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Confused About Feelings :/

Mominprogress's picture

Hello everyone, I feel a little ashamed posting something like this and my next step is,talking to someone professionally to sort out my issues. I have generally never been a selfish person but my thoughts and feelings are scaring me.
I have been married for 6 months and the entire duration of our relationship was for 6 years. I have a wonderful stepdaughter who truly is a blessing. She's smart, well mannered and we get along very well.
I am afraid I am jealous (not of her), but of how my husband goes above and beyond for her. I have also experienced this feeling when he has gone above and beyond for his mother as well but this of course happens much more with my stepdaughter. What I mean is whatever she wants, he gets it for her. The most recent time being Christmas. His mom wanted something in particular and before that she wanted something else that was pretty pricey ($1800+) and he got both things for her on her birthday and Christmas. The same goes for his daughter. Everything she put on her Christmas list, he got for her ($1,000+). I received 3 gifts from him and two of them he got the same thing for his daughter on top of the gifts she asked for. What I asked for he did not get, but instead the singular gift I received I did not ask for and it was around $50. It's not what it is, its the non effort behind it. It was like he didn't even try. Last year my Christmas gift was furniture in the house which everyone benefitted from but that was considered my gift. We have been married for 6 months and I still have not received my wedding ring ( the ring I would like which is well within his budget as I chose a much cheaper version). He's a great provider for the household which is why I feel guilty about feeling this way. It's like because he handles majority of our household bills I shouldn't say anything because I am very grateful for that. So I am seeking advice as to why I am feeling this way if anyone has experienced and overcame it and what steps I can actively take to overcome this feeling. I feel as if when I would like to feel a little extra special and have him get excited about getting a thing or two I would enjoy thoroughly, I am asking for too much.

sunshinex's picture

You're not asking for too much, in my opinion. My husband and I spend far more on eachother at xmas than we do on SD. If he spent more on SD than he did on me, I would wonder where his priorities were at. It's not that I'm more important than SD or feel I should be treated better, but I am his wife and life partner and the one who is working hard to achieve all of our goals together so SD and any future kids we have can have a good life.

I'm not even sure how to talk to him about that. It's kind of an awkward thing to bring up because he could easily get defensive. I would sit down and have a talk about what marriage means to one another. In my opinion, two people in a marriage should prioritize each other first and foremost. If the marriage is healthy and happy, the kids definitely benefit. And yes, that means husband and wife take eachother on dates, spend money on eachother, get nice gifts for eachother, etc. more than they do for the kids.

Thinking back, I was never hurt or bothered when my dad bought my mom expensive jewelry or handbags that were worth more than anything he bought me. I knew he was her wife and I thought it was romantic. Don't get me wrong, it's not like my parents didn't spoil me, but they spoiled eachother more, and that made sense to me. I think it should work the same way in a step family.

Mominprogress's picture

Thank you for your reply. I actually have these same beliefs as I saw the same thing growing up with my mom and dad.
They slowly faded in this relationship as there were many things we went through financially. As mentioned to some of the other ladies, we became teammates trying to achieve a goal together. I was able to open up to him and share my concerns and he actually told me he understands and he will be more conscious of this. We are in a much better position today financially, however we are working towards something bigger. Because of that he felt we were on the same page still as teammates while keeping everyone else on the outside happy. I explained to him I would like this feeling occasionally and he understood. I know it will be a,work in progress for us but I have hope.

Mominprogress's picture

I actually do and can fully support myself in the lifestyle we live due to what I bring in. However, it's about the "feeling extra special" at times. Thank you for your reply.

Mominprogress's picture

Thank you for your kind words and things to consider. Yes I do adore his daughter and I spoiled her as well with gifts. I actually ended up having a talk with him and he expressed that we are currently trying to build the life that we want so he sees me at his team mate in the cockpit and keeping everyone else on the outside happy. I expressed to him every now and then I would like to feel that even though i know what we are working towards and some of the sacrifices we are making and he said he understands and he will get better at taking notice. I didn't know how to go about talking to him about it but I just built up the courage and did it. I do agree with you and believe you get the respect you demand and I feel I did establish that in the beginning but slowly became more lax about things as we both went through financial hardships in the middle of our relationship and then just started building together as a team. We're both in a much better place today with our careers but we are striving for more so while we are still in that teamwork phase, at times I just find myself wanting a little more now that things are better. It turns out talking to him.about it was actually very freeing and we are going to keep working on this issue.

MollyBrown's picture

Hey. You really should knock it off with labeling posters as unkind because they have different posting styles then you. They have been a major help to me and others in the past. Sometimes, steps need to hear words that help them think instead of platitudes.

Mominprogress's picture

Thank you for your reply. I mentioned to the nice lady above that we had actually went through financial hardships together when we both made career changes for the worse. We both picked ourselves up but during that time we turned into teammates trying to achieve a goal together and that still plays into our reality today. He explained this to me when I decided to have the courage and talk to him about this issue. Although our careers are on the rise and we're in a much better place we still have bigger goals we are looking to knock out. He expressed that he sees me as his partner in the cockpit with him because we know what we want to do long term and at the same time keeping everyone on the outside happy. I explained to him I want to experience this feeling every now and then and he noted he would be more conscience of it because ultimately he does want that.
I completely agree with the love languages as that was shared with us by our counselor. It's something we are still working on/managing.
As far as being a provider, he wants to pay everything involving our household so I let him. I still have many expenses and bills on my own and I put the rest of my income into our savings account and retirement accounts. I do know what our household budget is but I do feel because he pays majority he does try to control that area a lot in he has more say than me etc.
As far as with my stepdaughters mother; they were never married and we're together for about 2 years. My stepdaughter is 9 and they broke up when she was barely 1 years old. She's local and has shared custody but she doesn't disrupt our relationship.
I think you hit it on the head that I have looked for validation from him. I think our talk opened up a lot and it's looking promising so I'm hopeful.

AJanie's picture

I would seek counseling together so you can address this in front of a professional. It helps get a point across, especially regarding skids that our partners are often fiercely protective of.

I learned to stop expecting anything for Christmas and my birthday. I hated seeing DH scramble to make Christmas perfect for his kids and then I was an afterthought. I came to terms with that fact that he has never been a good gift giver when it comes to ME. It sucks but it is what it is. Ironically, this is the first year I made peace with the fact that I would get either something stupid or nothing at all, and for the first time he got me a bunch of decent gifts.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Making his mother and daughter a priority for gifting would make any wife wonder-- what is up with that? It is not even about the gifts at all, rather the consideration that is priceless in a wife's heart.

Dr. Phil says, "You teach people how to treat you." Lesson time....