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Just stop already!

TheWicked's picture

I know I was completely irrationally angry about it but it seriously ruined my whole night and I am still annoyed!

Sundays we have a weird schedule due to church. We eat a big brunch around 10am and then eat 'linner' around 4pm. Kids can snack before bed. So yesterday I make brunch. Pancakes, sausage, fruit salad, and eggs. One skid also had cereal. Then we come home and I made linner. Hearty soup, bread, salad, and fruit. Plus milk to drink. Each skid had 2 bowls of soup, a huge salad, 12 watermelon wedges between them, and at least 3 rolls apiece. And a GALLON of milk!

We were done eating at 4:30pm. At 5pm skid is rummaging in fridge. WTH?! 30 minutes later! We barely finished cleaning up!!! So I said NO WAY and skid gets all upset. But I am hungry. No fucking way you are hungry. I know you are a teenager and all but damn wait at least 2 hours. Skid gets mad and stomps off.

5:20pm now both are rummaging! Hell no!!! Put it away. But dad said...Um, no he didn't. Put.It.Away. NOW. Skids complain I am making them go hungry. WTH? Skids go away.

10 minutes later BM calls DH screaming that I am abusive and keep her precious babies from eating and it is illegal.(skids called her) DH doesn't know about rummaging and tells BM skids have had two huge meals and can snack later as usual on sunday. BM rants and raves blah blah blah.

And during this call who is in the damn fridge?! UGH!!!

Ninji's picture

SS9 will eat a huge meal and immediately ask for his after dinner snack. If he persist, no snack that night.

My Skids are not allowed to help themselves to anything other than drinks without permission or they would be doing the same thing.

FrackturedBradyBunch's picture

Yep, the 3 skids here do that also....those 3 girls, 12, 14, 15 have a larger breakfast, lunch and dinner than their father, yet still carry on like they are starving. I just can't help thinking it is yet another attention seeking ploy?

I can't let them help themselves either, there would be nothing left of anything.

TheWicked's picture

I wish he would beat their ass for calling. They do it all the freaking time. Things not going their way? Call BM. Pissed at me or DH and want to make us upset? Call BM. Don't want to do whatever we are doing? Call BM.

He needs to disengage from her but here we are with everything revolving around her. She who never parented them to begin with and then left and never wants to see them!

misSTEP's picture

He needs to set better boundaries. Do not answer the phone just because BM is calling. ESPECIALLY if the skids are with you! She can leave a voice mail. If, for some stupid reason, he wants to engage with her, he hangs up the phone at the first bit of verbal abuse or yelling.

My DH barely EVER had to talk to BM on the phone. Everything was in writing because she would take him to court over every little perceived issue (i.e., things not going how SHE wanted).

Those skids are already experts at playing one household against the other. He shouldn't be allowing it.

justthegirlfriend13's picture

I agree with the others that said that it's not so much about being hungry as they likely just wanted to eat. There are plenty of people in this world that eat just to eat, not because they are hungry. Especially if kids see a bunch of good looking food around, they will want to eat it just because it's there.

Food costs money so no, I don't agree that kids are hungry right after eating a big meal and it being mean to tell them no. It sounds like the kids ate enough to last a while and they were given permission to have a snack later. That is completely acceptable. Whether or not they are "bottomless pits" or not doesn't matter. Food costs a lot, there are other people in the house as well, they need to not be gluttons.

ETA: Some above said that soup doesn't fill some people up, but from the original OP, she said this was a hearty soup, so most likely something thick and creamy that is more filling than a broth based soup, plus a huge salad, 3 dinner rolls and 4-5 pieces of watermelon each? That's PLENTY enough food to fill up even a teenager for a little while.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

From the mom of a now 20 year old guy, teenaged boys (even 20-somethings) can be bottomless pits...especially if they are in any kind of sport.

