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Teen stepdaughter sut down....confused!

bekbush's picture

Not sure if this is a step parent issue or not but WOW.. after 7 years of bringing up 3 stepkids and 1 of my own the one daughter who became closer to me than my own son has TOTALLY shut down on me. We have worked together on our horses every evening spending many weekends away with the horses at competitions and camps, just the two of us. I've backed her even against her own father, I've put her before my own son at times, for what? She's turned out to be a really amazing girl when at one stage was heading towards disaster as she had no direction, rules or encouragement. Then all of a sudden she gets given a flash ph from BM (who abandoned all the kids and for years didn't even remember their birthdays unless prompted) within 4 months has given up the horses and at the same time given up any communication with me. Shell shocked. What was I thinking putting so much time effort and love into her or brothers.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

She'll think her SD isn't that bad. }:)

But it still hurts at first. I went through that.

~ Moon

MissDirected's picture

My SD's BM lives five minutes away and until last year, only saw SD14 once a year. (Now it's 3-4 times for lunch for an hour) She left because she was caught screwing SD20's (Who at the time was only 13 & SD14 was 8 ) boyfriend!!! Now SD20 won't have anything to do with BM, but in SD14's eyes, BM can do no wrong (at least in the 3-4 times a year she sees her for an hour). "She's trying to get her life together. She's no longer on drugs. Etc, etc, etc). It's maddening! For years after this "incident" occurred, SD14 blamed SD20 (who again were 13 & 8 at the time) for her taking her mother away from her. Because if SD20 hadn't insisted on having a boyfriend, none of that would've happened! Really? Really??? She had sex with a 14yr old BOY who was her daughters boyfriend! How is this inexcusable?

ChiefGrownup's picture

You mean you live 5 minutes away from a jail? A jail that lets the sex offenders out for lunch a few times a year? Please tell me this woman went to jail over it.

BTW, you should bond with dtzyblnd. Her sicko sil -- exact same thing.

MissDirected's picture

Nope! Not a jail! A house with her drug dealer boyfriend! When I met SO and he told me about this I asked WHY THE HELL she didn't go to jail and he said the boys parents didn't want to press charges and he never brought it up in court custody proceedings because he didn't want it to come out and humiliate SD20 (Very small town). But everyone in town knows what BM did! SD20 ended up almost having a nervous breakdown and did online classes until she graduated because she was so tormented by people talking about it and asking her about it. IDK if I would completely believe it (because if that had been my situation, bitch would be serving time! Period!), but I've seen transcripts of text messages where she was sexting this 14yr old boy! :sick:

And this may not be an unusual thing either! Everyone in this town also knows about a woman who is a middle school teacher who slept with the same boy a year later! And I've heard of two other instances of grown women here, sleeping with young teenage boys. It's gotta be something in the water! Thank God for Aquafina!

ChiefGrownup's picture

Good Lord! This is hideous! I would pull all kids out of the whole town in a heartbeat.

Look, this girl has some very bad genes in her. She is going to be a nightmare all her life. Read the adult forums. You should seriously just make an exit plan. Smile, stay out of her way, get your surgery -- then FLEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

MissDirected's picture

You know what's really awful? SD14 looks identical - like they could literally be mistaken for twins - to her BM. People are always stopping her in public and saying "You MUST be BM's daughter!" It makes her very uncomfortable. BM trapped SO into marriage when she was 15 and he was 18 because her MOTHER told her she needed to find a new place to live. When she asked how, her mother told her "SO has a good job. Why don't you just flush your BC pills." She did and the rest is history! SD20 is the result of flushed BC pills. Oh and BM's current step father molested her - and her mother stayed with him! So yes, the gene pool in that family is very scummy!