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Ever feel like BM is being malicious and trying to take away your "special days" with DH?

TexasSM's picture

Just wondering how many of you have a BM (or even SK) who always conveniently has a crisis on your birthday or anniversary, which ends up preventing a planned night out with DH? BM had the nerve to text DH on our wedding day...literally minutes before our vows asking about child support. She knew we were getting married, why could this not have waited another day? (CS was in the mail, btw) About a week before our 1 year anniversary (my first ever anniversary, as I was not married before) BM insisted she HAD to speak to DH about SS14 about an issue and it HAD to be in big deal there. Well DH would always call her or text her to let her know "hey, when can you and I talk about our son?" She always had a reason why she couldn't that day. Low and behold, she decided she HAD to speak to DH IMMEDIATELY on our anniversary night....we were out having dinner alone and had to cut it short and forget about the rest of our plans that night. (I wasn't allowed to be present for this crisis....I never am allowed to be present because BM says NO.) So I get dropped off at home for 3 hours while he spends most of our anniversary with his ex wife and kids. My birthday has been done the same way....she all of a sudden needs DH to take the kids for one reason or another. When dh and her discuss the kids when she picks them up at our house, I always have to stay inside...but BM husband can march outside and lecture my DH about whatever he is doing wrong. I get super frustrated with all of this, but more hurt than anything. Should I just brush it off? Reason I'm posting is because my birthday is coming up....and I'm preparing myself for my birthday being another day of drama from her.

TexasSM's picture

The thing is when I do let him know how I feel about certain things, he will tell me things like he didn't realize what he was doing, etc and he agrees to stop it. But that only goes on for a short time then he's back to doing whatever it was that I confronted him about So I think he just wants me to shut up, so he says whatever will do the trick? I haven't mentioned the anniversary to him yet....but he knows I have a lot of things weighing my mind down right now....and he knows it's going to be time for another "regular talk about his lack of boundaries, etc...." and I know this will play out like all the rest...temporarily....smh

hereiam's picture

Why is your DH allowing all of this? Why are you?

What do you mean, you have to stay inside when she picks up the kids? She is not the boss of you, if you want to go outside of your own house, you can.

I'm sure your DH has all kinds of excuses about why he lets her run his life like this, but he needs to put an end to it and I would tell him that. She is using their son to stay ever present in your DH's life and to manipulate him and his time.

If my DH ever cut our anniversary short because of BM/SD, there had better be a hospital ER involved.

TexasSM's picture

I second guess myself. When I get upset or hurt I think I'm just being sensitive. My son's bio dad treated me like complete dirt, and I guess 8 years later I'm still being affected by that. I guess I don't know my self worth? Idk. I don't want to be seen as selfish or controlling. Being married and a stepparent is the hardest thing I've ever done. It's confusing to know what I should be ok and understanding about vs. what I shouldn't tolerate....

hereiam's picture

You should not tolerate being so disrespected by both BM AND your DH.

You are his wife, she is not anymore; she does not get to boss him around and she sure as hell does not get to boss YOU around.

It is not controlling to be able to go outside of your own house, or to spend an uninterrupted anniversary meal with your DH, or to get married without the ex wife texting.

If my DH were to ever drop me off at home to go see BM (I am laughing at the thought), it would be because it was MY decision. But my DH did not put up with BM's bullshit demands (and he tried to see her in person as little as possible). If she wanted to talk to him, she would have to do it on the phone or wait until it was his weekend to pick up SD. He would not go see her just because she demanded it.

Yes, it can be confusing because you don't want to come off as selfish, but if you feel like boundaries are being crossed and you are being disrespected, you probably are.

TexasSM's picture

I've told him that he's still emotionally married to his ex wife and he argues and says he's not. Anytime she calls--he goes running. Which is insane to me, especially because she is currently married as well. I know I don't have to put up with any of this. She gives off the excuse that he's a bad father and any other excuse she can to guilt him....but he doesn't see it. This is one of the many things I am expected to tolerate in our marriage. He knows no boundaries whatsoever smh I'm showing him this thread.

misSTEP's picture

He can SAY whatever he wants. Actions speak louder than words. His ACTIONS prove that you are right about him being still enmeshed with BM.

stepinafrica's picture

Simple. Next time you are going out for an anniversary dinner. He has to hand over his phone before you go out with him. Period. Since he cannot be trusted YOU take his phone and hand it back to him the next morning.

If he refuses then you have a much bigger problem on your hands. You might want to question the whole relationship.

TexasSM's picture

Would be interesting to see how that plays out. I wonder how that would go for me. Maybe I should test it on my birthday coming up soon.

hereiam's picture

I don't know how old you are but I was going to say, remember life before cell phones? When you had to wait until you got home to see if anybody called and left a message? And sometimes, it was too late to even get back to them until the next day? Whaaat?

