Attending SKID events without DH?
Do any of you attend SKID events without DH? I'm a SAHM with our BS1 and SD9 has her holiday lunch coming up but DH has to work. I'm sure BM will go, so I don't really want to go even though SD asked BS and I to still attend without dad. Would you go?
BM just likes to monopolize
BM just likes to monopolize SD attention at these events and SD turns into a toddler, climbing all over BM and babytalk. So as soon as SD comes near us BM is the "look at me" type and wants to take selfies or whatever with SD. It's annoying, but I may just suffer through it for a 30 min event.
I tried going to one of
I tried going to one of YSS9's ballgames alone several years ago. He was so little, all he did was stand in the field and twirl around or pick daisies.
But I went to be a good SM. It was the first time I was ever around BM and her SO alone. It was a HUGE mistake that set the tone for our relationship to this day.
BM and her SO were so rude and dismissive it was insane. They actually sat on the bench next to me and whispered to each other the whole time. Clearly talking about me because that is how childish they both were. I left and refused to attend another event alone again. Heck I refuse to attend most events when I know DH is going.
I have taken him to a few soccer games on my own because DH had to work. That I didn't mind because I had friends whose kids also played so there was someone to chat with in case BM showed up.
If I didn't go to SS7's
If I didn't go to SS7's events during the school day he would never have a parent show up. Neither my DH nor his ex believe that things like school parties and special lunches are worth missing work for.
I always go whether DH is
I always go whether DH is going or not. Sometimes BM shows and sometimes she doesn't. I know it's not my job to make sure he has someone there but I can do it and we get along so I have no problems. Today was a Holiday lunch for his K class. I went and helped yesterday and me and Dh showed up with our food items ready to make paper bag crafts and noodle necklaces. BM showed hour late, she helped at another station, then left half an hour early. She comes just long enough to get SS wound up enough to make a scene when she has to leave. Those are the only moments I absolutely need DH to be there because. I don't have the patience to deal with him acting like that. SS usually snaps back quickly once she leaves. BM doesn't tell us anything so I've always told myself to assume she will be there and if she doesn't that's fine too. I find it easier to deal with if you know what to expect. I always expect BM to monopolize SS from the other children so she can have him all to herself so usually I just help the teacher or other parents passing out stuff.
Yep I would go. I always
Yep I would go. I always did. When DW was busy during tax season I was the single duty parent for SKid events. Granted, the SpermClan never lived close enough to participate or gave enough of a shit to participate in anything.
I've gone alone. I care about
I've gone alone. I care about the boy. I also felt I would be dh's emissary. Worked fine.
But apparently these situations can be quite individual. BTW, no bm there. Just me and kiddo.
can't help you with this... I
can't help you with this... I do not even attend skid function even if dad is not working....
not my kid not my responsibility... kids has 2 parents,
I've gone to take pictures/
I've gone to take pictures/ video of skids when DH couldn't be there. They live with us and many times I am their transportation to these events when DH isn't there. It's always a toss up if BM will be there or not.
She has caused problems in the past (texting DH and asking if he and I are still together and if she should allow the kids to leave with me because she doesn't trust me...years into our marriage)
But the kids are old enough now, it has tapered off.