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i hate facebook!

krich1990's picture

Me and my husband share a facebook. his ex has a facebook too but we have made sure her and anyone she knows are blocked. my husband has custody of is son, the mother gets 2 supervised visits per month.
we were advised to make her a blog with photos, which I think is stupid. she should have to take her own photos when she comes to her visits.
Shes rarely shows up to her visits half the time and the other half she doesn't even stay the whole time.
I really don't feel she even deserves pictures if she cannot show up 2 days out of a month to see her one year old son.
Now I get a peek of her facebook off of a friends and she has somehow gotten pictures of my husband with his son and posted them on her facebook. I think this is really weird and would like them taken down immediately. anything I can do to get them taken down?
She can copy pictures of her son all she wants but not of my husband. mind you they were never married and they "dated" for a month or two. And shes a drug addict who neither cares nor provides for her son, but shes always putting an act on for her facebook friends.

sonja's picture

I've flagged pictures on fb before.
DHs exMIL had a photo 'shared' of DHs profile pic, every time he changed it, it updated on her page as well. She doesn't post things almost ever.. so anytime you went to her page there was DHs profile pic!

It has since been removed so Im betting FB took it down after we all flagged it.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

So true about facebook being fake book. I mean people only post the happy times in their lives like life is all hunky dory and its not. LOL. Mine for example. People must think I live in this wonderful world. Of course the real friends I have that are on there know the truth.

krich1990's picture

her sister just conned her into taking it off. the only sane person in her family.
oh you don't even know crazy! she still thinks the child should see her and my husband together, even though he has NEVER seen them together in his entire life.
She believes anything my husband says or does I made him say it, even if its on the phone.
she tells people we stole her son and shes in the process of getting him back, even though cps took him and that very same day my husband was awarded full temporary custody, then awarded full physical and legal custody until she can prove fit, then she will just get joint legal custody and more supervised visits.

bearcub25's picture

BM got mad at her sister for using her profile picture. I mean not speaking, defriending and blocking. I looked at the picture bc I thought it was something special she had drawn or taken. It was an ecard that everyone and their brother passed around. BM thought that it was just hers bc she like it.

Our BM also tells ppl that she is trying to get her kids back...well ppl that don't know her IRL...but they buy into every word she says.

bearcub25's picture

If she has shared them from your FB, you can go into your settings and change it so no one can share your private pics without approval from the owner, there is also a way to do all past posts. I can't remember exactly how, bc I just fooled with stuff until it worked. You can type what you are trying to do in google and be able to get step by step instructions.

Someone that was a friend of a friend did this to DSO. I fooled with the settings enough that it was able to go back ad take that pic off the persons timeline. The only thing that is public and can't be stopped from sharing is the cover photo.

MdMom's picture

This is why FDH and I have decided not to have a Facebook.

We did have separate ones when we first started dating, then when we got serious we joined our accounts... But after a few months we decided that a Facebook while having a SD is toxic. I grew tired of BM finding out what we were doing and not really connecting with people over the phone or face to face... And I often worried I would not be able to trust myself at times and see what BM was up to... So we waved Bye bye to Facebook almost 2 years ago.

It was/is liberating!

IAMGOOD's picture

I HATE facebook and about two months ago deleted all my friends except friends that I would lose touch with and family. Left me with 20. People USE facebook to make points and put on "Dog & Pony Shows". It is one of the most passive aggressive tools ever made.
I would advice ignoring it & only keep a tight knit group on it.

My husband's friend asked him if it was okay to friend his x wife on facebook? My answer would have been "not if you are REALLY my friend"

As far as pics of he and her son on her facebook. That is screwed up!!!!!

You may be better off just not looking an living in your own reality and get out of the facebook one.


IAMGOOD's picture

I HATE facebook and about two months ago deleted all my friends except friends that I would lose touch with and family. Left me with 20. People USE facebook to make points and put on "Dog & Pony Shows". It is one of the most passive aggressive tools ever made.
I would advice ignoring it & only keep a tight knit group on it.

My husband's friend asked him if it was okay to friend his x wife on facebook? My answer would have been "not if you are REALLY my friend"

As far as pics of he and her son on her facebook. That is screwed up!!!!!

You may be better off just not looking an living in your own reality and get out of the facebook one.


krich1990's picture

Lol. We now received an email stating that we shouldn't post pictures of my husband with his son if we don't want her to post them?
My husband posted them on his Facebook that has her and her numerous boyfriends and ex boyfriends BLOCKED. I think it's safe to assume if he wanted her to put the pictures on her Facebook we would be friends with her and even tag her in them. But he'll no!!!

I've tried to be friendly with her and it always ends worst than if I ignore her or am mean to her. I think she's rather me hate her because she knows its wrong for her to hate me, so it somehow makes her crazy self feel better.

Calypso1977's picture

problem is, tho, while you can block sharing of photos, there is nothing that can be done in terms of saving a pic to your desktop and reposting.

What_did_i_just_sign_for's picture

I'm friends with BM on Facebook and to see her talk, you'd think she DIDN'T:

a) run out on her family to f#ck other people full-time (vs. her part-time filandering)...

b) refuse to work to stay home and "take care of the kids" but only keep them alive until my BF got home and he'd then have to clean the house, cook and take care of the kids/dogs, etc.

c) get the state called on her for doing drugs with her kids (and their friend) present

d) a HOST of other things... 

But what does she post?  Pics of her and her kids talking about how proud she is and #parentingdoneright



Anyway, so yeah, FB is false.  

My BF doesn't use social media... he is a lurker on FB but never posts, though I wish he would a bit -- but he's old-school and social media is not his thing so I can't be mad about it.

Have you ever tried asking why he never posts about you?