCKING ASK FIRST!!! I have a baby female lab (don't fuck with her heat cycle!) But then again, don't fuck with my cycle - I DONT HAVE ONE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!

SugarSpice's picture

when i discovered that the dinner was given away, i would have got into the car and left to get myself a meal. dh would be left to fend for himself.

when one is disengaged, you will no longer allow yourself to be a doormat.

toywas's picture

Now I have a strange dog coming to spend 5 days in our vicinity and DH thinks nothing of it. Hey asshole, I spent $500 on our puppy dog NOT to get bred before hand. He still doesn't understand why I was upset having cereal for supper last night but he has been bitching big time tonight when I put the cereal box in front of his plate!

Seriously, DH is a fucking idiot!

Amber Miller's picture

I read your post to DH last night. He was shocked at the insensitivity and was horrified that you ate cereal. I brought up the subject of why husbands or wives wait until the last minute to tell their partner when the skids are coming, etc. my DH did this to me for years with SD. He'd go drive an hour, take the ungrateful bitch out to lunch and then drive back. He wasted a whole day catering to her skanky ass. I told him that your DH just like my DH wait until the last minute to tell us because they know what they are doing is wrong and they know we have a right to be mad. Even though SD doesn't talk to daddy anymore he started to get defensive and said this is a subject we shouldn't talk about. See? My DH still knows what he did was wrong; that he should've told me when he made plans with princess psycho bitch. I dropped the subject but he needs to stop being so defensive about the useless bitch daughter of his. Oh well.

toywas's picture

I will definitely agree that my DH is very insensitive to ME whenever his kids are involved!

I am happy to report that DH learned one valuable lesson today - we went grocery shopping for "just a few items for the party" and the total came to less than $200. I told the cashier "my husband's paying!" The look on his face was priceless.

We are under the threat of a snowstorm which is suppose to start tonight through Thursday. I told DH that he will need to drive me to and from work this weekend (I have that fabulous orthopedic boot that I have to wear around the clock and can't drive!) Another priceless look!

What I don't understand is (and I am very curious if other STs go through this!) sometimes it seems like my DH is somewhat reluctant to have alone time with his own kids. Why do I have to be there/here when they're visiting HIM? I'm so tired of hearing all the "remember dad when you and mom..." stories!

Does anyone else go through this or is it just me?

Amber Miller's picture

Wow, $200 is quite a bit of money. Good for you for handing him the bill as he needs to be aware of the cost of having these ingrates over. I didn't realize that you were injured and wearing an orthopedic boot. Ever the more reason to not have to do any work for this fabulous fiesta that is being held at your house.
In regards to the question about visiting alone with the skids and wanting you around I have a different experience. I was usually accompanying DH when he visited his little tramp but it started to get too disgusting for me so I wouldn't go with him. He could've cared less as seeing the bitch was more important to him than anything. Now since the psychopath has disowned her father for not divorcing me, we dont have to go through this song and dance anymore. He started yacking about wanting us to get along but thats hard to do when someone decides they hate you for no valid reason. He would tell me at the last possible second that he was visiting the ungrateful bitch as I mentioned before. He felt obligated to see her frequently as her life is such a mess and she needed "emotional support". A raging storm couldn't keep daddy away from the snot bag. Well, that's my experience. It felt like he was always putting her first; my feelings didn't matter. All of the abuse that she perpetrated against both of us was explained away by daddy making excuses for his precious damn daughter. So, I have a different experience than you do. In regards to his loving and respectful sons, my presence is always wanted.
Be careful in the snow when you go to work. I hope you get some rest this new year.

Amber Miller's picture

You're right; she does know what she's doing. Thank goodness she's out of our lives. I hope it stays they way forever but I'm not hopeful. I'll remember to institute the silent treatment if DH falls for her shit and allows her to come back into our lives with all of her drama. We will see.

Amber Miller's picture

So if you call them step-bitches then you could be talking about the dogs or the eggs. I thought it was clever but maybe not that funny. Oh well.

Amber Miller's picture

The gate is a great idea. Problem solved. She should give the receipts to the golden eggs and ask them to reimburse her for the supplies.

toywas's picture

Give receipts? Have the golden eggs pay? SERIOUSLY!?!? These are the most entitled people I have ever met!

We do have one of those baby gates that we used to use for our dogs but they're trained to stay in their own room, and somehow the gate either got broken and thrown away or someone else has it.

Who knows - I'm keeping my fingers crossed - with all the snow we're supposed to get maybe they won't come!

Amber Miller's picture

Yeah I knew the receipts idea wouldn't fly but I couldn't help myself. DH can add this to his $200 food bill possibly. So, your dogs are trained; what a novel concept! From what I've learned about the eggs I guess this would never happen with their bitches (there's that word again). Let's cross our fingers for a huge storm. That would be so cool for you as long as you don't lose power or have an ice storm. I saw in the news that new England is getting hammered with bad weather. Having a good storm actually crossed my mind.

JustAgirl42's picture

Since it's your home too, why couldn't you say 'no' to having the dogs come in the first place?

So sorry you're going through this, I totally understand the frustration, although your situation seems a little more dire than mine!

toywas's picture

I tried posting this weekend but was declined/blocked!

Well, the party happened on Saturday. I found out that morning that 4 out of 6 golden eggs have been in town since 12/24 and none of them even contacted DH. I was pissed but then reality slapped me in the face!!! I was falling back into the same trap of worrying about these people’s well-being (is there enough food, drinks, etc.) when they clearly don’t give a shit about me. This is DH’s party not mine!

Well, the 4 golden eggs plus spouses came over around 1 pm. No grandkids or dog came – they were at the ex’s!! We played cards, drank, and literally, had a good time. DH didn’t cook any food so they only ate nuts. They stayed about 4 hours then left. And when I mean “left” I mean no goodbyes, just got in their cars and left.

I asked DH what his Christmas presents were from his kids, and he said “nothing!” I was so fuckin’ shocked, then I got pissed, but I walked away and didn’t say a word. What a bunch of selfish assholes!

Thanks for letting me vent!

Amber Miller's picture

Ha Ha Ha; they got nuts! No dinner, no cereal, just nuts. GOOD!!!
how rude to leave without saying goodbye. No present? Unbelievable. Even just a card would've been nice. These people/eggs are really pathetic. At least this time they didn't roll their egg asses through shit before entering your home.