That said...from the personal of the problems in society today is that we judge what our bodies need by fullness of our gutt, this causes us to overeat. Problem is, one can not be full, yet have had plenty of calories based on WHAT they ate. How many calories a day these kids NEED would be based on how active they are, their weight, etc. The average teenaged boy, if they sit on their arse in front of video games all day and they aren't involved with sports, only needs about 2,500 calories a day. If they are in sports, that amount goes up to about 3,500 TOPS. That would be the number of calories simply to maintain their body weight. Any more than that, and they will start gaining fat. This whole idea of letting a child eat just because they say they are hungry is one of the big reasons we are seeing such an increase in childhood obesity! Most of the time, these kids are just bored...especially the ones who don't spend much time playing outside, and are in front of the TV all the time. Make them drink a glass of water (which is something most kids don't get enough of anyway because it has no sweet flavor to it). Dehydration can often be mistaken for hunger!

Now, I'm going to guess that for breakfast, they probably averaged 3 pancakes, 2 sausage patties, 2 eggs, 1 serving of fruit salad, and 1 serving of cereal with milk. If you add the syrup and butter to that mix, that is 1700 calories for ONE MEAL, and more than 100g of sugar! Now, since I don't know what soup they had, just calculating the rolls, milk, and watermelon, that is another 900 calories, and another 100g of sugar! Now, considering females shouldn't have more than 24 g of sugar a day, and males shouldn't have more than 35 g...yeah...that sugar alone is enough to make me chase these kids out of the kitchen! I could go into the whole science behind what happens when we eat too much sugar...but the short of it is that excess sugar turns to fat regardless of total calories eaten. These kids are going to turn themselves into diabetics! This is HHB's problem...when she eats, she doesn't eat much quality food like meat, veggies, and whole grains...but she can down that soda, slushies, and candy all day long! The result? Even when she hardly eats, she remains overweight to some extent. Even when she does lose weight (by starving herself), she is what you call "skinny fat" because her body fat percentage is still too high.

And to call BM and say that SM is being abusive by not letting them have free reign on the fridge less than an hour after a meal? Seriously? I would be pissed!!! I already know that HHB was crying to BM that we never fed her or that we never had any food in the house because I refused to bow to her demands for junk food and eating out every night. I would cook healthy, balanced meals,and she refused to eat it! She didn't like it...she doesn't like vegetables, she doesn't like any kind of meat other than lunch meat or battered and fried chicken...she will also eat pizza, mac&cheese, any kind of baked good (especially if it contains chocolate), cheese, sugary cereals, chips, and crackers. was provided, and you didn't eat it...not my problem! I always made sure there was sandwich stuff as an alternative.

TheWicked's picture

Can't keep I really agree with your perspective. Needing food and just wanting to eat is vastly different.
The soup had over 5lbs of meat in it in addition to potatoes and veggies. They ate their soup from 4 cup mixing bowls and each had a little over two bowls. Thay each had about 3 cups of salad. Bread was all homemade and a dense crusty recipe. It was not a light meal.
They also had sandwiches, chips and ice cream at church. They were digging in the fridge for jello and hot dogs.

I have no issues with true snacking, I was just angry that after just having cleaned up they were back for more and then BM was involved. Also, that was a LOT of food. I really do not think kids should just keep eating and eating. It becomes a habit and is not out of true hunger all the time. And I think sometimes, based on past issues, the boys make the kitchen a mess on purpose because they it is a button pusher for me.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture dogs and jello? That is not eating! More sugar on top of the over 200 g they already had, and processed meat crap? They weren't hungry...they were bored! I can usually tell with BS20 when it is real hunger or boredom. Real hunger...he will pull out a can of beans, the pack of tortillas, the cheese, and will go through the whole process of making himself some burritos. If he is just board, he will look for something that is grab and go...a piece of cheese, a popsicle (or in the summer, he likes them when he comes in from outside running or something), etc. In other words...if it is hunger, he will take the time to actually make food! If he is bored, he looks for grab and go.

