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last priority

SugarSpice's picture

i forgot to add this at the last fathers day.

twenty something sd gushes about the close relationship she has with her father. after all he has paid for everything since she and other skids were children and bm used cs money to make a home for herself and the lover she married. (bm divorced the father when she found a lover and took all the skids.)

sd calls her father her bff and phones him nearly every day. they text constantly. she is married and has a small child. dh gives sd gifts that are far more expensive than the sds husband gives her.

the fathers day card from this so called loving daughter was far from impressive. it was a blank generic "your special day" card from a box of those cheap greeting cards. no special fathers day card. she could not be bothered.

the card arrived two days late.

and this is a person who dh loves over all else including the other children. she is the spoiled diva and this is how she repays him.

you can bet the next time she comes into town that he will be hanging all over her life a love sick sweetheart. sickening.

fairyo's picture

All my skids are like this! DH falls over and lets them walk on him and what does he get back? A few days after Father's day he had to go to OSDs to get his cards from his kids!! They couldn't even be bothered to post them. The one from OSD had her name and her photo on the front! The one from YSD said that he still hadn't bought her a pony, and the one from SS joked about what a handyman he was after he had decorated SS's flat and done countless other DIY jobs for him!
These people drive me nuts! OSD is back from her holidays (on which she invited us, so we could babysit and pay for stuff) but we refused, but DH is running around there tomorrow to get his crappy presents (if there are any) and eat take-away. I don't go anymore- thanks to the marvellous people on here I have disengaged and only see them on my terms (which means not very often).
When I first met him I couldn't stand back and let them treat him like this- now I just let him do it. He says he likes it. Fair enough, I don't and I'm out. Not my circus and all that...

SugarSpice's picture

disengagement is wonderful! the sad truth is i still have to watch as dh gets treated like a cash cow and door mat.

dh said he would ignore the cheap generic card and take the sentiments written in the blank interior.

what a coward! he could not even get angry with the cheapness and thoughtlessness.

i would also worry about dh geting so poorly treated. and now i just stand back and watch the poor long face. he was so eager to open the card but i know he was disappointed that sd could not take the time and spend the small amount of money for a special fathers day card nor get it into the post on time.

the bad part is that he is so angry inside that he takes it our on me. that is when i stick the blame where it belongs and that is squarely on the skids.

yes not our circus and i am happy for that.

fairyo's picture

They are complete gluttons for punishment. DH is off to see OSD and her brood without me tomorrow- oh the loveliness of not having to go and listen to the tripe, eat the horrible take-away and come home with a nasty taste in my mouth. She is his daughter and he's welcome to her!!
Yes, DH gets techy and bad-tempered with me but I just suck it up. Disengagement rocks!!

Dovina's picture

That's exactly it they are gluttons for punishment. SO jumps hoops for his adult kids. They call, he is there day or night. Both SS and SD took him out for fathers day. Guess who payed, ...hint it wasn't SS or SD. No gift or lousy card...but they went to a restaurant. SO said they were showing appreciation to him by going out with him on fathers day. Its not like SD and SS lack funds to take dear old dad out. It drives me nuts.

SugarSpice's picture

dh is such a sucker. the skids go on and on about how hes the greatest father in the world and get even sent a father day card greeting to him on time. its a slap in the face but he just sucks it up with a silly smile on his face.

what a sap.

SacrificialLamb's picture

Mine talk about how their daddy is the best daddy in the whole wide world, and how lucky they are to have him in their lives. They do that for one reason- make themselves look like such sweet girls to their daddy. Because if DH and I are ever on the outs, he will remember how super sweet his daughters are......but yeah for father's day one of them didn't acknowledge it at all.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Guess who contacted my DH on Father's Day? NO ONE. None one of those little arseholes could so much as TEXT him a message. They suck.

SugarSpice's picture

dh was disappointed but did not admit it to me. instead he put the card of the mantell and acted like it was the best thing any one gave him.

again what a sap.

strugglingSM's picture

It always makes me a bit creeped out when a parent and child are in a love affair relationship like this (whether it's one-sided or two-sided). BM has now started being so close to one SS that she can't bear to be away from him even for the EOWE visitation we have with him. She calls him at least twice a day when he is with us, and then texts several times a day. She doesn't contact her other child at all during that time. She wasn't like this before DH and I got married and moved into our own house, so I don't know if she's latching on to him in order to retain control or what. Before I was on the scene, she was happy to go off and leave the kids, she would even make excuses for why she had to extend their visitation with DH (her flight was canceled, she had an early morning meeting she forgot about). She also posts pics of this SS on her FB page with him slyly looking at her which she captions "10 going on 16 ". Can't wait until he's actually a teenager and he and his mom can have a full on love fest. And yes, she's married, so it's not as if she needs to be using him to fill the emotional need of having a relationship. I get along fine with my parents, but they are not my BFFs, my husband is and neither of them treats me like I'm their BFF or I'm their favorite person in the world, either.

Also, for Father's Day, last year DH's two kids gave him $20 each and then demanded he spend that money on them. This was after I asked them several times if they wanted me to take them to get him a Father's Day present (which I would have paid for, all they needed to do was pick it out). They both said no and then one of them tried to claim credit for the present I gave to DH. This year, they gave him a card that he picked out for himself and then gave to them to sign and wrote in the card (probably because he told them to) that they would mow the lawn and clean their rooms...neither happened.

SugarSpice's picture

it never fails to amaze me the extent that some men self castrate and allow themselves to be doormats.

my dh has had times where the skids ignored him for months on end and he still sent gifts.

fairyo's picture

I have crossed a bridge in my relationship. I have realised that DH loves being an idiot. Now I let him be one- everyone else in his life thinks it's ok, including himself, so who am I to get in the way?

SugarSpice's picture

i know the feeling. there is no end to the self h]humiliation dh will endure to get the attention of his children.

he spent thousands of dollars for the wedding of one of his daughters only to be mistreated by a pouty spoiled child. he made this skid into a diva and how he is paying for it. he just explained it away as pre wedding jitters. no it was a brat being a spoiled brat.