Home from College - Short Break and then the Month Long Deliverance Trip of Hell
UGH! So it is time to practice what I preach of in the Art of Disengagement. I dislike that my SKIDS come home for over a month and will do nothing but suck all the food I buy and make messes where ever they go. LAZINESS all around. Wish they had some work ethic to get a job.
They return home tonight and will be here until Monday morning. It is like nails across a chalkboard when I think of it. I will be preparing my room for the extended weekend so I can batten down the hatches and disengage. Please do not get me wrong there are a lot of things I enjoy with my SKIDS. They are good kids, it just my way of doing things and theirs are two VERY different approaches and after 8 years of marriage, my DH is NEVER going to enforce behaviors.
Last night I started the hiding of my things.
My antique quilts must go into storage for the next month. I have asked over and over for them not to use them. They are old, hand stitched by my heavenly grandmother and mom. They are irreplaceable. But, his two boys see nothing wrong in using them as floor blankets and for sleeping on the couch even thought there are throws for that. They are not important to them and it is too much work for my husband to tell them to keep their damn hands off of them. So up to my daughter's room they go. She knows how important they are to me and how one day two of them will be hers.
My travel coffee mugs will be held in exile as they will be MIA or come back missing lids.
And, most importantly, my towels. I will have a small amount of them held up in my room for my use. Nothing irritates me more than smelly towels that have been left on the floor. The smell never goes away.
These maybe small things to some people and me being picky, but there really isn't much else I am hell bent on. I learned a long time ago, I will go crazy before they will follow the simplest of directions. They have zero respect for anything that is not theirs and this behavior will never change. I have to protect the things important to me and disengage.
Praying for a great holiday, but counting the days until they are back at school. I am hoping they live in an apartment next term. YIPPEE!!
I have a list of things that
I have a list of things that have to be locked up when SS comes overnite.
The most stupid thing is paper towels. For some reason, he has to have many paper towels in the bedroom. 1 for under his drink, 1 for eating chips, 1 for eating pizza, 1 to lay there as a spare I guess. There are times when he has used up half a roll of paper towels in a 36 hour visit. So now I put my new roll up and put one that is almost used up out for him.
I put up sentimental or expensive things years ago. Here in a few months he won't be doing visitation and then I can have my crap back where I want it.
I agree with the others that
I agree with the others that your DH is the one who should entertain his kids, including grocery shopping.
Besides that, glad to see you are prepared!
OMG THANK YOU for the smelly
OMG THANK YOU for the smelly towel comment!!!! I have been trying to tell my DH this for EVER!!!
You can never get that musty smell out and it ruins anything else that is washed along with those towels as well!
He actually CLEANED the floor with towels sometimes- until I finally freaked out on him because they were smelling up all my clothes and I had to throw them out and get new ones.
There is nothing like drying off after a shower with a towel you thought was clean and when it gets to your face, it stinks!
Anyway, sorry for the towel rant, but I get you. Yep, HIDE your stuff. Some people when asked not to use something will then use it on purpose....
At this stage in our lives,
At this stage in our lives, we do not invite anyone here who will not respect our home AND our things.
We don't care who they are.
SOOOOO sorry. I completely understand putting your treasures away. Several of my family air looms "accidently" broke. 1 or 2 times, MAYBE an accident. More than that is on purpose.
I have talked to my DH
I have talked to my DH numerous times. He just doesn't want the hassle, as he knows if he says something too...they will just do it more and more. They have no respect for their own things let alone anyone else's....19 and 20. I was hoping going to college they would appreciate more the things they have, but no such dice. Counting the days til they are gone!!
CANT get that musty towel
CANT get that musty towel smell out?? ,,,,Here is something I have found.
I have heard of this vinegar thing before.
Maybe run out and buy cheep ones and put aside your good ones? Good ones for show anyway, right? LOL My kids know this. Don't think for one second that is mean. A lot of people do it.
wow, I am not the only one
:jawdrop: wow, I am not the only one that hiddes things before SD comes, including towels. So sorry to hear that others also are wasting time (from this beautiful thing we call life) thinking about and performing these hiding away activities. In my case thick and expensive towels also were lost, by my SD bringing them to BM and never taking them back. A long with so many other things, that was mine or that I paid for..

You forgot to mention, saving
You forgot to mention, saving allot of money in this month cause you are not going to buy food or snacks....
the rest is pretty normal for SM's lol....
Oh and if you buy your kids snacks, they have to hide it of course...
I think some people just
I think some people just can't smell the stench of moldy towels. For years, my MIL used to keep a mouldy dishcloth by her kitchen sink and stinky towels in the bathroom. It bowled me over when I visited but my DH said HE couldn't understand my problem.
My solution was to take a new dishcloth over each time I visited and pitch her old one out. I also used to take a hand towel if I was staying longer than a day. She used to complain that I was "weird" and a money-waster. I would just smile back and say "aw I'm disappointed you don't appreciate my little gifts". She used to pull that shit faced look and roll her eyes.
As for stinky skids, definitely keep a supply of cheapo towels and blankets for their visits. Once you get into the routine of hiding the good stuff your stress level will get better. Keep at it though and don't hesitate to mention when they smell.
I work with a woman who has really bad BO. I asked her directly if it is a medical thing, she said no, and so I told her, look I'm probably the only person here to be honest enough to say you need to do something about this. She tries to mask the smell with perfume rather than bothering to change her clothes each day. Recently I refused to sit beside her at a day long meeting, and when she asked why, I said, your BO makes me ill. Sorry. She makes more than I so it is not a matter of poverty. I have not seen her since that comment and am hoping one of our colleagues will report a change. If not, I am prepared to take the issue to HR.