Narcissitic Step Daughter
My 16 year old daughter has become a narcissitic lier...(wow..that's a tough one to spell..)
While she has gone through most of her life getting her own way, as she's gotten older, she has become a manipulative liar and will stop at nothing to get her way; and while being older and having to accept more responsibilities, she absolutely refuses.
She makes excuses regarding going to school. Her MD will no longer write excuses for her so she HAS to go. From there she takes on any sort of reason NOT to be there and oftentimes her Mom has gotten called from work to go pick her up.
She has developed an attitude that she cares about nobody but herself and while hating school, she has also developed an attitude where she can't stand anybody. She's upset because her dad can't be around all the time (because he has to work out of state); and gives him a constant guilt trip. Tells him what a horrible dad he is..and thus he's given her everything she wants including a brand $450+ X-Box (which was supposed to be an early Christmas present..)..and then he turned around and bought her a brand new laptop for Christmas.
While she manipulates the heck out of him; making him feel badly for not being around more; it's really not his fault as his ex and her husband moved the family halfway across the State so that HE could find a better job. He and his wife are forever broke and count on the child support check to make up for what they needlessly spend money on like beer and cigarettes; along with their habit of constant gambling.
While I make a very long story short regarding my husband's employment..he had been employed with the railroad for over 25 years. Bad management at the railroad he was working at caused him to lose his job. A friend that he'd worked with on his previous railroad job asked him to come to Alabama where he had a very good position for him. Sometimes a person has to do what they have to do and to keep from losing all of his pension and RR retirement benefits, he had no choice but to accept the position.
I myself had to stay behind and take care of my elderly dad. We bought his home as it never would have sold otherwise with all the things that needed to be done with it such as the roof having to be replaced, etc.
To continue, his daughter and I are fairly close and have had many discussions regarding why her dad has to work so far away. With the money he makes, she gets many things that other kids her age wouldn't have, as she bleeds him dry.
In the past few years she has gone through at least 5 cell phones where the screens have gotten cracked..and Disney Daddy always bought her another one. Laptops he's bought for her have gotten trashed for one reason or another and again, Disney Daddy bought her a new one also. I'd say he's bought her at least five or more..and for Christmas, she got another new one; of which I'm guessing will last a mere month or two and that one will be trashed also.
When she wants a pizza..she gets to order a pizza. Sometimes the biggest and most expensive one they have. She orders Jimmy John's when she feels like it also..sometimes ordering two at a time for lunch the next day. She's order movie upon movie at the cost of at least $2.10 a piece. Most days she orders at least six at a time and the last time I went to our bank account, I did some numbers on the amount of money she spent in just one month...
$119.00!!! In one month!!! While she goes through tons of data ordering all of these, I wondered where in the heck she had time to watch up to six movies in one day!! She told my husband that she sneaks her cell phone into class and watches movies all day!!
Of course Disney Daddy was kind enough (or rather stupid enough) to let it slide, giving her his tablet so that it wouldn't run up our data; yet every month we get a message telling us that she's used up all our data at the cost of an extra $15 a month for every time she goes over.
Most of the time I've kept my mouth shut about this as it's between he and his daughter..knowing that it eventually would catch up to he and his ex..who also spoils her rotten. If they don't she throws temper tantrums and throws things; has threatened suicide several times if she doesn't get her way, and started cutting herself when anybody told her no.
I myself have no children of my to tell them how to parent is outside my capabilities I guess. However, I'd be treating things a whole lot differently had I had the chance. This child had needed discipline from day one; and should have been used to the word "NO" a loooonnng time ago!! Yet Daddy said she was a "sensitive child" that had to be dealt with in a certain way. While she'd go off and pout when she didn't get her own way..Daddy would go after her.
One time her and I got into a stupid argument over a card for his parent's anniversary. He told me to get a Hallmark as parent's their age always turn over the back and look (yep..they do!!), yet his daughter got upset with me because he wouldn't get one from the Dollar Store.I finally told he that she could choose one from there, yet we still had to get one from Hallmark. THEN she thought the card she chose wasn't good enough..and we had to go back to Daddy while she cried to him that I didn't think her card was good enough. Daddy gave her $10 bucks to quit crying...