There are times that it is perfectly okay to turn the damn thing off and enjoy a night out with your spouse. Tell your DH that I said so.

LAMomma's picture

I agree with the above.. We regularly do tech free days/night or weekends. We'll put the phones away and either stay in or venture out and about. We'll check them 1-2 times a day, just a quick glance at the screen to see if there are any missed texts/calls that emergencies and if there aren't then we put them back up. By emergency I mean someone is in the hospital, dying or dead.. Not "We need to talk" drama. You can deal with that after your night/weekend spent in peace if it's still valid by then.

I'd also stand on the porch/driveway/wherever when she comes to pick up or drop off then smile and wave. It's YOUR house. You can do whatever you want on YOUR property. My husband's ex tried some petty crap like that.. I go with him for pick up and drops off at a neutral location. She had the nerve to call him one day and tell him I needed to not LOOK at her. I seriously just laughed. How immature do you have to be.. it's not like I stare at her although maybe I should. We set up boundaries with both of our ex's.. We communicate mostly by text. No phone calls. Most of the time for drop off and pick up it's stuffed said in passing, not whole conversations.

still learning's picture

Oh yes. BM texted dh ON OUR WEDDING NIGHT, waking us up at 1 a.m., to remind him that he still owes her alimony. DH was pissed, I almost thought it was funny...almost.

Sootica's picture

Yes this use to happen all the time until I made DH life hell at home,now he would rather deal with BM wrath via phone than my wrath at home

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Unless there is blood, and lots of it, there is no need for him to talk to her right away.

The next time he takes a call from BM at an inopportune time - leave. Leave the restaurant, your house, wherever you are, just leave. When he gets home, don't be there. Stay away for hours or days - whatever it takes to get his attention. What he is doing is inexcusable.

irishgirl0727's picture

Yes, they do this on purpose! The day after we got married, BM dropped SD on our door step for a week, because she just all of a sudden "wanted to see her daddy!" I battled this crap, him jumping when she called for 3 yrs and almost left him till I found steptalk!

First off do not tell the kids your plans and forbid him from doing so! Then if you are at dinner and he starts to answer his phone, inform him he will lose a hand if he does. If he does anyway, get up and walk out on him.

He will not demand his ex or kids respect you and your time together, until you demand he does!

Delilah's picture

I remember "not being allowed" to dare say anything to bm when she rung my home and spoke to me like I was shit under her shoe or when she came to my front door, or if she even heard my voice in the background while ringing my house phone (cue threats towards me, calling me that c*nt...) and having dh constantly capitulate to *her* ever changing demands (always poor veiled as "for ss"...yeah cos waking us up at 7am while we were on honeymoon wasnt on purpose and crossing boundaries, or 6am on valentines day, or sending dh harassing texts because we were going on holiday..)

Thing is, it was on ME to put a stop to it. Yeah, I didnt want to make things worse for dh or ss - as already bm was pasing the hell out of ss and being emotionally abusive to everyone involved while being obstructive when it suited her - but the thing was allowing dh and bm to get away with disrespecting me was not helping dh or ss. It was only providing bm pleasure and permitting dh to think his selfish behaviour towards me was healthy and acceptable.

I tried asking nicely, pleading, getting angry, teary. Nothing changed long term and my resentment grew along with my misery. I will tell you what worked...everyone is mentioning how dh needs to extract his balls from bms talons but how about YOU do the same and put your big girl panties on and stop being the victim. No one stops you from not being involved, you may get told to butt out but you have a choice whether you cooperate or not.

Tell dh he either does x or else hes not going to like YOUR reaction. Meaning, no more Mrs nice girl. Bm wants cosy chats outside with dh, insert yourself into the conversation, refuse to be dropped home, refuse to leave your date night. Get some courage and keep your cool. Dh doesnt like it? Then he knows what to do ...stop running like a lapdog to bm and ruining his current marriage, cos believe you me it will get old. He wants to cut date night short? Then no more dates, no more sex, no more wifey acting like his no more advantages of having a wife. You down tools and start making a life excluding dh - isnt that what he is doing? Picking you up when it suits? Using his
kids as a convenient excuse to go brown nosing bms arse would not wash with me, he can use them therefore as his guilt trip card to pretty much exclude any shitty behaviour towards you..."oh sorry, did I ruin your birthday? Its ok, its for the kids....oh dear did I interrupt our romantic moment and ensure your ovaries shrivelled in disgust ? Oh , its not my fault its for the kids..." yawn...