And sandwiches, chips, and ice cream at church? Those kids were well over 4000 calories for the day! Please at least tell me they are in sports or something! PLEASE! I'm dying over here just thinking about the sugar...I'm getting nauseated! LOL

Jsmom's picture

Wrong for BM to be involved, but teenage boys eat a lot. I don't think their is anything wrong with them looking for more food as long as they ate dinner. My kids eat a lot, so I make sure they always have either cookies or brownies that I make all the time and lots of fruit ready to eat. My BS through HS did nothing but eat. When he left for college our grocery bill went down by 1/2.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

My son doesn't eat a lot, per se...but he does drink 3 protein shakes a day. Of course, he plays football, and hits the weights at least 2 hours a day. Even when he comes home from school in a few weeks, he will have a workout plan in hand from his coaches that he will have to do. He will be expected to be in top shape come the start of August when he goes back for 2-a-days, and that NCAA workout is killer! He said his high school workouts were easy compared to college!

Rags's picture

Nope. For calling BM and being a couple whiney little biotch cry babies ... no evening snack. Appropriate behaviors result in appropriate results. Inappropriate behaviors receive applicable consequences.

Since they behaved as 6yos they get treated as 6yos. Inform the POS little crybaby biotches that they cost themselves any more food for the day and they can start over tomorrow to see if they get it right on the next try making it perfectly clear that if they get it wrong the most they will get is a slice of bread and a cup of water.

Not only no but .... no .... fucking .... way.

End of discussion, end of problem, until the next time.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I would have been beyond pissed if BM showed up to my house with junk food complaining that I didn't buy enough for her precious! I would be even madder if DH helped to eat it! The way I see it, it is my house, and I decide how the food money is spent. I don't believe in eating a bunch of crap food, and I don't feed that to my family. I don't like giving my money to companies who think it is right to poison our population with the crap they put in our food. My house, my money, she will eat what is put in front of her! I would tell BM, " should be happy that I care enough about your child's health not to feed them a bunch of processed crap! We cook real meals in this house...don't just pop s**t in a microwave!"

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yeah, but I would have the same problem as StepMonster2...DH would also partake in the junk! Health problems have started to sneak up on him, and he hasn't even hit 40 yet. He doesn't eat breakfast, and I know he eats crap for lunch (uses the excuse that he has to drive all over town, so can't take a lunch, and picks up fast food). Only thing I can control is what he eats at home. At least I know he gets some healthy stuff here...and he LOVES steak and salmon, and I finally got him to eat broccoli without it being covered in cheese.

TheWicked's picture

Nope, Can't no sports. SS12 is overweight by at least 40lbs. BM doesn't cook, she microwaves boxed food or they would eat fast food. The first year was a big deal because I cook dinner from scratch 5 days a week, lunches are packed from home, and breakfast does NOT include 3 cups of syrup. It has been a process. The boys now have bikes and play outside but no real physical activity. Which accounts for a lot of behavior issues IMO.

BM never wanted to bother with them so she parked them in front of the TV with chips, soda, and candy all day. No one was allowed outside. So now all they want to do is sit in front of the TV. No books, no play, just eating, eating, eating, fighting, fighting, fighting.

TheWicked's picture

Nope, Can't no sports. SS12 is overweight by at least 40lbs. BM doesn't cook, she microwaves boxed food or they would eat fast food. The first year was a big deal because I cook dinner from scratch 5 days a week, lunches are packed from home, and breakfast does NOT include 3 cups of syrup. It has been a process. The boys now have bikes and play outside but no real physical activity. Which accounts for a lot of behavior issues IMO.

BM never wanted to bother with them so she parked them in front of the TV with chips, soda, and candy all day. No one was allowed outside. So now all they want to do is sit in front of the TV. No books, no play, just eating, eating, eating, fighting, fighting, fighting.

TheWicked's picture

Nope, Can't no sports. SS12 is overweight by at least 40lbs. BM doesn't cook, she microwaves boxed food or they would eat fast food. The first year was a big deal because I cook dinner from scratch 5 days a week, lunches are packed from home, and breakfast does NOT include 3 cups of syrup. It has been a process. The boys now have bikes and play outside but no real physical activity. Which accounts for a lot of behavior issues IMO.

