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BM, MIL and Facebook

JustPeachy22's picture

Anyone else dealing with MIL and BM being facebook friends, even liking and sharing posts about DH?

tessa12's picture

I got off Facebook years ago, and I'm far happier because of it. It's not real interaction. They likely aren't "friends" in real life as well? Would they actually chat about your DH over coffee?

hereiam's picture

I don't have FB and my MIL passed away before I met DH.

I'm pretty sure some of DH's siblings are FB friends with the bitch BM, though. She likes to think she is still part of the family, when the truth is, they all hated her before.

We keep a decent amount of distance from his family so we don't care.

JustPeachy22's picture

This was an actual conversation ON my MIL's facebook wall between MIL and BM regarding DH plane ride.

BM-Hey! Do you know what time he is suppose to land?
MIL- Just got a quick text! he was on the ground, but still on the plane! that was about 6:21!
BM- Ok! I'm glad, he said he was a little nervous yesterday. I'm sure he relieved to be on the ground!
MIL- Yes I'm sure he is!! I'll let you know if I talk to him! He will probably call the kids though and tell them about the flight!
BM -Yes, he said he would call them after he lands! Thanks!
MIl-Talk to you soon!

I mean, isn't this something they could have texted instead of putting on facebook?

Glassslipper's picture

I would be more mad at DH for sharing his feelings about flying or whatever it was with BM!


JustPeachy22's picture

You know I think you nailed it with that comment. Both are very into what people think of them.

JustPeachy22's picture

Thats what I said aniki. I would love to block MIL, in fact I unfriended her when she became friends with BM for this very reason. Then I caught hell from DH and MIL for doing that so I added her back. I think BM is just doing it to be a bitch. She has been divorced from DH for 7 years and remarried for 4 years. MIL says she is only friends with her to see pictures of the kids but I think she just likes stirring the pot.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Why on earth would he discuss his nervousness with his EX?? I definitely think your MIL is stirring the pot.

still learning's picture

I have so many people blocked I don't even know why I have Facebook! You can still be "friends"
with MIL just unsubscribe from her posts. Block BM and anyone else who is insensitive and disrespectful. Disengage from the drama.

Glassslipper's picture

Bm is blocked on my Facebook, DH facebook, my phone from calls and texts...She is shut out, but if DH discussed his nervousness with her, he would be blocked

hippiegirl's picture

I lucked out. DH's mom was already dead when I met him.

To bad BM wasn't dead too. :O

hippiegirl's picture

Peachy....I don't think I would be cool with that. Why is DH telling BM he's nervous about the flight?

I don't think in-laws get it. My brother in law cannot for the life of him understand why I can't stand BM. I think it's a girl thing.

momandmore's picture

I am not friends with MIL OR BM on FB and I delete and block everyone I even think they have a connection with. Problem solved. It can be good at times if court related but I don't like to be stressed.