An update.
BM is suddenly co-operating. This is too weird. The 14 y.o. went to the emergency room the other night and they said it was strep throat. SUPPOSEDLY; BM voluntarally called CPS and they are going to look into programs for her. BM also told DH that she gave his number to one of the therapist. BM also had the 16 y.o. call ME to see if she can take SD to the next Job Corp. meeting.
On a good note. BF & I decided as a late Valentine and his early Birthday present, we are going to our favorite overnight hotel getaway. WEEEEEEEE. I CAN"T BELIEVE IT. We have not been there in 11 MONTHS. We are planning to go tomorrow afternoon into Friday. I can't wait.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well make the very best of it..
I hope you two have a great time reconnecting..
And I hope the BM stays in her mood.. Maybe she is getting some or is just deciding its time to grow up.. LOL...
Either way, take it (the new mood) and run!
Good luck.
All part of the cycle
Don't worry, Little Jo. The crazy bitch will be back soon enough. In my experience at least, moments like this should be enjoyed but never expected to continue. Just don't let your guard down.
On your good note: I'm so happy for you to have a nice little getaway! You deserve it! Have FUN!
Party time!
Enjoy it while it lasts!! HAVE A GREAT TIME ON YOUR TRIP!!!!!!!!!! Hugs to you, -G
Now, I gotta dig something out of the closet.
I swear, no shit better hit the fan. I mentioned the plan to go away to 2 of the girls when they were here. BM said something snotty to BF yesterday like "OH, So, you have plans". I got a small lecture from BF about being careful what I say.
So, now I got to dig through the closet. I haven't dressed up for my poor boy in awhile. lol
Thank you ladies. Jo
Get On Board Jo!
The Happy Plane I mean. That's what I call it when bm is acting "normal" Just make sure you always have your parachute ready with rip chord in hand because as we all know the happy plane these bm's ride could crash any day.
Until then, enjoy your trip with hubby! It's great you get some away time with him while things are going "smooth?".
Hopefully with any luck this plane ride will last long enough for your girls to get the help they need.
Have a great time! what I would give to go away with just me and my are lucky!
That or...
in my experience, BM pushes you out of it... lol.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Make a trip he will want to
return to more often.. LOL..
The only thing I do not agree with is watching what you say around her.. Seriously.. That isn't right. My husband I am pretty sure knows better now, cuz I have bitten his head off more then once for saying things like that. I am not the child and whether the ex likes it or not he has moved on..
Have a fabulous time..
have fun
hope you have a wonderful trip/ getaway we all need them sometimes enjoy yours!!!
You ladies crack me up !!!
And I know you are right. With your -- Don't worry the bitch will be back -- take it run -- The airplane. lol
And I agree with Happy. I was not pleased with the small lecture. God Forbid 'Darkness' find out her Ex Husband is having fun !!!!
Have fun!
In my experience, BM goes through cycles. For a few days she might get a hold of reality long enough to clue us in on maybe a discepline issue or whether or not SS made honor roll without it turning into an argument...but it's never long before the psycho medusa exorcist bi%$& comes back and takes over...
But good luck on your trip! Have fun and hopefully you can convince DH to go on these more often
*~So sayeth Nymh~*