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TippyToes's picture

Good Morning Step Talk!!! I have been looking for a forum lately where I can vent and share the joys of my life!! I'm sure you all can understand what a roller coaster it is! I am a step mom to three, SD 19, who has one son (10 month whom I call my monkey) and her second due (no gender yet) in December. She lives with roommates about 10 minutes away from us. SD number two, the middle child, will be 18 in September, she resides roughly 2 hours away with her grandmother. ( supposed to reside with her mother, but well get into that later) then, SS who will be 9 in September. We do not have full custody of him, and he resides with his grandmother as well, although we have been fighting for custody for years. He is currently with us full time for the summer as his mother and grandmother just "don't want him". I have so much to tell and write about, but I don't want to overload you just yet!!! Therefore, I am just saying Hi!!!! Looking forward to getting to know all of you!!!

kathc's picture

Get it in writing that they don't want him. Let me guess, your DH pays CS$$$ and that's why they won't give him custody. We see that a lot around here. Welcome!

Orange County Ca's picture

Ohhh I wondered why there was a fight when they didn't want to see the kid.

For the kids sake I'd tell the female receiving the child support that if they gave up custody the child support would continue. Get it in writing. Then a year later sue for the cessation of the child support and court ordered custody. A lot cheaper than attorney fees for an extended battle.

Well I hope you can find some answers here in the near future and undoubtedly have some to give us as well.