Actions will communicate your feelings on the matter absolutely 100%. So your birthdays coming? Make plans with family/friends without conferring with dh, when he demonstrates shock over this, please remind him you refuse to allow any more of *your* special moments to be hijacked by him and his ex. That while your happiness, your relationship may not feature particularly high on his priorities vs his exes transparent attempts at interferring in your marriage (which dh is colluding with), it IS important to you. Suggest he make a date now with bm, seeing as he likes to spend all of these couple moments with her and save you the bother and disappointment - as such you are cutting this off before it happens and going to have some fun with people who WANT to be with you. Dont wait around for this guy, hes used to doing that as you currently have been doing exactly that. Make him work for you, miss you and do NOT reward his inattentativeness.

misSTEP's picture

It's so precious when BM thinks she has all the control....until your DH is making SURE she does!

I used to drive to the exchanges before they were done at an exchange facility. BM had an issue with this (well, everything about me, in fact). So, how did she try to control the situation?

1st Demand: DH has to come to the door to get skids. Then she would try to get him to come inside. Never worked. Finally, he got sick of this and said the kids were old enough to walk 10 feet to the car by themselves.

2nd Demand: SHE (misSTEP) can't park in MY driveway. Okay, fine. I parked on the street. Skids had to walk an extra 5 feet.

3rd Demand: SHE cannot park in front of my house. That one made me laugh. I told DH to tell her to call the cops! It's a public street and they will laugh at her.

4th Demand: DH has to drive. So, we swapped drivers a block before BM's house and a block after. Now, I would KNOW better than to pander to BM as much as we did!!

Last In Line's picture

I know BM used to do this to us. Now, even when we don't share our plans with the skids or anyone else, she still seems from time to time to manage to efff things up with her poor planning and inconsiderate behavior. DH and I may have been together almost 4 years, but we still date and play like the early days--we love our alone time together. I think she is jealous because we get days with no kids in house, while she doesn't due to having 4 kids, 3 baby daddys, and she has to have someone watch the youngest 3 if she is going to have a date night (unless of course it's our night with the skids, then she only has her youngest to get someone to watch).

notsobad's picture

Early in our relationship BM drove 8 hours to a game final, for SS, in another town. She brought SD with her and sent SD to ask DH to pay for a room for her and BM. DH did it because he didn't know what else to do. If he said no SD would have no place to stay, we were already sharing a room with another coach.

After the game, BM asked DH if she could talk to him. Turns out she had no money to for gas to get home. He came back to our room looking for keys so he could drive to a bank. We'd had a few celebratory drinks with the other parents and I said No way are you driving anywhere! He was frantic. He thought that SD would be stuck there, I said nope she rides with us. He said (and he was right) that SD would never leave her mother there alone. I had $40 in my wallet and was going to take it up to her myself but he convinced me that would be a very bad thing (again years later, I know he was right). I was so angry that he would jump for her and so quickly. We had a major fight and I didn't talk to him for the entire 8 hour ride home. I didn't see or speak to him for a week after that.

I spent that week asking myself if I really wanted to be in a relationship with him. Turns out I did, so then I had to set up boundaries and be sure that I could live with them and leave if they were crossed. Granted we were only 8 - 10 months into this relationship so it was easy.

I went to his place and we had a long, long heart to heart. There were tears from both of us. I told him I couldn't be with a man who was still so affected by his ex. He said he was afraid that his kids wouldn't love him, that she'd turn them against him. I said then I need to leave because if your kids would stop loving you because you don't do everything your ex says you should, then those aren't people that I want in my life. He said no, they are great kids, it's all Her. Well, then the only way for them to not be pushed around by her is to see that you aren't allowing it either. What type of message are you sending them? His kids were 16 and 18 at the time, so not children and that makes a big difference too.
It didn't happen all at once, we did have to have the same type of talk on more than one occasion but he got it. It was her or me. He choose me.

There have also been times, that I've let things slid. You need to know what's important and what isn't.

I've since found out that over the years she's called or texted or tried to ruin many things for us but I never knew at the time. That's because DH still chooses me over her, he makes sure I never know that she's trying to butt into our relationship.

I doubt this will help you to be honest. I am very very lucky to have DH and I know it!
However, a heart to heart may help.

z3girl's picture

BM emailed/texted DH on our wedding night. I was beyond pissed that DH was reading and responding to it. To be fair, I don't know that she knew our exact wedding day since DH is notoriously secretive, but I still didn't enjoy sharing our day with her.

BM doesn't have much opportunity to do that to us since SD24 is now grown, but it seems that anytime we have another baby, BM decides to mail DH pics of SD and them as a family. I think of it as her "don't forget about your other family!" plea. SMH