We found out! It's a....b
We found out! It's a....b
...baby GIRL! (You thought I was going to say boy, didn't you? Tee hee!)
I teased my fiance about it, saying "well, you thought we were done with this one, but now we've gotta try once more for a boy!" He just gave me the "whatever you want, dear" look. Good answer!
This is his 4th girl, can you believe it? SD is going to be thrilled, she was really hoping for another sister. "Because girls are better than boys!" she says. "Plus, you already have all the clothes. Think of all the money you'll save!" So practical, she is!
I haven't called anyone yet - we were going to wait until tonight so SD can let Grammy and Pop Pop et al know. Very exciting!
- Caitlin's blog
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I love you Brat.
Oh my God. I was getting worried. So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jumping up & down. WEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Start buying stock in Tampax!!!
Oh Dear, A girl. Well what names will we be discussing????
hoor ray
I was feeling silly there, I know I won't be heading to the obg again so it was nice to live vicariously this morning! I do feel a little sorry for your fiance, thought he would have a chance to brag about the "stud" service...lol(there is always next time) but honestly, like I have said before, I love my boys but what a relief its a girl. Glad it is "after noon" now, I found a nice shot of icewine and brandy mixed just the right good flight size!
Cheers to you and yours!
a loon
YA! I was wondering earlier
YA! I was wondering earlier this morning how you were making out! Congrats!!!! Have you decided on a name yet? I can't believe how fast time is flying
We finally chose a first name for our daughter, its going to be Kiele (pronounced key-lee). Still working on a middle name. But I am glad to hear things are going well. Take care 
My sister named her daughter Kilee...
Makes me think of the Port of Kiel in Germany (where some cruiseships dock)...
Blueberry's Baby
I have to say that a girl is easier at this present time then my boy who is 8 and does not want to shower or trim his nails or any hygiene anythings.. But I think it will turn eventually. My daughter right now is a dream and she will be 11.. But I think.. in the next couple of years I will see a huge difference between the two.. Well at least you know now that you have to have one more to try for that little boy. Sorry Caitlyn but your poor husband, 4 girls in the same home on there periods.. OMG.. can you say run like hell.. LOL..
Congrat's I think its awesome.. Oh and your SD is right you can save money now on clothing to get full custody of her and pay the lawyer bill.. LOL..
Don't worry, loon - a girl is just what he wanted!
You would think that any man would want a son, someone to carry on his name or something, but I guess his comfort zone is girls since he has so much experience with them now. He was really hoping for another girl - and BETTING on it against everyone in the family (except SD) - so he's been absolutely *gloating* ever since the hamburger bun revealed itself this morning!
Skye22, that is the coolest name! Where did you find it, it's so unusual! When I was growing up, Caitlin was unheard of, so the mispronunciations abounded. I've gotten everything from CART-lin to CAT-lin to Cotillian of all things. And the spellings! I won't even go there, because we know there are infinite ways to spell Caitlin. (Of course, MY way is the RIGHT way. :P) Anyway, my point is, I've always loved unusual hard-to-spell hard-to-pronounce names. It's just fun! I loved being the only one in the whole school whereas I had 5 Jennifers in my class and 6 Jasons. So DON'T let anyone discourage you from that gorgeous name for your daughter! I love it! She will be proud!
As for names for our little one on her way, SD named her before we even conceived! She loves and I mean LOVES to play this game with me, where she plays a snooty 16-year-old teenager and I'm her bratty little 6-year-old sister. We will play-act like this for HOURS. Anyway, the "mystery baby" in the room (ie. the future 6-year-old sister who is still only 1) is the youngest sister, Alex. When we announced we were pregnant, SD exclaimed "and if the baby is a boy or a girl we can name it Alex!" We all liked it, so it stuck. We've been referring to this baby as Alex for months already!
For a boy, it would've been Alexander Mark (after his Daddy). Now that we know it's a girl, HER name is Alexandra Teresa (after her Grammy, my mother.) Although it's not unusual per se, at least it's not in the top 10. I think it ranks around 60 this year. (I looked it up! I just didn't want my kids to have to compete with several others in their class for their name! That was the one thing I insisted on!)
