"I probably know what your answer will be but......"
..... would you insure SS18 on your car so I can give him driving lessons?"
SunnySkies : "What do you think my answer would be?"
SO: "No"
SunnySkies: Gives him the look that says, so what did you ask for? Ha ha ha! I laughed inside for ages on that one!
SO has a company car so extremely unlikely that they would put SS18 on the insurance. I have a small, not-very-powerful car which would actually be ideal for a learner. But hell-to-the-no is he going to kangaroo around the streets in my little car and ruin the clutch. SS18 typically lacks the common sense of a teenager and there is no way I'm letting him loose with my car out in public. Ah, we live for these moments....
(No subject)
LOL! Shame I wasn't that
LOL! Shame I wasn't that quick!
That is priceless answer.
Perfect!! I think I would
I think I would advise that DH open the yellow pages to the section labeled "XYZLMNOP Driving School for immature idiots" the next time this topic arrises.
Skeeter, we are in the UK so
Skeeter, we are in the UK so slightly different laws. He can have a provisional licence at 17 and he has a motorbike but no car so he does have some road sense, if no other sense!
Oh...I don't blame you one
Oh...I don't blame you one bit!!! When HHB was still living with us, DH was hinting that HHB needed to learn how to drive in my car, because mine is automatic. After what happened while she was driving her girlfriend's car (without a license or permit, of course), I'm GLAD I stood my ground on the issue!
Don't you just love when they ask you questions they know the answer to already...no? It's like they are too afraid to tell the kid no from the get go, and they tell them, "Well, let me ask..." so they can stall and buy themselves time!
Oh, yes...there is always
Oh, yes...there is always that, too. Put it on the SM for being the bad guy! DH has done this to me a lot, as well. I'm like, fine, make me the bad guy! I don't care if the skid likes me...it isn't my job to make them like me! I'm not going to bow to a spoiled rotten brat, and they need to understand that!
Married or not...not her kid, not her responsibility to allow the kid to use her property! Even if it were a joint vehicle...it would still be partially hers, and she would have say in the matter! Just like how upset I was that DH moved HHB in with us in the first place without consulting me! This is my home, too! I had every right to be consulted, especially under the circumstances that caused her to move in with us (skipping school and smoking pot). I have a right to have say over what is brought into our home! It was no surprise the stuff that happened when she lived here, and I've made it clear to DH that now she has moved back with BM (because she just couldn't handle DH finally laying down rules and consequences), she is NEVER allowed to move back into this house!
"she can be a big girl and
"she can be a big girl and get herself some driving lessons."
Exactly!! My mom didn't want to teach me to drive...she didn't think I should have a driver's license, because she was afraid I would just get myself into trouble. Bad thing is, she also told me that she couldn't tell me how to spend my money.
So, when I was 16, I hopped my happy butt on my bicycle and looked for a job! I got myself one at a burger joint, and as I started getting money in, got enrolled in a driver's education course. The instructor happened to live close to me, so he would swing by and pick me up (there were a few of us he did this for) on the way to the school. We would get some of our hours on the ride home. He would also take us in groups to the driver's license office to get our permits/licenses if we needed the help. After I learned how to drive, I bought myself a $400 piece of crap car...looked like shit, no A/C, etc., but it got me where I wanted to go! Kept working, got my driver's license, got my own insurance policy, and I was on my way!
Of course, that means that kids these days need to have initiative to do something for themselves, and there are too many who don't! I mean, look at our skids!