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The horrible third party

Callie's picture

My dh and I pretty much work together as a great team with SD11. We usually tackle issues with her together. We have definate boundries. He is the punisher and the ultimatly what he says goes, but he includes me in a way that she knows that I am included because I am also "raising her" and that I love her and want what is best for her.
BUT. . . there are times that SD11 has done something wrong and DH and I are discussing it, and I say something negative about her that all of a sudden I am no longer the concerned "other parent" I am the third party pointing fingers at her. For instance, if I were to say that I don't think that she is telling us the whole story about something, all of a sudden she is a liar and I think that she is just an awful person. It's like he forgets that I love her too and that I am assisting in raising her. I feel like if I point out any sort of negative thing about her, he thinks I am personally attacking her. So I get frustrated and back off. I tell him to handle it and stop asking me what I think about things if I am not allowed to say certain things. And, then the next time he needs me we go back to the "team parenting."

Does anybody else feel that way? Like your DH wants you to get along with SD and love her and care for her, but you can't point out anything that she may have done wrong or else you are an outsider and all of a sudden you don't care as much? Just curious to hear that I am not alone.


laughterandtears's picture

Based on some of these posts on here. I am lucky in that respect. My DH supports me 100% in dealing with the kids, now anyway. There was a time he didn't.

You made the comment "I tell him to handle it and stop asking me what I think about things if I am not allowed to say certain things. And, then the next time he needs me we go back to the "team parenting."

So why are you going back? You told him to handle it, so let him handle it. That's what I did. My DH USED to do those things as well and I got really tired of it really quick. I told him "Okay honey, seeing as how we can't see eye to eye on what is REALLY going on here, and they are YOUR children, and I certainly don't want to overstep my boundries or make you and SK feel like I don't care, I am now giving you all of the power to handle the situation as you see fit and should you find you need advice, call your mother/sister/aunt or whomever, but do not bother me. I will continue to love you and SK but that is where my line is drawn." Then I gave him a kiss and went and read a book. The hardest part isn't saying it, it's sticking to it. It was really hard for me to stand by and say nothing when I knew I could help. When he did come to me, I wou;d be "busy" and absently kiss him and say "I'm sure you're doing fine honey" It wasn't long before he wanted to talk and redefine our roles. Now it's great.