Dad and Mom paid for Driver's Ed classes for her at the cost of $400 and she refused to go. Knowing that she wouldn't get her license if she didn't go..she finally decided she'd take them..which cost them another $400 bucks. She wanted to get involved in Color Guard and they thought she'd finally found something she loved as she never missed any of it. They sent her to Color Guard Camp ($800) and bought her all the gear she needed at a huge expense. She eventually tired of that too though..that along with band where she decided to play the flute. One was rented for her and after a few weeks, she decided she hated it; yet for Christmas, she decided she wanted a flute. Dad bought her one for $100, even though she had no idea how to play it and eventually she got bored with that also. On a visit to her room, I found it laying on the floor out of the protective box it came in; the pieces all dented and useless.
She not only has become a manipulative snot, but also a narcisstic (sp) individual. She lies about everything that can get her what she wants and doesn't have any feeling for anything that she does wrong.
One day we were out having lunch together and she told me that she doesn't really care about people's feelings. She didn't understand why people make such a big deal when someone dies..they're just dead. She likes to watch serial killer movies and loves to read books about serial killers and what makes them tick.
Recently she told the biggest lie of her life. Because she hates her older brother for having goals and keeping them, she's jealous of that. She hates the fact that he has a good job; a girlfriend he loves and they bought an old mobile home, fixed it up..and are now living on a permanent camp site very happily, for some reason she can't stand that. The fact that he moved out of the house and she got his old bedroom wasn't good enough for her..absolutely nothing makes her happy regardless how much her parents spoil the heck out of her.
While she's spent time in facilities for kids her age regarding mental issues; she said she actually loved it; when she actually hated it. Again, if she doesn't get her way, she'll start cutting herself again until she does. Her temper tantrums have gone from bad to worse and to the point that my husband thought that maybe she should live with him for a bit. She wanted nothing of it and called him every name in the book.
Bottom line, she's a very angry spoiled child. While I saw this coming a very long time ago, I kept my mouth shut. Spoiling a child does nothing but make them want they never hear the word "NO".
Well, because she can't stand her brother and never could, and due to her jealousy of him..when in one of her counseling sessions she said that he had made her do some horrible sexual things when they were kids. We all know this is very far from the truth as never once was she afraid of her brother in all the years I've known her. As close as her and her dad were, not once did she tell him about anything her brother did to her. These things were supposed to have happened around the time she was 9..and at that time, I never knew a happier kid. Her and I spent countless days together and were very close. Not once did she ever not tell me her secrets.
Social Services is all over it and so are the police. They are saying that girls my stepdaughter's age don't just make things up like that, yet one as narcisstic as my stepdaughter is..yes they do. I reached out to a good friend of mine who is a psychologist, and who deals with these things all the time. She told me that kids can and do make all sorts of stories up when a broken home is involved. Sometimes it doesn't even have to involve a broken home, but a jealousy issue that goes beyond that when dealing with narcissitic teens.
I hate to ask this but has anyone ever gone through anything like this? It's such a horrible situation as I know my stepson would never do such a thing. While my husband and his ex are trying to find a really good counselor for their daughter so that she doesn't continue down the same road of her narcissism before it gets's a horrible situation.
I'm hoping to get some positive advice out of this post..not those poking fingers at the situation. As I'm on the outside looking in..I can see who my stepson is..and he definitely isn't one to do such a thing. However, my stepdaughter, who I love to pieces also, is a very manipulative lier.
I couldn't agree with you
I couldn't agree with you more. While watching my husband spoil her very rotten at a young age; and while watching his ex buy all her daughters little excuses, calling her in sick to school when she faked being sick (when she was really up all night watching movies..)..
Somebody needs to get it. I got it a very long time ago when she was a kid..yet who listens to a childless stepmother, right!??
Sickens me what she's done to her brother out of selfishness. She's too stubborn to ever tell the truth which makes me wonder whatever happened to the sweet young girl I once knew.
Wow...that is rough! Sorry
Wow...that is rough! Sorry you are going through that.
It might be too late for hubs to take the reigns on this one. Should have been done a decade ago at least. But now that oolice and ss invoved they might be able to give her what she needs.stay strong bc the truth will come out and then consequences will play out!)
I am a childless stepmom and I can tell you people do listen!
My husband listened when we first started dating(he would starve himself all week then spend 300 dollars or more every paycheck on stupid stuff ss9 wanted bc ss was a suffering child.SS would ask for something every single time the car was stopped.Are we kidding.hubs was told I am not living with someone who spends like this.I will not starve myself to buy stupid stuff nor will I let a 9yo control my emotions he stopped immediately.
We actually had this
We actually had this discussion tonight after he spoke to his ex about giving their daughter everything she wanted and "mollycoddling" her every whim..
