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Keeping the Pace

Sweetie's picture

I have been busy the past few days just trying to "maintain" things in the household. I finished off the taxes but had to keep going back to check the status of the etaxes to check for the acceptance which I completed this morning. My DH is receiving harassing emails from his ex that she hasn't received this month's suppt even though it always gets mailed regularly. We started sending her money orders because she was so nasty about saying she didn't get the checks. So, now I have to get a tracer done on the money order. The "ex" says she is going to file paperwork against my husband to have his wages garnished because she hasn't received support (this is the first time this has ever happened). It is almost $700 that is lost in the mail, not surprising that it is spinning in the postal system, considering it is tax time. Couldn't happen to a nicer person, either. Smile In all likelihood I'll have to pay her again on Friday. Anyways, she claims, if she doesn't get the money today she is going to file paperwork for support to be garnished from his wages even though it is only 2 weeks late and this is the first time but I expect she will try and file some bogus charges she is such a liar. But, the court won't let her file until he is 30 days in arrears, and I won't let that happen. So, she will be out of luck. She has done everything possible that she could to sabotage anything we could have done to salvage the relationship with my SD.
On the bright side, the weather here has been sunny and warm. We've been swimming and I've had the puppy in the wading pool. He's been playing with wild abandon and he's such a riot to watch. He soaked himself yesterday then rolled around in the grass. Completed wore himself out and when I took him up on the porch for some quiet time, he napped. The roses are already in full bloom and I am planning on purchasing some others as I enjoy them so much. I have purchased some grasses and ornamentals for the pool area, nothing very difficult to maintain. Easter was quiet here; we didn't hear from my stepson which was a disapointment to my DH. But not really a surprise to me. I think that people take care of what is important to them and it just wasn't important for him to call his Dad. I don't mean to seem harsh but maybe my outlook is changing because I am looking at some things with a different perspective.
I have an orthopedist appointment for my ankle tomorrow which is a good thing considering it is swollen up double the size of the other one. I don't know what will come of the appointment but anything has to be an improvement.
Hope that everyone has a great day.


Dawn-Moderator's picture

I can't understand why he wouldn't call his dad and wish him a happy Easter. He is old enough to know better. I think you are right though, about what is important to them.

My stepson called from biomom's cell phone on Easter to tell his dad that church(with bio) was going good. He left a message because we were at church too. You know, he didn't even say happy Easter!!! I guess he/bio just called to remind us that we didn't get to take him to church! That's what it felt like anyway. Of course he never includes me in any of his phone messages. But then, what should I expect. If he included me and his mom heard, then she may get her feelings hurt!!

I am glad you are having such nice weather!! We are having nice weather on and off. I will be glad when it is summer here!!

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow.


SMIT's picture

Wait a minute... the kid called during church? Or am I reading something incorrectly?

Dawn-Moderator's picture

We don't know if he said it wrong, if they were walking out of church, in the car or actually in church. All we know is that he used present tense in his message.


SMIT's picture

Hmmm, as much as I hope the kid wasn't on the phone during Mass, his mother sounds just screwy enough to let him call at such a WRONG time. You know, anything to make her presence known...