I need help!
I posted this in another forum as well as I'm trying to get as much advice as I can to make the appropriate decisions. Forgive me for being long-winded but here goes nothing....
Background..... I hesitate to call myself "stepmom" as my boyfriend and I aren't married but I'll do so here in an effort to keep it simple. We've been in each others lives for 3 years and lived together for two. In the beginning, many, many issues and hurdles popped up in regards to my stepchildren, SS13 and SS22. When I say issues and hurdles I mean not following house rules and general non-compliance all the way up to the oldest SS telling his Father that I and my kids (D11 & S9) needed to go. All over asking him to help his Father take out the trash....
My response was to keep providing stability, consistency and reward positive and appropriate behavior. I just *knew* that if I didn't take it personally, stayed calm and stable that eventually everyone would come around and we would live together in harmony. Yeah, that didn't happen.
Its gotten to the point where SS's won't even interact with me if SO isn't within ear shot. Literally, they will sneak around the house to avoid me at all costs. The longest they've gone without acknowledging my presence is a full week. I've taken a huge step towards disengaging with SS13 (SS22 I have never engaged with much as he's an adult, albeit one that still lives in our home) but it seems to have the opposite effect. SS13 will use my disengagement against me to prove to his Grandpa, brother and my SO about how unfairly he's treated, etc. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? For example, over the holiday break my bio kids and I went to do something fun. Nothing major, we went to the library and a book store lol. I asked SS13 if he wanted to come and he said no. The kids and I stopped for lunch while out and I was raked over the coals for not bringing him lunch (SO was at work). My response was that I asked him to join us, he said no. It's not my duty to make sure he has a lunch. There are plenty of snacks and food for him to eat at the house. If he wanted lunch out, he should have come with us! But I treated him differently. Because you know, when I treat him the same and ask him to pick up his things or do his homework it goes over so well....
My FIL is also becoming an issue in our relationship. Last night we had a huge blow up at our house with my FIL. He's always been cranky with me (yelling, putting his finger in my face, making comments about my weight, etc). I've come to ignore it and just remove myself from whatever room he's in (because he's 84 and apparently that gives him an excuse to be snarky) but he's taken to picking on my bio-kids. Stupid, little, tiny things that he'll make snarky comments on and last night I had it. He likes to make digs about how my kids aren't considered his grandkids yet will nitpick them to death like he cares about their wellbeing. Sorry, you can't have it both ways. I asked him to stop and that set him off to say the least. He said that we've had discord between the two of us since the beginning (true, although I have no idea why. I've never had issues with the families of any of my previous relationships) and that he was done with it and if my SO wanted to stay with me, he would remove himself from our life. I responded that I didn't care what he said about me but I was not going to sit by and let him pick on my kids. I also told him that I have never spoken to him disrespectfully as he has me and that I wasn't going to allow it to happen anymore. I then asked my son to return to his bedroom and removed myself to my room. I'm proud of myself for not yelling but the tears were streaming down my face. He knows he got to me.
My SO continued to speak to his Dad about all of this and I couldn't really hear what was said. I did hear my SS13 interject himself into the conversation and he sounded practically giddy about the whole exchange. After a bit SS13 walked FIL home (yes, we live on the same street. Uprooted our lives to move close to him after my MIL died) and I'm sure they had a good time complaining about how horrible I am on the way.
After a bit my SO came in and asked me what happened. Umm, you were sitting right there.... I told him that I felt like I was living behind enemy lines and that his Dad's first response was to try to emotionally blackmail him for staying in a relationship with me. I told him that I didn't feel safe, I didn't feel secure and I wasn't going to cower and ignore when his Dad was picking on my kids. I told him that I didn't think it was appropriate for SS13 to have been allowed to be a participant in the conversation and that he sounded rather happy about the event. He responded by saying that SS13 "loves me", etc. I told him that SS13 responds much differently to me when he's in the room than he does when he's not around. I also told him that my intention of blending our families was to merge two families together, not systematically rip them apart. I told him that if this was how things were going to be handled that I would go and that I didn't really care if I didn't have the money. I told him that I've been poor most of my life and its not like I"m rolling in it now with bills and 6-7 mouths to feed every night and that I've figured it out before and I'll do it again if needed but I wasn't going to teach my children that it was okay to not value your own self worth because they didn't feel like they could afford to leave.