All I had to do was clear my throat and his reply was, "Yeah, I know..I need to knock it off too. I told her that she was done and there was no more spoiling going on..if she has to learn the hard way before she graduates from high school..I'm going to play hardball with her. No reason for this!!"
Yeah okay..he's upset with her now..but maybe he'll cool down enough to let the Daddy Dearest spoiling continue...or maybe not as this involves his son.
It's not a simple lie, but a huge one..and he's talked to her about coming clean. Her reply wasn't very pleasant.. and I honestly think that she's so jealous of him that her narcissistic mind wants nothing but to take him down. Her own brother.
Not a thing I can do but watch. I predicted this 5 years ago when we got married; and told him that he needs to discipline..(yet what the heck did I know about raising children when I had none of my own..). At that time he told me that I should never tell him how to raise his kids..I wasn't their mother. Rather I should be there best friend.they already had a mom.
That did more than blow my hair back when he said that..yet it kinda gave me fair warning for the jackass he would turn out to be when it came to spoiling his kids. I have no say and all I can do now is just stand back and see what happens..
Kinda like taking the bleacher seats for this while I love his kids like my's nice to have my husband lean on me for advice for once, as he knows how level headed I am.
I'm just hoping my stepson walks away from all to continue living the great life he's built for himself. So very proud of him. Always have been..what a simply amazing kid!!
Trained up means that I've
Trained up means that I've been raised to know better. Not having any children of my own doesn't mean I don't have the capacity to know how to raise a child the right way..and spoiling them isn't one of them.
Thats the second time I've
Thats the second time I've read "trained up" in one of your responses. Where does that come from? Just curious. Thanks
I think it is much easier for
I think it is much easier for kids to learn about the lying to manipulate. The internet makes all of this so available. I am not saying she is lying but the principle that kids don't lie about this stuff is not at reliable as it used to be.
My stb 18 yr old SD is also a
My stb 18 yr old SD is also a narcissistic sociopath and manipulative liar. I've been with SO for 3 yrs and that kid rubbed me the wrong way from the start. I've tried being close with both his girls and we've generally had a pretty good relationship. The 16 yr old is sweet and gives him no problems. The 18 yr old however blames her dad for everything (as does the BM). She has learned her ways from her BM - they're a lot alike. Manipulative, hustle people and use people to get what they want. If they don't get their way with SO, they threaten him or stop speaking to him SD has stopped speaking to SO for weeks & months at a time - about 4 times in the 3 yrs we've been together and it gets worse every time. She'll pretend she wants a relationship with him when she wants something (Christmas time, birthday, summer vacation). He is FINALLY seeing this for himself. He used to parent out of guilt (still does a little). I raised 3 kids myself who are all over 21 and doing something useful and productive with their lives so I think he decided to take my advice to stop rewarding bad behavior. As of today, the 18 yr old is in an adolescent psych ward for threatening to harm herself, etc. I worry about that but deep down, I don't think she really wants to kill herself. This is her 2nd stint in this place and she's currently using it as a temporary shelter until she can get out and get her own place because she doesn't want to go back to BM's house and I told him she cannot live with us. She actually turns 18 on Sun and thinks they're going to release her cause she'll legally be an adult. She doesn't know SO signed a document to keep her in longer. I can't control what BM or SO does with her, but I will not give in to her manipulations and she isn't welcomed in our home until I see REAL changes in her. You need to stand tough and let your DH know what you will not tolerate in your home. Good luck
If she truly is a narcissist,
If she truly is a narcissist, be prepared to fight fire with fire, because therapy rarely helps “cure” narcissism. This girl needs therapy, some sort of medical intervention. And if therapy is that route, be prepared. A narcissist has to want to change, but that’s rarely ever the case, because it is so self-serving.
Yep. Killjoy is a covert
Yep. Killjoy is a covert narcissist and counselling has taught her how to be a more adept manipulator.
Narcissistic behavior is
Narcissistic behavior is untreatable.
They do not do anything wrong. They cant see, don't want to see and wont see how they effect just does not matter to them.
To be honest
To be honest missjoyfulme..I'm done trying. To be even more honest..I couldn't stand to be around the entire family because this is what they created.
I was invited for Thanksgiving dinner with the family right after this happened and bowed out. There was no way I was going to pacify the fact of how angry I was with the entire situation, while pretending to split myself between her and the stepson I believed in and am so very proud of.
While his ex told my husband that she hoped I'd be their saving grace, that my stepdaughter liked me so much..and might just open up to me..there was no way I was going there!! Trust to me is everything and since my stepdaughter's lie was so great as to affect the stepson I again have so much respect for..I knew there was no way I was going to be able to look her in the eye and fake my disgust for a mere teenager that was taught not to know any better, to be honest.