Thanks to you all for your well wishes! Isn't it nice to be joyful about something for a change?
so funny the name thing
It is nice that sd was in on the name,
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention...
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention a couple of other things we found out this morning. First, I no longer have placenta previa which means I won't have to have a scheduled c-section at 37 weeks, so that's excellent news. Second, they revised the due date from July 19 to July 29. Ugh, more waiting!! You know I'm no good at that!
That is my 1 year anniversary
July 29th.. Oh and my sisters b-day.. Must be a very special day...
That makes me feel better!
Thanks, happy! "Little Miss Impatience" me, I didn't like hearing they tacked on an additional 10 days to my pregnancy, so at least I know July 29th is a very special day!
Do you know what's funny? July 29th is the day I lost my virginity too! (Insert blushing smilie here) It will be 13 years ago this July.
There's just something about the 29th - my mom's and sister's birthday is June 29th. When I thought I might have to have a c-section at 37 weeks, I was hoping to choose June 29th to honor them. It would've been 37 weeks 1 day, but now I don't know how far along I'm supposed to be since they changed my due date! I was all excited that tomorrow was the official "halfway point" at 20 weeks but now I guess that's not true anymore. Oh well, I'll get over it!
Our date is
July 27th....trying to remember what happened around that time of conception. Must have been good..know a few people who have around the same due date.
Our first was 2 weeks late...so I went through a very hot summer pregnant...not fun as you know.
Congrats again
Knock it off Brat.
That baby girl is going to come when ever she wants.!!!! How does it feel knowing you CAN'T control that. Maybe she will be three weeks early, maybe she will be three weeks late.
Come on, I gotta torcher ya somehow.
Hugs. Jo
lol - I'm an impatient BRAT!
I know what you're saying is true, but I still don't like the idea of tacking on extra time to spend as a giant elephant in the heat of summer!
I already have a late August baby and I was hoping not to spend the ENTIRE summer as a mini furnace again! 
Alright, I'll give ya that
I was only over 7 months in the dead heat of August and I HATED IT.
I came home from work everyday and stripped down to panties and a wife beater.
I do not envy woman who are due in the summer. I give you credit.
Hey, if this baby has your patience level, don't worry, she will be early.
good news
to hear that everything is going well, 10 more days eh? 11 would be my birthday!!! Your stepdaughter may be disappointed though..lol no birhtday present eh? I know with my first the date was right on, the second chose to hang in for a couple extra weeks! And knowing what it is like to be fat in preggers in July...lets hope your wee one is impatient like her mom!
ps...ice wine and brandy...not a bad combo really lol to bad there was only one giggle giggle
well, happy b-day on the 30th!
I was lucky the first time - my daughter came 3 days before the due date so I never had to go through the "I have a 2 week old newborn stuck inside me" syndrom that some women go through.
Her timing was PERFECT because I taught my last class of the summer on Saturday morning from 10:00-12:00 saying "hey class, I think I'm in labor!" and then went to the hospital at 3:30 that afternoon and she was born at 8:38 that evening. I had a substitute lined up in case she was early, but I was so glad to complete all of my classes myself. I was so tickled!
good news
oops! really good there was only one lol lol lol
I really feel for you
I really feel for you caitlin. My son was due Aug 23rd but thank god he made his grand entrance on Aug 4th instead. I was miserable. At the time we didn't have a/c and our house never got below 90 degrees (and that was with 4 fans blowing and every window in the house open) I was soooooo happy that this baby was coming at the before temps got to high. She is due June 22nd but if she is anything like her older brother we will see her a little earlier.... I can only hope
Funny that what SD said
Congrats ...caitlin. We don't know yet..find out next week but that is what my SD said....we have a boy now and she said she's like a sister but to have another boy would be cheaper....they really are so cute and oh yeah so practical.
Congrats again
Congradulations - and yeah you had me fooled i did think you were going to say boy - haha
I'm sure you are soo happy -yay for you!!!
you fooled me too. Congrat's Caitlin!