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Let's have fun & plan that road trip

Little Jo's picture

Nymh's BM is on the top of the list, followed by Caitlin's. Db's 'Ms perfect'& Ms. J's. Oh yeah. - I'm Sure we can think of more. And please, let's not forget DK.

We would have to kick some kids asses. ( oh, wait that's abuse )
Steamed's, Cruella's, Sept.'s. - I'm sure we can think of more.

Let's see, I'm in NY, Anne in CT, Bio Mom in NJ, Cailtin a little south of that. We would have to get Dawn, you started this shit. Gwen, Loony, where are you.

Oh, we will need to bring Step Mom & Fearless to a strip club. Steve, we'll bring you to one, but don't get any idea's with any of us gals.

who else?

Hope everyone has a great weekend. We deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gwen's picture

I am in California -- it's a long detour given where the rest of you are but if you swing by I can bring some damn fine wine!!!!!

Little Jo's picture

Alright, Gwen bringing the 'Damb fine wine'. I don't have any baseball bats but I got one hell of a heavy golf club. I haven't had a frozen margarita in a while. Who's got a blender?

Nymh's picture

My BM is on the top of the list! I feel so loved Smile

If you all ever do get this together, PM me and I'll give you her address! When it's over with you will have to drive by my place and we'll have a party! LOL

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Cruella's picture

I will bring my dented frying pan Smile

Anne 8102's picture

Woo hoo!

~ Anne ~

Nothing can come of nothing.
(Shakespeare, King Lear)

OldTimer's picture

'cept, um... well, the strip club is part of my past... been there, done that... seen it all.

Um, you know who needs the Mob these days... we've got our own version right here. Anyone need an alibi? We've got you covered.

Okay, if I can just have someone go over and deflat the air in my SD's BM's tires right before court.......

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Candice's picture

I'm in WA, so now the Pacific NW is in!

I'll bring my old combat boots, they work good for stompin'! Anyone for some war paint? Wink

When we're all done....I'll bring some NW wines....

Little Jo's picture

OK, Step Mom, we will by pass the strip club for you.

Alright, so far we got 'damb fine wine', a dented frying pan, Steve has guns, coolers and blenders, we gotta stop by Germany, we got band-aids, needles & thread, and more booze. Combat boots and war paint.

proud mom's picture

I am in WV and we are always up for a good drunken ass kickin'. Big bertha the shot gun is always on hand (lol)and of course we have lots of booze if we can't buy it they still make it in the mountains good ol fashion moon shine.

Anne 8102's picture

Candice had a great idea! I can raid my hubby's war chest, too! He hasn't been retired long enough to have gotten rid of anything! I'm sure I have an extra set of cammies for everyone, if we really want to go in combat-mode!

~ Anne ~

Nothing can come of nothing.
(Shakespeare, King Lear)

Bonus Wife's picture

What can I bring from Manhattan or Long Island? Some tainted seafood that I catch off of Long Island Sound for Nymphs BM? (We'll keep the good fish! I can catch it but I can't cook it!)

Nymh's picture

If it's for BM it doesn't need to be cooked Wink

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Little Jo's picture

LOL. Now we got bad fish.

loonybonusmom's picture

being a canuck of course!! wait i think i can still drive across the border for now, and we cdn's are known for a few good beer etc?!!! Haven't been on tour in the states in years!!! pick up in buffalo is good for me!
Hey x1 is around that area, i could deflate some tires on my way!! Continent wide tire deflating!!

Anonymous's picture

me and Steve are walking distance away from Galleria Mall, we could meet there and then meet up with everyone else. I think I have to go with Biomom on the topic ofpeace...I am not one for fighting but I will kick ass of those who are hurting "my people" on the other hand working in nursing and being trained in first aid, cpr,med administration, emergency proceedures,psychology, etc.... I'm sure will come in handy for something so count me in....I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Lisa Dawn

Little Jo's picture

We can never lose our sence of humor or we will truly lose ourselves.

"I'll be alright in a year or two after I calm down". Detective Donahue - Soap

Little Jo's picture

You are the best.
Geez, I have to go to Edison for a family party next month. Wanna get a drink together.
If I ever hit the lottery, I'll plan our convention.

"I'll be alright in a year or two after I calm down". Detective Donahue - Soap