Mommy Dearest plays the fool all the time, letting her get away with whatever she wants when she throws a temper tantrum. Disney Daddy isn't any better as he gives his daughter whatever she wants when she wants it. Complains when she talks to him little on the phone and only texts him when she wants something.
Doesn't anyone in the family know that they're creating a monster that won't be able to survive in life when she doesn't get her own way!?
Yet again, what the heck do I know as I have no children of my child raising skills; so my opinion means nothing.
I'm just basically a fly on the wall. My husband bought all the Christmas presents for his two kids. While I would have liked to do some Christmas shopping for the two of them, my husband told me it wasn't my job. Okaay..I'm just the stepmom..I get it. His ex will wrap them because I wasn't there when he bought them..yet will put both our names on them.
I guess that wasn't my job either.
Here's another good one:
While this whole thing was going on, since the two kids couldn't be together, his ex started taking down all the Christmas decorations and broke down and cried. His daughter called and told him how hard Mom was crying and he told her how much his ex loved both her and her brother. I asked him if he ever mentioned during this whole fiasco that I really cared about both of them also..and that I loved them like my own..
His reply:
"Why would I say that?? It would seem more than a strange conversation bringing up the fact that you love our kids like your own.."
Tried to pacify the hurt I felt and asked him if he ever brought me up to the kids, and his answer was, "Why would I? It's not like you're their Mom. Yeah.. you're my wife and you're their stepmom..but you're not their Mom."
My next reply was, "Aren't we supposed to be a, you..and the kids?" and his reply was, "Well yeah, but you're still not their're my wife and we're a family, but bringing it up to them that you love them like a Mom would..that's just weird."
I guess I'm just a piece of the woodwork to use whenever I'm needed...
Your big clue is no empathy.
Your big clue is no empathy. She’s a write off. This horse is out of the barn and there is no undoing what is done. Yeeks.
This. 16 is too old to
This. 16 is too old to retrain. Hope she launches and then protect yourselves from her. But it doesn't sound like DH is capable of setting boundaries.
You are soo correct
You are soo correct Ispofacto. That's exactly what I told my husband.."Too little too late.."
i know just the kind of
i know just the kind of person this is.
my adult sd once bullied a co worker so badly that the poor woman had to quit.
in her teens she was arrested for things like petty theft and vandalism. she was the definition of mean girl in high school. these are all part of the picture of serious disorders.
sd likes to brag about her bullying.
i know karma will catch up to her some day. i already see it happening now. her ugly nature comes out of hiding and alienates people. she lost her job permanently after having a baby and her boss told her she did not "need to come back." it was their way of firing her.
you all know what payback is.
The thing is..I can see this
The thing is..I can see this all firsthand as my first husband was a narcissist. An only child spoiled rotten by his parents.
As a grownup, he thought the world owed him something. He never took responsibility for anything he did wrong and always wanted to blame it on the fact that the world was out to get him. He had one of those personalities that could charm the heck out of anyone; yet he learned later on that batting his "pretty blues" no longer worked anymore.
While once being the nicest guy you'd ever want to meet, when he found that he could no longer get his way anymore, he became the biggest liar ever; and could look you straight in the eye and make people believe him, feel sorry for him, etc.
This I see happening with my stepdaughter. She is developing the ability to lie straight to someone's face and make them believe her. It frightens me to the point that I'm not sure how much time I want to spend with her. She'll get what she wants when she wants it and I've often come out looking like the bad guy as "Daddy" makes me the scapegoat.
I don't see a good future for her as again, I've seen firsthand how spoiling a child to pieces can turn them into a narcissistic liar that finds every way in the book to get their own way. If she ever finds someone that will put up with her spoiled brat tendencies and marry her, she'll be lucky; yet narcissists are good enough liars to hide the very big monsters inside until they have someone in their clutches. If they don't get their own way, they'll turn on you order to get what they want.
That sounds terrible, but they'll take you down to the core; making you believe that you're the bad one. Oftentimes they'll drive you to the point of insanity thinking you're the one that's nuts and not them. Every argument turns into you believing it's your fault until you're to the point of totally losing yourself in the relationship.
At the age of 16, she's much like this already. She can lie to someone's face and make them feel sorry for her...believing every word.
She finally came clean and wrote authorities a letter; telling them how she'd lied about the whole thing. My fear is that that the damage may have already been done though...
While the spoiling continues..