I said too much and we didn't talk for the rest of the night. He left this morning without saying anything. I always set the alarm for him, wake him up and then doze back off until he's out of the shower. This morning I woke him up, and he just left. Didn't say a word. Thankfully I didn't sleep worth a flip last night anyway or I would have probably overslept this morning.
Idk, I just feel horrible about the whole thing. I feel like I said more than I should have as I let my emotions get the best of me. I feel like I'm tired of scratching and clawing for my place in his family and I'm tired of being the scapegoat and the person everyone complains about. He's starting to resent me for talking to him about how his family treats me and I'm starting to resent him for not sticking up for me. FFS, I cook his Dad dinner every night and he has the nerve to come in our home and treat me and my children this way? My SO blows it off and basically thinks that I'm making mountains out of molehills. And maybe I am... I don't really know what to think anymore. Am I crazy? Is this normal and just something I should come to expect? I feel like such an idiot.... I moved my kids into this situation and trusted him. My kids adore my SO and SS's. And here I am ripping apart another family for them. What kind of mother am I?
What in the world do I do? Any advice and all perspectives are appreciated. I'm under no illusions that I have been perfect in all of this. For example, I've recently stopped asking SO to step in with SS's disrespected me opting to just ignore and let it roll off but last night it came tumbling out again. I know that's not easy for him to hear. I did text him this morning and let him know that I knew he was upset with me, I knew I had said too much, I knew he was trying his best and that I was too. He responded that he was too upset to talk about it. I've really made a mess of things....
I am so sorry you find
I am so sorry you find yourself in this situation kind lady. You should never feel badly about defending yourself and your kids, given the bs you have endured. You do not have to be insulted by anybody, regardless of the money you may have or not. Nobody has the right to put you down and then for you to not protector defend yourself. And, if anybody gets angry because you protect your own self worth and dignity, so be it. You look out --for you. You cannot live your life in continual fear of upsetting somebody who is looking to be upset.
If you are not married, you may wish to reevaluate this relationship long term. Are you happy now? Things do not improve after marriage and your BF will likely never change, that goes for that rude father of his, as well. No woman would be happy in this rude, all about them, dynamic. You asked the child to go with you and he refused. At that point he deals with his own fee fees, as well as his enmeshed and wimpy dadeee.
If you are not being treated with respect by all parties in your home, think about what your next steps might be to secure your own happiness. Do not wait on them to support you, you protect yourself now.
Apologize to him for any hurt
Apologize to him for any hurt feelings, and explain that you were at your wit's end.
Ask yourself if this relationship is worth salvaging, but note that it has suffered from the chipping away that led to the blowup. You need to repair it, then get it right.
I, for one, WILL NOT tolerate trash-talking in the house. Our SKids come over and tell us some pretty salacious things that happen at their dad's house, and I told DW I am sure they talk smack about me over there. "Oh, I'm sure they don't!" Ha, I know they do! How? Because they talk smack about them over here! Kids DO THAT. SS goes on about how his dad's so mean... he assigns chores, so that makes him mean? DW won't assign any chores AND HOLD THEM TO IT, which peeves me greatly. But I won't let on in front of the skids that their permissive-parenting mom and I disagree on things like that because I know they'd run back and go Anderson Cooper about us and paint us to be ready to go on the Jerry Springer Show.
So, your SO needs to keep in mind that GOSSIP is like a cancer to a family. It forces people to become judgmental with a skewed view, and when the gossip comes from a KID who has NO mature thoughts, you know that gossip is about as useless as an a**hole with tastebuds. Tell SO that whether you all stay together or not, he needs to shut that gossip wagon down, and PRONTO.
Thank you for the replies.
Thank you for the replies. It's funny because I've been texting my Mom all morning over this and told her that I think I'm going to move out. The SS's are with us full-time, the BM hasn't been around in years and FIL lives two houses down and thinks he has a say in what goes on in our home. I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but I'm loyal, I'm kind hearted, I've always worked and helped to provide for our family and I work my ass off to make our house a home and if I don't put a stop to this now, I may as well roll on over because there will be no recovering from it. I've been browsing CL all morning for rental properties and I'm making plans and getting my ducks in a row.