BM never wanted to bother with them so she parked them in front of the TV with chips, soda, and candy all day. No one was allowed outside. So now all they want to do is sit in front of the TV. No books, no play, just eating, eating, eating, fighting, fighting, fighting.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

See, I consider that a form of child abuse! As parents, it is our responsibility to make sure our kids get the building blocks to grow healthy bodies. The habits we teach them when they are young will carry on into their adult years! BD24 and BS20 don't eat perfect...I even treat myself every now and then. BUT...for the most part, they eat to feed their bodies. They both like salads, and eat plenty of lean protein...especially BS20 since he is an athlete. Neither eat a lot of sugar or junk. As a matter of fact, BS20 doesn't even like cake! When he would have birthdays, I would have to buy cake for the other kids, but he wouldn't eat any. They always wanted to go outside, too. Living out in the country, I'd hear them go out that door by 9 a.m. on a Saturday, and I wouldn't see them until about noon when they were hungry...and they would be covered in grass and dirt from wandering out in the woods.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

HHB can be the same way. I would fix a healthy meal, and she would claim to not be hungry. Yet, if we ordered pizza, she would eat a whole medium in one sitting. Only her problem is if she is feeling fat, she will starve herself, or purge after gorging herself with junk. Problem is, this doesn't actually lose weight, because she will drink soda and slushies all day! So, she consumes some crazy amounts of sugar! She tends to go through phases of bingeing/purging and starvation. A few weeks ago, she posted on social media a picture of sodas, cookies, crackers, candy, and energy drinks claiming a good weekend! Now, about a week and a half ago, she just had to have a dress from our house ASAP because she is going to prom with her girlfriend at the beginning of next month. When I saw DH pull the dress out of the closet, based on HHB's latest social media pictures, there is no way the dress will fit. I'm certain she is now in one of her starvation modes! I tried to teach the girl the right way to manage her weight, but she refused to she will continue to screw up her metabolism and struggle even more with her weight later, as the women in her family are already on the larger side (BM wears men's XXL).

I mean...I know nothing about any of this...obviously! No...I didn't once weigh over 200 lbs because I had an unhealthy relationship with food (I was a stress eater). No, I didn't lose 80+ lbs and have kept it of for several years now. Oh, and no...I didn't go to school to learn about fitness and nutrition! Yeah...HHB is a teenager and knows all!

jumanji's picture

When my youngest was in MS and HS, she could eat all day long w/o gaining weight. She's an athlete, so the calories get burned quickly - plus kids that age are generally going through growth spurts - their bodies need the fuel. I would make sure she ate before going to friends' (even if invited for a meal), she'd eat again as soon as she came home. If they were going out? She always had extra cash so she didn't have to worry about ordering too much/someone else paying.

School days? Breakfast on the bus (usually two homemaade breakfast sandwiches), plus three full meals to eat in classes. Snacks for the bus ride home/before practice/games - fruit, veggies, cheese, nuts, etc.

I can tell you soup (no matter what all was in it) and salad would not have kept her full for long (it doesn't keep ME full for long!).

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

It is possible to eat too much. We had a super bowl party when BS20 was about 11. The kid would not stop stuffing his face! When we told him to quit, he sent his friends out to sneak food to him in his room. What happened? Within 48 hours, his appendix ruptured! I asked the doctors if gorging himself with food could have caused it, and they confirmed that it could have.

Needless to say, BS20 made the association himself (I ate too much, got so sick I had to have surgery), and never ate like that again! He eats 3 meals and a snack. If he is studying for finals, he will have a second snack at around 10-11 p.m. to get him through til 2-3 a.m. He has learned how to tell if he is really hungry, or bored...and he doesn't like eating to the point of feeling too full, because it reminds him too much of that time of his ruptured appendix. Yeah, he knows the appendix is gone and he can't hurt it again, but nope...doesn't like that feeling in his tummy any more.

amyburemt's picture

I have 4, ages 15, 16, 17 and 17. They all eat like crazy. I think that bm calling and chewing you out is b.s. though. you need to disconnect her from your lives as much as possible. she has her own house, you have yours, different rules and expectations. I would have your dh start repeatedly stating that to the kids and backing you up . If they don't like it tough! If they call bm, your answer should be "oh well , it's our house, hers is elsewhere."