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Coming Last. whats your opinion on this

member1234l's picture

I have a fiance, his skid every other weekend, and a male roommate. Having the roommate is a built in live in buddy for the fiance. Whenever we argue he will go into the roommates room with him, shut the door and play video games for hrs together. They are both 30yrold men. We have all lived together for 3yrs. I feel really cheated out of this dynamic. I feel as if im just another roommate too.

Fiance also does whatever he wants when it comes to SD and doing favors for his ex, like having her on days when he's not supposed to. He doesnt consult with me with anything. For all i know he could hand her extra money behind my back. I dont know anything. If I bring up why schedules have changed he will why.....but says it doesnt involve me so it doesnt matter and says it also doesnt matter because we didnt have plans made.

We never have plans made because our life is basically work, come home, and wait for the weekends when he gets SD8. he and I hardly speak or do anything together. If he and i happen to talk during a weekend he has SD8 and try to make a plan for us all to do something.....he will say yah sounds fun but ill have to ask sabrina if she wants to do that too. Um what?

I cant imagine having kids with this man if this is the way life is going to be.

StepLady's picture

Why are you putting up with such a crazy arrangement? Save your money and move out! There is no reason to live that way. Start saving and move into a safe place you can afford and take care of yourself.

Rags's picture

Sounds to me you are wasting time and emotion on a guy who has no interest in you beyond a beck and call sex partner.

Move on.

As for asking Sabrina if she wants to do what is planned ... WTF is up with that crap. Kids don't an opinion unless they are given an opinion. They do what the are told and what the adults decide will be done.


My skid knew the drill. When it was time to go do something if he bitched the only answer was "Tough shit. Get up and get moving." End of problem.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

You are only 30, you are young, you know what you want....and this isn't it! Taking the steps towards change are difficult, but you have nothing holding you back. You aren't married, fiance has someone else to help pay the rent, you don't have children together. I know it hurts but you are questioning this because it doesn't feel RIGHT. Do right by yourself and create your own fresh start.

~ Moon

member1234l's picture

We initially got the place together ourselves, then had a few arguments about the living arrangement. Thats when he then invited the roommate to rent a room from us and he has lived here ever since, 3yrs now. I used to belive it was okay because it was to save money, but more and more now im starting to think I am a complete convience in this situation. And yes he is very immature they both are. Fiance also refuses to rock the boat with the roommate, even calling him his best friend.. He wont say anything to him about anything that I mention bothers me, even when fiance agrees with me on it. Fiance will say, if u have a problem with something he does YOU talk to him. Wtf??? He's YOUR "best friend" and YOU invited him to live with us, I dont speak to him at all ever or even like him.....He helps contribute to fiances immaturity!!

SugarSpice's picture

if you marry him it will be worse. right now he has a bromance with his room mate. fiance turns to room mate when you have a disagreement. that is not mature behaviour.

you will always come last even behind the room mate. the children will always come before you and fiance will befriend them as they grow and into adulthood. this makes for a very unhealthy arrangement.

will you be happy with this arrangement as only his source for sex? only you can decide.