"Someone suggested you
"Someone suggested you apologize. Apologize for what?!?! It was not YOUR doing."
That was me. She admitted here that she lost her temper, and to be honest, that's how you disarm an entitled jerk: You apologize for losing your temper after the umpteenth time they did you wrong. The desire is to get his hackles down and consider his actions, rather than escalating it till the cops get s DD call.
Thank you for the kind words
Thank you for the kind words and encouragement! I feel like I've done nothing but apologize for 2 years and I'm over it. It's nice to know others have walked in and are walking out in the same shoes. Thank you!
Good deal. I'd even consider,
Good deal. I'd even consider, "I'm sorry if what I said hurt your feelings, however it was all exactly how I feel. I've thought about it all night and all day, and my feelings haven't changed. I won't continue to live this way. If you're interested in making some changes, then let's talk. If you're not, then I'm afraid we don't have much to talk about."
But ultimately, I think I'd probably just get my affairs in order and let him come home to a somber house one day, leaving a polite note on the pillow or the kitchen table.
Start getting your special keepsakes and changing your passwords - stay civil, and stash some of your cash in the event he gets suspicious and reports your ATM/credit card stolen just to box you in.
Let us know how you are
Let us know how you are doing, we are all rooting for you!
I'm verklempt at the
I'm verklempt at the encouragement, sage advice and well wishes of this community I somehow stumbled upon. Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy lives to listen to me complain and offer encouragement. I cannot tell you how much I needed to hear these things today!
I'm making a plan. I checked my credit today in case I need to rent a place and made copies of my income statements for potential landlords. Passwords are changed and I'm thinking of renting a PO box to receive mail just in case. At least until things are settled, however that works out. The good news is that I've always been self-sufficient, I have great kids and I know I'll be okay. I don't *need* him, I chose him because I love him with my whole being but not enough to sacrifice my own self-worth for him. After all, I can't love anyone more than I love myself. Thank you all again for the kind words, I truly appreciate you!
FIL is an abusive person, I
FIL is an abusive person, I can't believe you've had to put up with his garbage this long. Please, ban him from the house. No one should have to ignore that awful behavior.
DH's dad has been warned not to raise his voice in anger in my house. DH knows I can and will ban him if he disrespects our house rules.
Your home sounds extremely
Your home sounds extremely hostile. I would not be able to live in those circumstances for a week, so that you have toughed it out for however long is a miracle to me.
Your SS's, their Dad and Grandad are borderline mentally and verbally abusive to you. This is not a healthy dynamic or a healthy home.
Please evaluate why you are staying with these people. Please think about what you are teaching your own children by living like this. It is not about money: respect and good manners don't cost a penny.
I am evaluating, believe me!
I am evaluating, believe me! I've taken the last day to develop a list of hard boundaries that I need in place in order to be successful in this relationship. My SO and I haven't spoken more than 5 words to each other since this happened and that bothers me a lot. He called yesterday evening and said he was taking his dad something to eat and he would be home later. I was really hoping that he would come home after and tell me that he told his dad his behavior wasn't acceptable and he would not tolerate it but that was not the case. He didn't say anything to me at all. That speaks volumes to me but I could be reading into things.
I texted him this morning and asked him when he would have time to talk. He texted back that I had clearly already made a decision and to let him know when I was available. I told him that I was not going to accept responsibility for his dad's behavior and if he was upset over the current state of things, he needed to speak to his dad about it.
I don't know what's going to happen but I have faith that things will be okay regardless. I'm praying and hoping that we can get through this as I love him whole heartedly but I need to know I'm secure in our relationship, he needs to step back into the parenting role for his youngest son, his oldest son needs to give a timeline on when he's moving out and I do not want his dad in our home or around my children unless I am present. Those are my hard boundaries and I will not budge on them.
Edited: formatting
You've got this. You're
You've got this. You're asking for some basic minimums that all relationships must have, and if he rejects any of them, you probably need to do something else.
You are so very right, thank
You are so very right, thank you!