september wedding
it looks likes sd will be getting married in late september. dh is paying for everything; limousines, dj and going into debt for it. this is the sd who screamed at dh and ordered him to divoce me in her teens. nothing is too good for the fairy princess.
this young woman will soon have a husband and yet she calls her father severla times a day and constantly texts him. she has not freinds her own age to hang about with. when she was younger she would hint to her father to take her on daddy dates.
it will be so interesting now to see her stuff her self into the spagheti strap wedding dress and think she is a t v star.
Anybody who goes into debt to
Anybody who goes into debt to pay for a wedding is stupid.
See below↓ and enjoy the show
See below↓ and enjoy the show
lol i will be the only class
lol i will be the only class act at this convention of bumpkins. no red dress but all the gals will be green with envy with my dress bag and shoes. i really do wish i did not have to go. i have friends coming in from out of town and i might not be able to see them.
Definitely need separate
Definitely need separate finances from him. Going into debt for a wedding is just stupid, especially when it is someone else's wedding.
There's lots of communication
There's lots of communication now when daddy's wallet is open and paying for the wedding. Once the wedding is over and daddy faces the reality of the loan payments for the day, he won't be able to maintain the open wallet. The constant calls will probably stop then.
this sd is like an electra
this sd is like an electra complex on steriods. she always wanted to be daddy's fairy princess. when she was a teen and could not get dates she saw me as her romantic rival. sick sick sick. daddy is more of a husband (mini wife) than the new husband!
Agree with previous posters -
Agree with previous posters - only a total IDIOT would go into debt for a wedding. Especially for someone else's wedding. Maybe a little short term debt for your own wedding - but to charge a bunch of crap (at 18-23% interest) for some ahole demanding stuff is STUPID personified.
Laughing at the stuffing into the dress remark. OMG-I've spent the past 2 days at events with lots of women who obviously do not own mirrors. One woman in her 60s who was very thin and tiny wore a dress that I swear she bought in the children's department of some store. She could have been lovely if given a big makeover - as it was she inspired snickers as she pranced around the room. And the heifers who wore skin tight stretchy dresses that highlighted rolls of fat along with bra and panty lines - not pretty sights.
spaghetii strap dress and
spaghetii strap dress and rolls of fat spilling over. not a pretty picture going down the aisle.
the way young people divorce
the way young people divorce these days the bills will outlast the marriage.
One of my favorite lines from
One of my favorite lines from Steel Magnolias
"Looks like two pigs fightin’ under a blanket." (observing the new mayor’s wife dancing at Shelby's wedding) - Clairee
thank you all forthe
thank you all forthe comments. yes thank goodness we have separate finances. i would never spend a penny on the skids.