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Gotta love this BM

Little Deuce Coupe's picture

We have an interesting day in court in the near future. My husband has responsibly and beautifully done his duty to SD. Above and beyond. She is >21 now and he has been trying to get child support payments over with. For 17 years he has paid, including full medical insurance, and even frivolous shit like her cell phone.

I am quite ill and unable to work, trying to get disability. I just retired by necessity after a surgery for a rare progressive disease.

SD is almost done with college, local, on a full scholarship. She is 21 1/2. She is living at her boyfriend's house 3-5 days a week and working 30 or more hours a week. She stays at BM house 2-3 days a week.

She is estranged from me and my kids, not due to anything we did but because she got mad at my mother, who has rarely seen her except on vacations they invited her to (and paid her way for). My mom made a Facebook post that was nothing about her, but apparently that is the problem. We were actually close before that, or so I thought, but apparently not. My kids and I were heartbroken. My husband as well. We also just lost family members this year and are still grieving. Not the best year. BM even phoned my MIL with 20 years of complete bull about "horrors" experienced at my house. She and SD are quite the fiction writers. Here, we always thought we all had fun and love. Silly us.

So, the "child support". BM sent a letter to the house. She accused DH of trying to shirk responsibilities and that her lawyer told her child support is required in our state until age 24. Lie. Like most states, it is 18, with some exceptions. In our state, it's 18 but Adult Child Support (snort) can sometimes be obtained if the adult-children are still in high school or unsafe conditions are present without support, etc. BM then complained about her and her husband's medical bills. Not kidding. Apparently we are supposed to keep funding their medical bills.

Perhaps we should check with our insurance to see if we can get BM and her husband on our family medical plan, too. Just kidding.

Anyway, we have a solid case, being our household loss of income, inability to buy food or pay utilities without handouts, my disability, oh and the fact that SD is A FREAKING ADULT. But it irks me how much a headache this is. A decent person would see the appropriateness, but BM has made it clear she will show up and make a scene.

Why can't people just be...decent people?

To add insult to injury, it turns out SD is participating in heavy partying and sexual deviancies (multiple partner shit) with her boyfriend. No huge surprise, her mother's been nuts, her siblings in jail etc but we were hoping she would be ok. I find myself wishing we had had custody, instead of every other weekend; my kids have turned out very well, very kind mature people and I think we could have had a big impact on her. My poor husband.

Little Deuce Coupe's picture

We are in Illinois. And she's not handicapped, unless one counts the extreme level of immaturity, egged on by her mom. Perhaps that's why all the fuss...neither of them fully realizes she's not 14 Smile

mommy0104's picture

I also live in Illinois and I've never heard of CS going until the age of 24. I've only heard that they get it as long as they're under 18 or still in school. From what I've read of my DH's court order, he'll be paying CS for his 17 yr old daughter until she's almost 20, because she won't graduate high school until after she's 19. I'll have to go do some research, but yeah, I've never heard of paying CS until the age of 24 (unless the parents are paying for college, but I've heard that money is supposed to be paid to the college and not the other parent.)

furkidsforme's picture

Why didn't support end at 18? Sure, DH could still agree to pay college or whatnot, but CHILD SUPPORT to BM should have ended at 18.

And lighten up on the "sexual deviance" thing. Holy crap, by your standards I should have been tossed in jail. Women today are much more sexually free to explore their sexuality in way they see fit. If your SD, as a grown woman, chooses to have multiple partners and she is OK with that choice... then party on, girl. Even I gave a whirl at that in college, and I'm over 40 now! I turned out ok. Some of us have more wild oats to sew than others, and that's OK. As long as she is safe and informed and everyone is willing, it really is not your business.

kathc's picture


Don't bring up her so-called "sexual deviance" because it's none of your business and will make you look bad by even bringing it up.

She's a 21 year old kid. 21 year old kids, some of them, DO "explore" and try things out. It doesn't mean she's not going to turn out to be a productive member of society.

a_nessy_life's picture

Sounds insane that a child over 21 still is considered a dependent and CS goes to a BM. Especially Ina case where the child isn't disabled.

Is this a case of Daddy being too lazy or too beat down so he just keeps paying and paying ?

Rags's picture

Anyone old enough to engage in group sex is far to old to be on daddy or mommy's payroll. Regardless of their age. No judgment just my opinion.

Sure, college is about growing, learning, etc... but if mommy and daddy are paying for it, even one penny of it, their standards must be met or the kid risks being cut off. Fortunately my parents never put any limits or expectations on my intimate life while I was on their dime in college in that amazing period at the end of the sexual revolution just before the advent of Aids .... other than "no babies". I was happy to comply with that expectation.

If your SKid is 21 and paying for her own school on scholarships then congratulations to her and to you. If she is getting her group freek on while receiving CS from your family then yes, go to court and pull the plug if you wish.

Your call.

However, to borrow a philosophy from my dad ... what is your objective? If your objective is to get her out of school and on her own then your decision will be different than if your objective is to lower your CS or bring a moral lesson.

Good luck.

Rags's picture

Wow! :jawdrop: Time for some parents to apply some belts to some idiot kid asses IMHO. The 15yos may be in for some notable legal problems if they are molesting 12yos.
