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Father's day

Silent14's picture

In the past, I have taken the skids shopping to choose a gift for their dad. My kids usually get something for DH also. This year I just didn't have it in me to care. I ordered a gift online. None of the kids have even mentioned Father's Day.

How much effort do you put into Father's Day for your DH?

Monchichi's picture

A lot and each item is carefully picked for what he loves. The cards are even picked with special care. He does the same for me.

SM12's picture

This year was the first year ever that DH got me a card for Mothers day. I wasn't expecting it at all. It was a nice gesture. I never hear from the SS's and I am good with that, I am not their mother nor do I want to be.

Because DH got me a card, I will get him one as well. But I never remind the SS's to call or text him or do anything for him. They never bother to even text him on fathers day. He allows them to disrespect him so I am not going to make it seem like they actually care when they don't.

ChiefGrownup's picture

I do a lot. I have no kids of my own. 2 skids.

It is my chance to take control of the dynamic in the house for once. Insisting that today is the day we do things FOR dad, not take take take from him.

I get to teach the skids that giving is expected of decent people. Presents, participation, focus on someone else. It is novel for them. And it brings sanity into my life. It gives me some hope that as adults these two will understand their dad is not to be treated as an ATM with no needs of his own.

Of course, we also have fun. Wink

My ss is autistic so these lessons are very much part of what he actually needs help with and we have a blast together plotting and planning. My SD is just plain evil and she resists mightily but she does learn there are limits in this house and even some of the moral lessons bloom very briefly with her. Last Father's Day she insisted on carrying dad's bundle of whatever (shopping sack? can't remember) from car to house for him because after several hours of my modelling she got the memo that today we do stuff for dad. That blew a warm breeze my icy little heart. At least it was more than she's ever done before so score for SM.

sammigirl's picture

My DH's birthday is on Father's Day this year. I get him something simple for his birthday with a nice card; then I get a Father's Day card only. He's not my Father and my Father will be 101 in two weeks. So I get my Father one gift for both birthday and Father's Day with one nice card. This year all gifts come from the liquor store and I will help both of them celebrate. Smile

It's worse than Christmas in June!